Away from his monastery, he takes a boat and goes to the middle of the lake, closes his eyes and begins to meditate. #spiritualawakening#meditation
After a few hrs of unperturbed silence, he suddenly feels the blow of another boat hitting his. Eyes still closed, he feels his anger rising and, when he opens his eyes, he is ready to shout at the boatman who dared to disturb his meditation. #spiritualawakening#meditation
But when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was an empty boat, not tied up, floating in the middle of the lake ... #spiritualawakening#meditation
At that moment, the monk achieves self-realization, understands that anger is within him; it simply needs to hit an external object to be provoked.
You may not SEE auras - because, in reality, no one sees auras/subtle energies; they perceive them, but they don’t use their eyes. Seeing them is a result of a synaesthetic illusion... #Kundalini#Chakra
- some people perceive things visually, while others may perceive them in a tactile sense, as a scent, or a sound, etc; but don’t worry, regardless of how your brain handles the input, you can get the same information from it once you learn to interpret it. #Kundalini#Chakra
Manipulating energy will include perceiving it; it’s your first step. You may need considerable patience at first, but a few months of daily practice should at least have you able to detect peoples’ auric boundaries and the general strength of their aura. #Kundalini#Chakra
According to the tradition of the Kashmir Shaivism, Shiva established 64 systems, of philosophies, some of them monist, others dualist and few of them monist-dualist. #Spirituality#Tantra
As some of these systems were lost, Shiva asked the Sage Durvaasa to reinvigorate the knowledge. The sons of Durvaasa, born through the force of the mind were thus designed to transmit the systems as follows: #Spirituality#Tantra
Tryambaks - the monist, Amardaka - the dualist and Shrikantha - the monist-dualist. Thus, at a certain point, it is said that Tryambaks laid the foundations of the Kashmir Shaivism philosophy and practice. #Spirituality#Tantra
The Third Eye Chakra is usually represented as being linked with knowledge and perceptions? However, in Hindu mythology, Shiva’s third eye is specifically seen as a destructive force: how are these two perspectives reconciled? #Kundalini#yoga
In the myths Shiva always uses his third eye to destroy demons.
The third eye is the eye of wisdom and insight (jñānacakṣu). The demons represent specific aspects of ignorance (ajñāna) which we need to grapple with. #Kundalini#yoga
His most famous act of destruction is of Kāma-deva the God-of-Desire who had been sent to arouse him - with his 3rd eye he destroyed Kāma-deva. Later, Kāma-deva is resurrected as Ananga - the limbless one which indicates the subtle nature of desire and craving. #Kundalini#yoga
What is a spiritual practice or advice which is applicable to seekers on all levels, something which will be useful till the time one gets enlightened? #Spiritual#meditation
To my mind, there is a spiritual practice or advice which is applicable to seekers on all levels and that's Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi's teaching of Self Enquiry. #Spiritual#meditation
All levels belong to the mind only. Mind is only a bundle of thoughts (irrespective of its various levels) and the root thought is the “I" thought. #Spiritual#meditation