Some things are small but they have big effect.
Small could be destructive and impactful. Songs of Solomon 2:15
God can use a small to revolutionize the whole world.
God always reward.
Small but significant negatives. 1. Compromise: to make a shameful or deceitful conceptions.
Compromises leads to wrong choices and those wrong choices have consequences.
Compromise usually follow some form of seduction.
The end product of compromise is death
The antidote of compromise is to flee.
2Chronicles 19:1-3, 20:31-37
Compromise is never a good thing; run away from it.
2. Flesh.
Matthew 16:21-23
They may appear nice according to human wisdom but is it aligned to God's will?
Whenever you take a false move, God steps aside. Genesis 21:1-12
When you take a step that is not divinely aligned, it ends in regret.
Genesis 17:17-21
When you take a false move that is not in alignment with God, it kills your genuine faith.
It may look infinitesimal now but it can have generational effect.
3. Excuses
They look small but the have significant effect. Luke 14:15-24
It is natural for man to make excuses but God does not want such. Look beyond the excuse.
No excuse is strong enough to disobey God.
1Samuel 13:1-14, 15:7-22
Always beware of the seduction o the devil. Never allow anything to make you go against the instruction of God.
We bless you Lord for sending your word through your servant @dapoojojohn. We are indeed blessed. We pray for refreshing of grace and anointing for you in Jesus name, Sir.
God is not a man that should lie. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Some things are consistent with the nature of God.
1. It's not in the nature of God to fail. Psalm 77:8
God has proven overtime that He never fail.
Rest your mind when you have promises from God, they will ALL come to pass. Isaiah 55:11
2. It's not in His nature to abandon His own. If you're on God's side, He will never abandon you. Psalm 37:17,25
God can show up in ways you don't imagine but He will never abandon you. Psalm 37:39
If the cross has no meaning to you then you don't have the faith yet.
The gospel of Christ is not outside the cross.
The cross of Christ is a place of encounter with Christ.
The cross is a place of an exchange where new life is obtained.
The cross is a place where our sin is exchanged for righteousness.
The cross is a place where we enter God.
Essence: the property, the most significant element, quality or aspect of a thing or person.
Element of Mercy.
Mercy is a reality in God given to us by the sovereignty of God. It shields us from what we truly deserve. Exodus 34:6, Lamentations 3:22
Empowerment: The process of becoming stronger and more confident, taking responsibility for your life.
Also means equipping with adequate information.
The life of a Christian is an empowered life.
The intention of God for every of His child is to know His ways and secrets.
Outcomes of an empowered life
1Peter 1:3-5, 2Peter 1:2-4
This empowered life has been given to us through Jesus.
1. The empowered life should be seen in a believer.
A life that is empowered is a life with victory and result.
The desire of an empowered life I to leave the common level to uncommon level