1/ Alex Jones is my ex-husband. For almost a decade, I have begged Federal & State law enforcement to investigate the white collar crime, fraud, civil rights violations & official oppression that irreparably injured my kids’ live in void, hidden divorce litigation…
2/This week I’ll be posting legal filings in fraudulent, unlawfully sealed hearings in Travis Co. D-1-15-FM-15-005030: TX Judges hid Alex Jones’ behavior from America, & I defrauded of assets I would’ve shut down, incl infowars. The Court took my kids for opposing infowars
3/Make no mistake: Alex Jones was assisted by unethical lawyers who engaged in true, evident, serious crimes, Texas judges assisted by letting him sue me endlessly, rendering true, unconstitutional, void Color of law rulings. Falsified & fabricated evidence, expert kickbacks
4/Make no Mistake: the crimes in Texas family court endorsed & committed by Alex Jones, his legal counsel and/or Texas Judges Livingston, Naranjo & Warne denied my sweet kids every normalcy & needed protection & assured this:
5/While Alex Jones hovered over my terrified child in a helicopter, I was denied a trial, had no costs and fees returned, I won a jury & was sued, lost my kids for opposing infowars
6/The lawsuits that will stop Alex Jones are the lawsuit that will bring corrupt Texas judges to Federal accountability. Help me stop them, #twitterlegal. Alex owes me years in past due child support, I am facing foreclosure & have to feed my child. My kids lives were destroyed.
*I was defrauded. Millions stolen & I had to pay millions to see my kids, was endlessly sued w out merit, citation (Due Process), & standing.. because Alex Jones defrauded the companies I tried to shut down & to assure I could not address his (& his attorneys')_ criminal FRAUD
DRAFT. Seeking Amicus Briefs and Pro Bono Help. #legaltwitter
TY for sharing my tweet, thread, & for renewed interest in the petition below.
I believe special protections for Alex Jones from criminal charges without trial necessitate Federal investigation.
Audio is separate:
Dial-in Telephone No: 832-917-1510
Conference Code: 590153
Multiple motions to dismiss separate parties. Live tweeting now stay w thread. #SandyHook
2/Alex's family attnys are around $600/hr. How many thousands of dollars are being spent today defending Motions to Dismiss?
Lawyer on-screen suggests fast-tracking Mx. to Dismiss...
"Bankruptcy for the honest but unfortunate debtor... doesn't look like an honest debtor (sic)"
3/"Unworthy, abusive purpose... one of my clients held his son with a bullet hole in his head, &Alex Jones called him a liar..." (sic).. "delaying their day in court.."(Sandy Hook Plaintiffs' counsel)
Judge Lopez offers to hear public comments via meeting link
1/No one believed my then 12 yr old daughter when she told CPS Alex’s wife had assaulted her.
Alex knew/allowed this & both have mistreated my kids horribly
Alex Jones is my ex & was verbally abusive to my daughter yesterday, his own kid. Christmas Eve. abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/a…
2/People who have followed me for a long time know that I won a jury but lost my kids in an unjust court that has refused to protect my kids according to the best interest standards.
Alex & his wife have been neglectful and abusive to my kids for years, his wife hit my child…
3/ Alex put this woman before our kids.
She testified to believing in corporal punishment when my youngest was in grade school & to drinking while pregnant.
Alex bullied my youngest about her illness & disability… made fun of a kid sick & in pain
1/Alex Jones is not a family man. He is my ex husband.
He has sued me for almost 8 yrs & defamed me to my kids to keep them from having normalcy and a mom.
He is yrs past due in medical child support, has mocked my child's disabilities.. (thread)
2/Hoping this will thread. Alex Jones has paid nannies 100s of thousand$/yr, some were employed by Infowars, endless perjury from them.
Alex is never home, denied my child prescribed medical care & bullied her. His wife is facing her 2nd DUI, BAC <.15& has assaulted my child
3/Erika Wulff Jones lied about her prostitution history on the stand, denying ownership of her SugarNights acct.
Forensic data investigators have been able to tie to her it via her ph #. Alex's nanny testified about my kids' exposure to adult materials in Alex's home, as can I.
2/Last Thursday, I moved to unseal D-1-FM-15-005030 asserting my true belief that Texas Judge Lora Livingston has assisted an Insurrectionist platform with unconstitutional secrecy & by color of law rulings that officially oppress me to protect infowars…
3/In my Motion to Unseal, I cite the injury Texas Judges Livingston & Naranjo caused America & the Sandy Hook plaintiffs by hiding material evidence relevant to their cases & the true person of Alex Jones, who had incessantly filed to suppress my free speech…
2/ Both TX Judge Guerra Gamble and CT Judge Bellis admonished Alex Jones for his repeat court order violations in the Sandy Hook cases, finding him liable due to his refusal to comply with court orders.
Judge Guerra Gamble should review my Enforcement Actions & D-1-FM-15-005030
3/Sandy Hook Judge Bellis (TX) & Judge Gamble (CT) should demand access to Travis Co. D-1-FM-005030 as should the Sandy Hook plaintiffs for the hypocrisy in pleadings (I was sued for my free speech against infowars), & the TX Rangers, .@KenPaxtonTX & .@FBI should investigate
Can the court of impose terms of service (“TOS”) on a private corporation that has its own TOS?
1)Twitter’s terms TOS do not incl the vague, unconstitutional bars on my #FreeSpeech imposed by the court.
2) Corporations’ protections seem to apply.
Another Question:
Does alerting the public that Alex Jones has unconstitutionally infringed on my #FreeSpeech by having non-considered orders entered in secrecy & under seal “embarrass” him?