Further tying asymptomatic transmission to monkeypox. It would be foolhardy to think this does not happen.
You might wonder why I am hammering down on this? #CoVidIsAirborne was SIGNIFICANTLY delayed due to authorities proclaiming not airborne since not asymptomatic.
Not this
At the very least, even the most stubborn Benjamin Button type of science writer would concede that we should assume asymptomatic transmission is occurring.
Especially because they report what the authorities are reporting.
And the CDC as seen in an MMWR, used the
precautionary principle to euthanize those animals who might have asymptomatically transmitted monkeypox.
I haven't found any studies actually documenting the production of aerosols during sex - would love to give a H/t and include you in the thread if you know of one.
Given that the Gesundheit 2 might be ergonomically difficult to work with during sexual activity?
#MonkeypoxIsAirborne - because NHS from the UK says its spread by coughing or sneezing. Which as we all know is accompanied by turbulent clouds of aerosols.
Which are airborne. This is for sneezing - coughing has the same basic mechanism.
As always - there are many forms of transmission with monkeypox. Though as we saw above, thanks to the WHO, actual fomite-based infection is far below .5% of cases.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome linked to poultry eggs? H5N1?!
The BBC had a good article from February 3 that talks about how these Indian states' cases are linked to campylobacter jejuni, a bacteria. It IS the most common root-cause, globally.
And IT is commonly found in poultry.
"Campylobacter jejuni infection is the common associated microorganism (25–40%), followed by cytomegalovirus (6–15%), Mycoplasma pneumoniae (3–21%), and Haemophilus influenzae (1–9%)"
BTW - Cytomegalovirus is also an airborne virus - that just happens to cause brain cancer.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae - also airborne.
And...drum roll please...Campylobacter jejuni also airborne.
Don't get me wrong - jejuni most definitely is also fecal-oral, no question.