Yesterday the members of CUPE 1295 at Brock Univeristy held an information picket and rally for a wage increase that 1. ensures an orderly start to the academic year and 2. recognizes the value of these workers.
@Yoequality shares the full support of CUPE Ontario with members that are facing huge increases to their cost of living and wages that just aren't keeping up.
And @FredHahnCUPE tells the CUPE 1295 members that "No one wants a strike. But if there is a strike, I'll be out there with you beginning Day 1!"
@FredHahnCUPE "Custodians, trades, and maintenance workers at Brock University say there are just 9 days left to reach a new wage deal, or else their work may stop right before classes begin."
Today, CUPE education workers were offered a wage cut in the face of rapidly rising inflation.
The lowest paid workers in the school system, making under $40k/year, were only offered a 2% increase, while workers making more than $40k were offered a paltry 1.25%.
This amounts to less than $800 per year on average, when these workers are facing annual rent increases in the thousands of dollars and hundreds more per month in grocery bills.
$800 per year doesn’t even come close to meeting these increases to their cost of living.
Soaring inflation, 1-2% wage increases, and the wage restrictions in Bill 124, mean that in the midst of an unprecedented increase to the cost of living, frontline workers face a wage cut they don’t deserve. And we’re still going through severe staff shortages and burnout.
LTC residents have been left with horrifically inadequate care during the pandemic & nearly 4,000 have died. However, the problem of age discrimination in health care predates the current crisis.
Hence, we are calling for systemic change - a thread 1/13
During the pandemic, LTC residents who contracted COVID-19 were routinely denied access to hospitals, which have faced radical cuts since the 1990s
The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly reports that long-term care homes had blanket no-hospitalization policies, in contravention of residents’ rights to informed consent