#quote Salman raises his voice for freedom of expression, for humanism, and for human rights. He has been under threat for many decades by violent extremists, who want to silence his voice because they have no rational answer to these values
#quote Attacks on artists and thinkers strike at the heart of an open and democratic society and should be opposed by all people of good will, whatever their beliefs
And be sure: yes, it is a religious crime, by fanatics of islamism, it is a state crime, endorsed and commanded by the Iranian regime charliehebdo.fr/2022/08/religi…
#quote C’est un crime religieux, commis par un idolâtre enragé dont les motivations ne laissent place à aucune ambiguïté ni à aucune éventuelle « abolition du discernement », si pratique à invoquer quand on veut éviter les sujets qui heurtent les « convictions »
#quote C’est un crime d’État, ordonné par un régime totalitaire et terroriste, l’Iran, au nom d’un culte qui prétend s’imposer par la force et la peur à l’ensemble de l’humanité
But also it is a crime that many other main religions would like to be able to openly endorse. And also many intellectuals on the "west" (whatever it does mean) that are putting religions on top of #freespeech and #secular and #humanist values.
Read here for "I'm with Salman (replace with Charlie Hebdo, anything else, anyone else) but..." aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/…
#quote "We can be thankful once more for the moral clarity of Pope Francis who in the impromptu setting of a plane taking him from Sri Lanka to Manila shined some light on the darkness.
#quote Unlike those who so ardently wielded the slogan “Je Suis Charlie”, the pope understood that free speech without limits is an invitation to indulge the worst negative impulses that will then operate as viruses destroying the vital organs of the body politic
and anything deemed offensive by fundamentalists is quickly shut down theguardian.com/film/2022/jun/…. A climate of self-censorship has emerged.
#quote But Rushdie recognises that we cannot, as individuals or a society, be cowed by violent extremism or afford to place religion off limits for critical examination, literature, art or satire.
#quote Pandering to fundamentalism is not a road to an open, tolerant or peaceful society. The Islamist demands will never be satiated.
#quote As the late Christopher Hitchens, a close friend of Rushdie, said: "We cannot possibly adjust enough to please the fanatics, and it is degrading to make the attempt."
#quote The best way to show solidarity with Salman Rushdie is by making sure his voice continues to be heard, says Stephen Evans.
Terminando de ver la presentación de las primeras fotos! No se puede creer! Increíble que ese laboratorio/telescopio este en órbita en L2, haya hecho el deployment, se comunique con Tierra, y además de todo... FUNCIONA! No me alcanzan las MAYÚSCULAS!!! #JWST
La verdad, felicitaciones a todos, desde el que se ocurrió, al que convenció al congreso de pagarlo, a los obvios (científicos, ingenieros) y hasta el que servía café! Increíble team work a través de varios países, agencias!
Cuántas empresas, fábricas, procesos, software, solo se desarrollaron para que ande!
Cuán grande es el universo? Sabías que a principios del siglo XX se suponía que era alrededor de 100K años luz de largo? Y hoy? ⤵️
Hoy se estima en 13.8 mil millones de años luz de radio! Una esfera de 46B! Hemos aprendido la verdadera escala de nuestro lugar en el universo, en sólo los últimos 100 años... ⤵️
En 1917 Harlow Shapley utiliza estrellas Cefeidas como referencia y un metodo conocido como paralaje y logra medir el diametro nuestra galaxia ⤵️
In 2 days 23 hrs and less than 50 minutes #NASA will launch officially the science mission of #WEBB, next July 12th at 1430 CEST jwst.nasa.gov/content/webbLa…
Carina Nebula, The Carina Nebula is one of the largest and brightest nebulae in the sky, located approximately 7,600 light-years away in the southern constellation Carina. This is the amazing view from #Hubblehubblesite.org/contents/media…