1 Extreme rain cause devastating flood disaster and humanitarian catastrophe in Pakistan. A Thread
2 A screen shot of satellite image of the rain bearing clouds of 26th August Thank you @BinodClimate and that of the landscape below are extremely disturbing and heartbreaking thinking of the death, Losses and Damages, and the humanitarian crises.
3 Already 1200 people dead. - 30M people affected. - 10M people homeless. - 800K livestock deaths. - 1M houses washed away. - 40+ small dams breached. - 200+ bridges collapsed (PDMA/NDMA) @SouthAsiaIndex
4 Rains showed 784% increase amplified by #climatechange & need for better attribution science @FrediOtto linking extreme events to climate change already a lived reality in countries of South Asia including #Nepal#HinduKushHimalayas.
6 Urban/infrastructure & H20 development in HKH countries neglect hydrological science & vulnerability. Only reductionist engineering pursued in myth of total controlling floods than focusing unrestricted flood path and #adjustment with nature’s rhythm. @third_pole@anilpokhrel
7 Extreme events now a normal require societies/govs/universities/think tanks/aid agencies to also recalibrate water engineering practices as adaptation challenges takes us head on to changed world of #water & #hydrological cycle. Past records no longer help assess the future.
8 This catastrophe & #heat problem (impact on water, food, health) in South Asia this summer must be a clarion call for South Asians & others to collectively revisit path to water use, management & development. BAU will make future worse & more humanitarian catastrophe likely.