Al Mohler has a quote in his mind-bending anti-student-debt-forgiveness diatribe (not gonna drive clicks) which reads, “Understanding a biblical conception of justice, a debt voluntarily and justly entered into remains a debt that demands to be paid.” 1/6 #StudentDebt
My dude, that is the overwhelming majority of what Evangelicalism defines as sins - acts voluntarily and justly entered into. Penal Substitutionary Atonement (Mohler’s fave flavor, not mine) would claim that such sins can only be atoned for by Jesus’ Death. 2/6
But that is the work of grace. Jesus dies and forgives the sin of the world (and the sins of the individual) without considering the merit or worthiness of the person forgiven. It is a gift freely given. 3/6
If we were to apply his own logic and theology, then his sins should not be forgiven by God, since they were “Voluntarily and justly entered into.” 4/6
One can argue economic or legal merits of #StudentDebt forgiveness, but DO NOT try to couch your opposition in Biblical terms, where unasked-for, unmerited grace is the overwhelming narrative in both Hebrew Scriptures and Christian Testament. 5/6
Just look at the concept of Jubilee in the Hebrew Scriptures, or the parables of the Prodigal Son or the Workers in the Vineyard in the Christian Testament. All unmerited grace. There’s a reason why Mohler does not quote specific scripture in his argument. 6/6
Why my conservative friends should be alarmed about what happened in DC last night:
1. The POTUS, in a pre-planned action, had the police tear gas and clear the private property of a church 25 minutes before the declared curfew. #StJohnsChurch#Protests2020 1/10
During this clearing, several pastors who were running an aid station to extend hospitality in the name of Jesus were expelled against their will from church property. 2/10
2. Minutes after the expulsion, the POTUS arrived in front of the church. He was given a Bible, which he admitted was not his, which he raised like some sort of idol to be worshipped instead of the Word of God. He didn’t open it, or read from it, or pray. It was a prop. 3/10
The President has, over the last weekend, implied that a whistleblower should be executed, and that civil war will occur if he is impeached. This is a president who supports “Law and Order?” #impeachment
Best quote overheard today: “Republicans have been reduced to the classic ‘I’m rubber, you’re glue’ defense.” #impeachment
Point: the president and his ambassador to the EU were having a phone conversation on a private, unsecured cell phone in a restaurant loud enough that people nearby could overhear them. No one disputes this. #HighSecurity#impeachment
Also, if you’re saying, “He’s racist, but…” your privilege is showing. People of color do not have the luxury of qualifying or ignoring it. #Racism
If you see “Go back where you came from,” literally #1 on the #whitesupremacy all-time greatest hits list, and deny the blatant racism of the person who uttered it, you are truly living in a bubble of privilege and denial. #Racism
A leader encouraging a chant of “Send her back!” Towards a citizen who is a person of color at a political rally has effectively stepped over the line of #Racism to fascism.