The success of pfp initiatives is due on factors other than art.
It's not about foxes, bears, toads, apes, cats, or other animals.
It's about serving a specific demographic, about filling a specific gap in the market, and about evoking a specific mood.
ie. #bayc attracts a hypebeast-style audience of underground hipsters. #coolcats appeals to the pure family fun crowd. #cyberkongz succeeds with token rewards crowd: bananas equal money
Start ur prject by identifying the niche u are catering to and the emotion you want ppl to hv
2.What's your mark,
#nfts are still in an evolutionary stage.
We are all looking for the niche that is most likely to be widely adopted. Art came first, followed by collectibles, gaming, etc.
What do you envision for the future of the market, and what value would you wish to bring to it?
Copying and pasting another person's work won't cut it.
Crypto and NFTs = innovation in its purest form.
3. team formation
artist/dev - random image generation artist - generation of the art
smart contract backend development front end of the dev-mint site community manager for the mint site's discord and twitter accounts
marketer, founder of collaborations, cheerleader, and wtrboy
Now keep in mind that team members can wear many hats.
An entrepreneur can be both an artist and a marketer, a developer can be full-stack, etc.
Before starting your project, ensure sure you have identified enough talent.
4. time frame
Set aside a minimum of two months to launch your idea.
obviously depends on your skill, team, and effectiveness.
Set a launch date and then allow an extra two weeks to execute everything correctly.
Check your work three times.
5. Budget
varies greatly depending on design and effort, with some developers ready to accept a larger flat charge while others prefer to take a percentage of sales, often 10ā30% or $50ā100,000.
Usually 10-50k+, depending on how certain you are in the series;
if you are unsure, a percentage is excellent; if you are positive, a flat is good.
Naturally, your cost will decrease significantly if you possess any of these abilities.
6. Marketing
Painting an exciting picture of the future is the essence of marketing.
select a marketing strategy that is effective for you.
- hype
- fomo
- scarcity
- brand collabs
- influencers
- contest
- paid
- build in public
1. Tell a gripping tale
Write your responses to the questions below on paper or write them into a word document.
What is the purpose of your NFT project?
What goal does your NFT initiative seek to achieve?
What makes you want to share it with others?
What kind of benefit will it provide to your neighbourhood?
What makes your NFT project so crucial?
2. Decide between the blockchain and the market
When it comes to NFTs, DeFi, and DAOs, the Ethereum community has been in the forefront. You therefore have choices.
The following is a list of items to watch out for while conducting your research:
i) Am I developing a business or producing art?
ii) Has this concept been used before?
iii) How are similar projects currently priced?
iv) How much did these projects cost in the beginning?
v) What was the state of the market when they minted?
vi) Are there members of the initial team who have a wide network?
vii) Influential people who were early investors in the projects?