One of my favorite #histmed stories is the discovery of EEG by Hans Berger in the 1920s. #NeuroTwitter
At age 19, Berger (1873-1940) fell off a horse. On the same day, his sister, miles away, sent a telegraph to ask if he was doing ok. 1/10
He was fine, but he thought he had communicated his frightened thoughts about getting hurt to his sister by telepathy. He decided to study psychiatry, to learn more about inter-brain communication. 2/10
Berger wanted to measure the "psychic energy" that, he thought, tied us all together. He wrote about the "radioactivity of the brain," he studied circulation, he measured temperature of the brain during mental exertion (in a 23 yo patient with a gunshot wound to the head) 3/10
Berger knew that Richard Caton (1842-1926) published in 1875 on electrical currents in rabbit brains that changed when you shone light into the eyes.
He was looking for something like this: a reaction of the brain to strong stimulation (like falling off a horse) 4/10
Berger built a home EEG, with needles that inserted in the periosteum😱, and used his kids, Klaus and Ilse, as test subjects (this is not recommended). Here's Ilse's EEG at rest, calculating, and answering the calculation. 5/10
The first official EEG was July 6th, 1924, during a neurosurgery on a 17 yo boy. Berger then developed non-invasive techniques. In 1929 he published "Über das Elektrenkephalogramm des Menschen," mentioning alpha and beta waves - terms we still use today. 6/10
Berger was, however, known for working in isolation, believing passionately in telepathy - and in short, being a little nutty. EEG didn't really become accepted until "Berger rhythms" were shown by other neurologists in 1934. 7/10
Was Berger a Nazi? Asperger, his relationship to the Nazi party was complicated, but assuredly collaborative. Zeidman describes this nicely here @JChildNeurol:… 8/10
The EEG is a flawed test - it measures electrical activity mostly in the superficial neurons of the cortex, and has pretty low sensitivity, as tests go. It's still one of our best tools for diagnosing and classifying epilepsies. 9/10
Can you read someone's thoughts on EEG? Patients ask this a lot! Once a Lyft driver (who had never seen an EEG), told me that I could - if I was intuitive.
The answer is no. Your thoughts are your own, unless you choose to share.
Sorry, Dr. Berger (but thanks for the EEG). 10/10
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I just saw the musical Six, which unfortunately doesn't tell you some of the really interesting stuff about the wives of Henry VIII (but I got you, fam). Here's a cool #histmed (and neuro!) thing about Catherine of Aragon, Henry's 1st wife:
Catherine married Henry's brother, Arthur in 1501 when she was 16 (betrothed when she was 3 and he was 11) and he died 5 months later.
Her parents were Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain - yes, the Columbus ones - and they hadn't paid her whole dowry yet. England wanted her dowry.
So they kept Catherine around until Henry (5 years younger) was old enough to marry her. (They made her the ambassador to Spain in 1507 - the 1st female ambassador in European history, she rocked.)
Isabelle Rapin is the perfect Luminary to discuss today, because she was born December 4🎂and was a founding member of the @ChildNeuroSoc in 1973 in #Nashville (where everyone is going for #AES2022).
Peds neurologists know why she has a pinwheel on her card - do you? 2/🪑
Born in Lausanne, Switzerland - where Augusta Déjerine-Klumpke studied - Rapin went to medical school locally. Like ADK, she worked at the Salpétrière - and like ADK, she wrote a brief autobiography (please write one, send to @JChildNeurol)… 3/🪑
Happy birthday (November 29) to the Father of Neurology, Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893)!
I wouldn't say we're best friends exactly, but yeah, we used to hang out in Paris together. 1/4
Charcot was a neurologist in Paris in the late 1800s, when neurology was developing as a field. He was the 1st chair of neurology, and was a celebrity doctor at the time (this is a poem written and published in the newspaper after his death in 1893). 2/8
He was so famous that charlatans used his name after his death to sell "Kola Nervine Tablets" made from the "wonder-working Kola nut." 3/8
Luminary #4: Dorothy Russell (1895-1983)
Hands up if you used this textbook! The 7th edition of "R&R" was published in 2007.
You may have known that this was written by eminent neuropathologist Dorothy Russell, but did you know she had epilepsy? 2/🪑
Russell was born in Australia, but after both her parents died (her mother from measles), Dorothy and her sister Petronella went to live in England with an aunt. 3/🪑
Luminary #1: Sarah McNutt (1839-1930)
In 2002, Horn and Goetz published this excellent paper on McNutt - the 1st woman elected to the American Neurological Association (@TheNewANA1) - and her work with other early female physicians, including the Blackwells.… 2/🪑
McNutt came from a long line of female midwives and healers, including Sarah Weir, who worked on Nantucket, and Rachel Hussey, who delivered 2992 children (both called physicians here, but neither MDs) 3/🪑
Edwin Smith, born in Connecticut, lived in Egypt in the late 1800s. An antiquities dealer, he bought a papyrus in 1862 that he was unable to translate.
Smith died in 1906, and his daughter donated the scroll to the New York Historical Society.
In 1920, Egyptologist Caroline Ransom Williams found it and recognized its worth. She wrote to her mentor James Henry Breasted and asked him to translate it.…
Ransom Williams felt she was too occupied with family to take it on.
“The papyrus is probably the most valuable one owned by the Society and I am ready to waive my interest in it, in the hope that it may be published sooner and better than I could do it.” [November 22, 1920]