1/ Operational situation update regarding the #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on August 23, 2022.
Last report of the day - no major changes today -
small skirmishes in the outskirts of villages.
Major Ru attacks have all failed. couple fights ongoing #UkraineMap#UkraineRussianWar
3/ reconnaissance attempt by fighting in the direction of the village of #Zaitseve, and withdrew. tried to advance in the direction of the settlements of Soledar, #Kodema, #Bakhmut, #Zaitseve and #Kurdyumivka, but was unsuccessful and retreated.
4/ so.. for the 8th year in a row... Ru succeed to break reacord in Guinness book with not achieving to conquer the village of #Mariinka#Marïnka#Марїнка
and for the record #Pisky was shelled this morning so people with map showing it all in red is false. (for now) #UkraineMap
5/ Ru apparently have consolidated their gain in some villages, in the south near #Kherson, but nothing more. i'll try to take time to explain more about all the fuzz of pro russians there.
they are going nowhere. just pushing bc of Putin will.
6/ Merci infiniment à @stefsiohan
pour sa tres tres tres juste remarque sur le fait que toute cette histoire pour dire que #Zlensky serait grandement critiqué ds son pays est FAUX et est relayé par des journaux occidentaux qui adorent faire le buzz! ou comme Ulysse baltringue G.
7/ merci aussi à irena karpa ex première secretaire de l'ambassade d'Ukr en France.
pour également préciser concrètement ce qui se passe et la vision réelle des Ukrainiens.
et hop j'observe en directe la "cascade" de Gosset.. fascinant de médiocrité et de langue de bois ce type
1/ quick & dirty : thread about what might happen tomorrow.
lots of questions in DM today so i want to answer as i can.
I'm no psychic so i can't tell exactly. i can only "guess" based on what happened already, what could happen, and the low and high probability of such matters
2/ so what we know now , from all intel services, is that Ru is preparing a huge operation (but we are not still certain the majority of it will happen only tomorrow) that is going to happen and involves tremendous bombardement from a lots of different locations / systems.
3/ what we do know is that there is enormous amount of S-300 S-400 now in Bellarus, and tochka missiles and others missiles, in order to be used for that operations.
same goes for different areas of Russia near the borders.
I've received direct infos about Belgorod where mili
1/ ah non mais ça faisait longtemps, mais je viens de retomber sur le site de ce barjo complet... c'est du lourd, il cumule littéralement TOUS les poncifs du racisme, xénophobie, fakes, transmission info directement en provenance des white supremacists US..etc etc.
florilège :
2/ @AllaPoedie je t'invite à porter plainte puisque cela caractérise vraiment une attaque diffamatoire en bon et due forme. j'invite aussi @LCI mais aussi @SNJ_nationalsnj-francetv.fr etc à porter plainte et à faire définitivement fermer le compte de cet immonde personne
3/ J'invite aussi tous mes followers à massivement aller faire des rapports à twitter @TwitterSupport@TwitterSafety pour faire fermer ce site... c'est hallucinant de voir toute les immondes saloperies que ce pauvre type relaie sur son compte.
là le racisme "ambiant" à l'aise..
1/ Operational situation update regarding the #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on August 21, 2022.
Last report of the day no major changes today but #RuOrcs have minor gains in #Kherson Oblast.
Major Ru attacks have all failed in all other directions. #UkraineMap#UkraineRussianWar
2/ With offensive actions& more troops, Ru tried to advanced in the direction of #Oleksandrivka - #Tavriyske, it did not succeed, and retreated.
There is partial success in the direction of #Vasylky - #Blahodatne - #UkraineMap
3/ Ru had offensive actions in the directions Brazhkivka - #Nova Dmytrivka, Dovhenke - #Dolyna, Sulyhivka - #Dibrivne & Petropillia - #Karnaukhivka, suffered losses & retreated.
same for Pokrovske - #Bakhmutske, Semihirya - #Zaitseve, Novoselivka - #NiuYork
& Spartak - #Opytne
1/ Operational situation update regarding the #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on August 19, 2022.
Last Gen staff report show NO changes today. #RuOrcs are exhausted right now & not gaining an inch anywhere.
Major Ru attacks have all failed everywhere #UkraineMap#UkraineRussianWar
2/ so that's it for today folks. no need of special high res high detailed topo maps. same old same old.
Just want to show you today is the one of Russia's "splendid" progress there.. 20km in 6 months. which is about 110m per day & roughly half a BTG/km for that "conquest"
1/ Oleksiy Reznikov just reported that :
"The Defense Forces of Ukraine have received qualitative new capabilities thanks to the "people's satellite"
Ukrainians again struck the world and implemented an unprecedented project.
Now GUR MO, the Armed Forces of UA & other components
2/ the Defense Forces will have at their disposal data from the ICEYE satellites grouping information using Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology.
This will help impact the enemy more effectively &expel it from our land more quickly, while preserving the lives of our people."
1/ Operational situation update regarding the #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on August 16, 2022.
Last Gen staff report show no major changes today. Ongoing Ru attacks even if majority were pushed back today.
Seems Ru still in #Bakhmut outskirt #UkraineMap#UkraineRussianWar
2/ russian occupiers used incendiary ammunition in the areas of #NovaDmytrivka and #Dibrivne settlements.
Near #Mazanivka, the enemy tried to wage an offensive battle, but was unsuccessful and retreated.
3/ there are some conflicting reports and videos right now about Ru in #Dovenkhe (fully occupied or only partially) but some hard battles are going on everywhere in this area and Russians have certainly received the order to not let down any territories acquired previously.