whisky tango foxtrot Profile picture
Jun 4, 2022 80 tweets 78 min read Read on X
Those BS Medical Records that Elaine said wasn't allowed in US Trial, yes they were.

Amber Heard- Erin Burin Nurse Notes
- 8/27/2014

During UK Trial= Amber denies that Erin wrote the notes correctly, blames Johnny for insecurity & jealousy

#AmberHeardIsALiar #TeamDepp ImageImageImageImage
Those BS Medical Records that Elaine said wasn't allowed in US Trial, yes they were. Amber denies they were true, denies Erin would see her outbursts

Amber Heard- Erin Burin Nurse Notes
- 8/27/2014
- 9/2/2014 - wants erin to stay
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JusticeForJohnnyDeppServed ImageImageImage
Amber Heard- Erin Burin Nurse Notes
- 8/27/2014
During UK trial denied that Erin's notes are correct.
"client expressed she has difficulty dealing with feelings of insecurities and jealously when not in the presence of her husband"

AH blames JD

#AmberHeardIsALiar #TeamDepp
Amber Heard- Erin Burin Nurse Notes
- 8/27/2014

"I did not say that...it was Johnny's insecurity & jealousy... He is extremely jealous & extremely insecure about me working & me being away while he worked. It was extremely problematic"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #TeamDepp
Amber during UK Trial :

"I expressed concerned about the travel, the distance because it was a trigger for Johnny"

Laws: "Erin, yet again has made a mistake. Which bit is wrong?"

#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Laws: "Let us go through it" [the 8/27/2014 nurse note]

Amber "He had those feelings. I had problems he had those feelings. It was extremely difficult to deal with that in the relationship I was in"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Laws "What was wrong with the note then?"

Amber "I don't think she got it wrong. I think it is about how it is read"

Laws "It was how you would like to explain it now, but you think she got it wrong?"

AH "I do not think it is wrong"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
8/27/2014: Per report from JD, Debbie, RN, Dr Kipper, client Amber has reportedly been experiencing increased anxiety & agitation recently, and has had several outbursts of anger & rage
Laws "Is her note correct that you had in fact have had several outbursts of anger and rage?" ImageImage
Amber "She would have not seen that. She was never there in person, especially at this stage which was so early on"

9/2/2014 RN note: Client requests RN to continue to stay in London as it is assisting her mood stabilization & comfort

#AmberHeardIsALiar #TeamDepp ImageImage
RN note 9/2/2014 - RN agrees to do so and reassures client that she will have access to RN as long as needed.

NOTE all the medication that Amber took:
Provigil, Latuda, Neurontin, Ambien

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #AmberIsALiar Image
Amber Heard medical records. Elaine said that AH medical records not in US trial

Erin Nurse Note: 9/22/2014
NOTE rx: Neurontin regularly, Seroquel regularly, Melatonin, Vistaril, Provigil, Ibuprofen

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JusticeServedForJohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard medical records. Elaine said that AH medical records not in US trial

Erin Nurse Note: 9/22/2014 Upon arrival, client noted to appear irritable, loud, angry. Screaming at times & appears agitated.

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Erin Nurse Note: 9/22/2014 Upon arrival, client noted to appear irritable, loud, angry. Screaming at times & appears agitated.

Amber "Should would not have seen that. She was never there in person, especially at this stage so early on"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Erin Nurse Note: 9/22/2014 Upon arrival, client noted to appear irritable, loud, angry. Screaming at times & appears agitated.

Laws "She she would not have witnesses it?"
Amber "NO"
Laws "But she could have easily said it?"
Amber "Yes"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Laws "What she used was the word "rage"?
Amber "That might have been a word I used"
Laws "Do you accept that now, reminding yourself of that. that you had a problem with your temper"
Amber "NO, not at all"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Amber Heard medical records that Elaine claims weren't in US Trial. In fact, Amber tried to keep her medical records out of US Trial


8/27/2014 Erin RN Notes
Client History

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial ImageImageImageImage
Amber Heard medical records that Elaine claims weren't in US Trial. In fact, Amber tried to keep her medical records out of US Trial


#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JusticeServedForJohnnyDepp #JohnnyDepp #TeamDepp ImageImageImageImage
Amber Heard's US Trial Motion to Compel medical records AGAIN 6/19/2020

AH statement regarding her Medical Records 6/26/2020
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp ImageImageImageImage
Amber Heard's US Trial Motion to Compel medical records AGAIN 6/19/2020

AH statement regarding her Medical Records 6/26/2020
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp Image
AH statement regarding her Medical Records 6/26/2020
74. 12/2015 Monroe Tinker/ Kipper Notes "I went there for a concussion check after the Dec 2015 incident..."
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp ImageImageImageImage
AH statement regarding her Medical Records 6/26/2020
"I can see from his note that he records my concussion from having been sustained by bumping my head from standing up"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp ImageImageImageImage
AH statement regarding her Medical Records 6/26/2020
"Monroe was not my regular nurse"

Monroe did a thorough exam of Amber Heard

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp Image
AH statement regarding her Medical Records 6/26/2020
"But I did not know Monroe at all, so I did not tell him the truth about how I was injured. I was trying to protect Johnny"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard ImageImage
Amber Heard medical record 12/17/2015

Monroe Tinker's thorough exam of AH
Skin: intact, normal color, no signs of cynanosis, mottling,
HEENT: head, eyes, ear, nose, throat: without abnormalities, without trauma


#AmberHeardlsALiar #AmberHeard ImageImageImage
Amber Heard medical record 12/17/2015

Monroe Tinker's thorough exam of AH
PERLA, TM clear x 2, no JVD
Back: No CVA tenderness NO lower back pain or tenderness

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard medical record 12/17/2015

Monroe Tinker's thorough exam of AH
Assessment/ Plan:
OTC Tylenol 650mg by mouth every 8 hours or Ibuprofen
600mg every 12 hours by mouth FOR HEADACHE
Reassurance - removal of fears/ concerns about illness

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard Erin RN Nurse Notes:
12/16/2015 via phone
12/17/2015 in person
Visible bright red blood at center of lower lip (client stated injury from JD)
AH head bruised & lost clumps of hair
->RN looked at scalp, unable to visualize client had described
#AmberHeardIsALiar ImageImage
12/16/2015 Erin RN Notes via phone call with Amber Heard
States "JD was inebriated, argument escalated JD used his forehead to hit her head
Has a headache & a bruised eye"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Amber Heard - medical records
12/16/2015 Erin Nurse notes via phone
12/17/2015 Monroe Tinker phone consult


#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
AH JD verbal argument. "JD got mad at me, threw another glass decanter at me and in the process he pulled clumps of my hair out." I got free, managed to escape, he followed me
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
caught up with me, grabbed me by the hair again, he also hit you in the back of my head, dragged my by the hair up the steps, he pulled me to the top, he shoved me a couple of times...

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...making me afraid that I would lose my balance and fall down the stairs. I had to get him to stop, I said that I thought he had broken my wrist, hoping he would calm down, but it did not work...

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...He kept hitting and shouting, he was out of control, he knocked me to the floor. Each time I stood back up and looked him in the eye, he would yell at me, and carry on
screaming at me...

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDepptrial
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...The last time I got up, he took a step back and then head butted me, hitting me right in the nose with his forehead, causing me to stagger back, stunned and feeling a searing pain...

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...with me eyes tearing up and your JD pulled clumps of my hair out, hit me in the back of my head, dragged me by the hair up the steps, shoved me, knocked me to the floor, head butted me...

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...face down into the mattress, smothering me, pulling out more hair, I felt like I suffocating, trying to scream, I could not get a sound out, panicking, it felt like I had BLACKED OUT...
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...His whole weight was on you and he put his knee on my back and his other foot on the bed frame, so that is his whole weight. At the same time, he was punching me in the head, screaming loudly in my ear how much he hated me.
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...The bed frame splintered and that is all I remember. That is how it ended." I had two black eyes, a broken nose and a broken lip, bruised ribs, bruises all over my body...
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...There were chunks of hair missing, there was pus in those wounds, in my hairline, dark red bruises specifically, like, purple/red on my temples and in my chin. The inside of my upper lip was cut...
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Amber Heard's story 12/15/2015
...I was UNCONSCIOUS. Don’t remember anything after that. And then I woke up."

Medical Notes via phone: Patient, Client reports NO LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #teamdepp ImageImage
Amber describes a horrible assault on 12/15/2015.
JD grabbed her hair and pulled her up the stairs, shoved her a couple of times, felt like he had broken her wrist, head butted her hitting her right in the nose, pulled clumps of her hair out...
#AmberHeardIsALiar Image
I had two black eyes, broken nose, broken lip, bruised ribs, bruises all over my body. There were chunks of hair missing, there was pus in those wounds, in my hairline, dark red bruises, like, purple/red at temples and chin.

AH medical record 12/17/2015
#AmberHeardIsALiar Image
Amber Heard's medical records
Erin's Nurse notes from 12/16/2015 & 12/17/2015
The only thing Erin saw was Amber's middle of her lip red with blood. No broken nose, no facial bruises, no full body bruises, no bruised ribs, no hematoma on her scalp.
#AmberHeardIsALiar ImageImage
Amber Heard medical record
Erin Nurse notes 12/19/2015
Client states she is experiencing increased anxiety and insomnia, takes Xanax and Ambien
Client continues to state her anxiety is worsened by unknown status of relationship with her husband

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard medical record
12/21/2015 Erin Nurse Notes
RN received phone call from client & husband JD. RN confused regarding what client & husband are asking, and client AH told Rn they were going to hang up. They reconciled

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Amber Heard medical records
Erin Nurse notes : March 7th, March 8th, March 9th 2015

- After & during the 3-day hostage incident where Amber was horribly physically & sexually assaulted-


#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard Image
Amber did not tell Erin (who she very much trusted) anything about being physically & sexually assaulted.

Erin Nurse notes:
3/7/2015 Client texted increasing anxiety, emotional liability, Seroquel for insomnia, client able to sleep

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Amber Heard medical records
Erin Nurse notes:
3/8/2015 RN received note from Debbie RN client returning to LA with Ben King. AH texted throughout the day expressed feelings of moderate to severe anxiety. Xanax, breathing exercises. NO mention of assaults.

Amber Heard medical records
Erin Nurse notes: 3/9/2015 AH arrived LA 3pm. Client texts & phone calls to RN expressed feeling "sad" Had 2 hour psychotherapy appt "feels more sorted out" after session.

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Amber Heard medical records
Erin Nurse notes: 3/9/2015 RN met client and her friends for dinner 6pm. Client appears in good spirits, laughing, socializing. Appetite normal. Would like to discuss recent events between her & husband with RN in private tomorrow

#AmberHeardIsALiar Image
Amber Heard medical records
3/8/2015 Dr Cowan Notes
Very difficult maintaining continuity care with Amber. Concerned she hasn't made more effort to make this happen. Have exchanged a number of texts

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Amber Heard medical records
3/8/2015 Dr Cowan Notes
They are fighting, relationship volatile & destructive to any sense of growing trust. Her coping skills seem minimal, talks about feeling lost and not knowing what to do

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Amber Heard medical records
3/8/2015 Dr Cowan Notes
Big event turned angry, trying to piece together the specifics. They are both volatile & she doesn't back down when confronted. Understand he badly hurt his hand.

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
Remember when Amber was asked if she accepts now that she has a problem with her temper?
"No, not at all"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Amber Heard medical records
Erin Nurse notes client history 8/27/2014

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial ImageImageImage
Amber Heard medical records
Erin Nurse Notes 8/27/2014
During UK Trial Amber denies ever saying these things to Erin and that Erin never took her history.

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JusticeServedForJohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial ImageImage
Erin Nurse notes 5/11/2016
Amber went to Coachella for her birthday weekend
Client admits to illicit drug use: mushrooms, MDMA simultaneously while consuming alcohol, and states she vomited & was high for at least 24 hours straight.

#AmberHeardIsALiar Image
Despite Erin's nurse notes for 5/11/2016
During the UK Trial, she denies vomiting, that her sister Whitney vomited because she was pregnant. That Sterling confused Amber & Whitney because she was pregnant
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImageImageImage
That Sterling confused Amber with vomiting, when it was Whitney because she was pregnant. That Sterling had confused the two because they were wearing similar outfits.
Coachella: Amber white dress, Whitney white top, black jacket & pants
#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Erin Nurse notes 5/11/2016
"AH states she vomited, was high for a least 24 hours straight"
Amber says Erin's note is false. "that I spent the next 24 hours in bed...And Erin is missing two words...FELT LIKE"

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
Really, do Amber Heard's medical records matter when she lies about them anyways?
Both Erin RN and Monroe RN nurse notes are incorrect because that say Amber denied losing consciousness.

#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImageImage
Amber's story of injuries 12/15/2015 that she told during the UK & US Trials contradicts both Erin RN notes & Monroe RN notes 12/16/2015 & 12/17/2015

#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard ImageImageImageImage
Amber Heard no medical records/ nurse notes for 5/21/2016 incident.
On Amber 5/30/2016 sent a text to Lisa Beane about the last time she came to the office, it was bc of her injuries, obviously she couldn't say that to Monroe

#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice Image
"If there is anyway that she can get access to that particular medical evaluation?? Even though he didn't now what caused it. She needs it to prove she had certain injuries because people are calling her me liar"
#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice ImageImage
You can always access your medical records, Amber, especially since they show you had certain injuries so that you can prove you had them.
Oh wait, Monroe didn't see any of those "injuries" during his thorough examination.
Just treatment for a headache

#AmberHeardlsALiar Image
All of the above are Amber's medical records. AH was ordered to execute a HIPPA waiver authorizing all healthcare providers to release & disclose to Depp's counsel.

#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar Image
Here are all of Amber Heard's medical records, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed
#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #AmberHeardCommittedPerjury ImageImageImageImage
Here are all of Amber Heard's medical records, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed
#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #AmberHeardCommittedPerjury ImageImageImageImage
Here are all of Amber Heard's medical records, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed
#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #AmberHeardCommittedPerjury ImageImageImageImage
Here are all of Amber Heard's medical records, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed
#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #AmberHeardCommittedPerjury Image
Here are all of Amber Heard's evidence that was allowed into the UK trial, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed

#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard
Amber Heard's evidence that was allowed into the UK trial, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed. Multimedia & audio


#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial
Amber Heard's photographic evidence that was allowed into the UK trial, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed.


#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppGotJustice
Here is the evidence analysis of Amber's photographic evidence for the UK Trial

#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard
Here is the written evidence analysis of Amber's evidence for the UK Trial

#AmberHeardlsALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard
Amber Heard most important medical record, even through Eliane says that some evidence was suppressed

#AmberHeardlsALiar #ElaineBredehoftisALiar #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #AmberHeardCommittedPerjury
#TeamDepp #JohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard Medical Records - RN Nurse Notes
Found on TikTok - Most are duplicates

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp ImageImageImageImage
Amber Heard Medical Records - RN Nurse Notes
Found on TikTok - Most are duplicates

#AmberHeardIsALiar #JohnnyDeppGotJustice #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp ImageImageImage
Updated with new RN notes 9/4/2014
Updated with new RN notes 3/10/2015

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Jul 24, 2022
I was going through my files I kept from the trial

- These don't add up -

Exh 513 face bruises 12/15/2015 - where's the split lip??
Exh 519 lip 12/15/2015 - where's the facial bruises??

#amberheardisaliar #amberisaliar #amberheard #johnnydepp #JusticeServedForJohnnyDepp ImageImage
I was going through my files I kept from the trial

- These don't add up -

Exh 515 face bruises 12/15/2015 - where's the split lip??
Exh 519 lip 12/15/2015 - where's the facial bruises??

#amberheardisaliar #amberisaliar #amberheard #johnnydepp #JusticeServedForJohnnyDepp ImageImage
I was going through my files I kept from the trial

- These don't add up -

Exh 522 face bruises 12/15/2015 lighter- where's the split lip?
Exh 519 lip 12/15/2015 - where's the facial bruises?

#amberheardisaliar #amberisaliar #amberheard #johnnydepp #JusticeServedForJohnnyDepp ImageImage
Read 10 tweets

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