SR and @AufstandLastGen occupied Hamburg Uni demanding the Uni take a position on the criminal plans of the German gov. to expand new oil & gas. Uni Hamburg sent in police on day 4 after an art action.
Over 40 officers arrived in full gear and dragged peaceful protestors out using pain holds and a special crane to lift down the 4 occupying the building roof. One police officer began crying after having seen the pain inflicted upon Melli, 26, from Letzte Generation. 2/
Interrupting normal classes + holding talks on the role of the Uni in society as a cultural and community meeting point and centre of knowledge & research, they highlighted the historically significant position Universities have taken in civil resistance against injustice. 3/
The President of the University of Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren said in a private meeting with @AufstandLastGen that it was "not the role of this University" to take a public position on protecting the basis of life, and he would not "make things political" #JustStopOil 4/
Prof. Heekeren must appeal directly to the Minister for Economy & Climate Protection @RobertHabeck, to stop the insanity of opening new fossil fuel projects in a climate crisis. This weakness by the Uni president was criticised by students, staff & scientists at the University 5/
The occupiers escalated their actions on day 4, climbing on the building roof, holding a banner exposing the weakness of the Uni president's position & producing a stunning artwork on site. Direct action works.
David, SR Rwanda: "No way we can combat this problem without basic literacy on climate science"
In a session at ACJ Institution, Muhanga City, participants learned about basic climate science, the IPCC report, the lies, the suffering and injustice of the climate emergency. 2/
Youth shared real-life stories of the effects of climate change in their communities and homes. They discussed how to spread awareness and become active in the climate rebellion. 3/
Seit dem Weltklimabericht @IPCC_CH vom 4. April wurden gut 200 Menschen wegen friedlicher Aktionen des zivilen Ungehorsams festgenommen in Deutschland, darunter auch 33 Wissenschaftler*innen aller Disziplinen.
@AufstandLastGen und SR fordern: Stoppt den fossilen Wahnsinn. 1/
Die Wissenschaft ist vollkommen klar: wir sind in einer Klima- und Ökokrise, wir müssen jetzt sofort aufhören, neue fossile Infrastruktur und Projekten zu fordern. Es kann keine neuen Investments und Ausbau von fossiler Infrastruktur geben. #letztegeneration
Kleine Erinnerung: eine Flut lässt sich nicht in Einzelhaftzellen für 5 Tage einsperren.
Mann kann keine Dürre mit hohen Geldstrafen schweigen lassen.
Es gibt keine Handschellen, die ein Feuer stoppen.
With clear intimidatory intent, @SapienzaRoma uni🇮🇹 sued 4 rebels staging a demonstration yesterday at the uni during our day of global action.Rebels were sued for "interruption of public service", which can lead to 7 years in jail and a €3000 fine #ScientistRebellion🧵1/n
The allegation is ridicolous, as there were several other access and exit routes to the building the demonstators were blocking. It clearly shows @SapienzaRoma intent to silence dissent. #ScientistRebellionStrike 2/n
About 10 participants taking films and holding banners were also sued for participation in unauthorised meeting. 3/n
Berlin, gestern Nachmittag. Wissenschaftler*innen aus der ganzen Republik haben vier Stunden lang eine Brücke am Reichstag blockiert, sich zusammengekettet + angeklebt in einer Aktion des zivilen Widerstands gegen eine Politik, die lügt und uns alle in die Klimahölle treibt.
Heute werden die Wissenschaftler*innen wieder in Aktion gehen, weil wir nicht mehr tatenlos zuschauen können, dass unsere Forschung und Warnungen in den Wind geschlagen werden - was höchstwahrscheinlich zum Untergang der menschlichen Zivilisation führen wird.
"Ich sage Ihnen, dass wir unsere Kinder in einen globalen Schulbus hineinschieben, der mit 98% Wahrscheinlichkeit tödlich verunglückt."
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber,
Gründer des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
Over 1,000 scientists in over 25 countries worldwide took disruptive, non-violent actions and engaged in civil disobedience targeting governmental, scientific and corporate institutions to highlight the urgency and injustice of the climate and ecological crisis. 1/
In Madrid, Spain, 53 of the roughly 100 scientists were arrested after throwing fake blood on the facade of the National Congress in Spain. 2/
In Copenhagen, Denmark, the street in front of the Climate Ministry was blocked by 40 people, half of them scientists, holding posters of scientific papers and reading the IPCC report. 3/