BREAKING NEWS! #CoronaVirusUpdates We have a suspected case of Corona virus in Enugu , ESUTH parklane , #COVIDー19#COVID19Nigeria in a 70yr old woman , who presented with clinical features of #COVIDー19 , she travelled to UK 5mintjs ago, recently returned to Nigeria on 11th,
March 2020, presented first to UNTH Enugu, where frat clinical suspicion was raised, perhaps the A/E was said to be in disarray and rejected the patient immediately, locking down A/E , and health workers running for safety since no safety gear in the teaching hospital.
Patient, however left for ESUTH parklane , where medical team on call and infectious diseases reviewed, her, in suspicion of #COVIDー19 she was quickly transfered to colliery hospital GRA for quarantine. Samples have been sent to IRUA specialist hospital EDO State For confirmatio