1/🧵 Hello @KasariGovender? How is this just or equitable? This is the diabolical result of “personal choice” AKA “focused protection.” @CDCofBC: “People w/certain health conditions may choose to isolate completely during pandemic - a practice called protective self-separation.”
2/ con’t “This is personal choice... Staying home & not seeing people can make you feel lonely & isolated. You’ll need to consider your mental & emotional health if you decide to practice protective self-separation & think about ways to stay connected…”bccdc.ca/health-info/di…
3/ So basically, according to @CDCofBC if you have health conditions, you better steer clear of Covid b/c even your gov’t confirms that you’re at risk for severe outcome. But you’re completely on your own while majority of BC public will be living it up like it’s 2019! #bcpoli
4/ Oh,but @CDCofBC also says: “continue to get regular medical care for all your health conditions during the pandemic.” And suggests driving w/windows open, wearing mask, maintaining 2 metre distance. But all bets are off at doctors office or at the hospital aren’t they? #bcpoli
5/ Also, this is rich..@CDCofBC acknowledges “systemic inequities” but offers no solution. From same pg above: “Some factors you don’t have control over b/c they are caused by systemic inequities can also impact your likelihood of getting a more severe case of COVID-19.” Con’t…
6/ “These factors incl living w/poverty, poor housing conditions, being part of certain ethnic or racialized group & lack of access to medical care.”
Wow, that last one describes huge % of BC now, doesn’t it? But…hey “personal choice” AKA you’re on your own. Good luck! #bcpoli
8/ In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m correcting my #5 post re: “no solutions.” As it turns out there is @CDCofBC preventative guidance for those unsheltered. Like hand-washing, no face-touching or hugging & instructions re: how to create make-shift hand washing station…con’t
9/ And from this same page, for those unsheltered who become symptomatic/exposed, @CDCofBC advises that you “try to self-isolate,” “call 811” (or ask outreach/shelter for help) & “maintain distance from others”: bccdc.ca/health-info/di…...
10/ And as per above, the @CDCofBC advice for those “using” but have no way to self-isolate or anywhere safe to go: “Buddy up” & “COVID-19 is passed by droplets” so “stay 2m from your buddy to avoid passing the virus.”Honesty, this is all both heartless & non-sensical. #bcpoli
11/ But here’s more heartless (& heartbreaking) @CDCofBC advice for those unsheltered w/underlying conditions, a population so incredibly vulnerable: “take same measures as you do to avoid other viruses”, wash hands, no face touching & try to keep 2wk medicine supply... #bcpoli
12/ & this is precursor @CDCofBC stmt for guidance above that reveals that BC HC is NOT Covid safe!: “If you have underlying…issues such as TB, Hepatitis, HIV or diabetes or immune-compromised & you’re concerned about exposure to COVID-19 at clinics, hosp or shelters…”#bcpoli
13/ @KasariGovender re:@CDCofBC: People w/disabilities are “top priority in Covid-19 pandemic” & “must always be treated ethically, fairly & respectfully.” Yet, they’re high risk like those given inhumane *choice* to practice “protective self-separation” bccdc.ca/health-info/di…
14/ @CDCofBC: “People w/disabilities will not be discriminated against in provision of med care & decisions will be made according to COVID-19 ethical framework.” Oh, yeah @adriandix, remember framework you created “to ensure everyone is treated fairly?” bccdc.ca/Health-Profess…
15/ Esp this section: “Public health measures should not place unfair burdens on particular individuals &/or segments of the population & should not perpetuate systemic or structural inequities” & should attempt to improve inequities.” #bcpoli
16/ & this: “Individuals or populations who face ⬆️risk &/or disproportionate burdens during pandemic s/b supported & harms, risks as well as burdens should be minimized as far as possible.” @KasariGovender this sounds like echo of your words, doesn’t it?: bchumanrights.ca/wp-content/upl…
17/ Ethics are being trampled on by those tasked w/upholding them. Guidelines are created & ignored. Underfoot are all those identified by @CDCofBC as “priority population groups.” Their *choice* now? Withdraw from society or risk serious illness/death. It’s deplorable. #bcpoli
In Aug 2022, BC’s Provincial Infection Control Network updated its document titled: “C19: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol Transmission in Health-Care Settings.”
Then a year later, in Sept 2023, it was archived for “historical reference only.”
Let’s take a look, shall we?
First, these were the three specific topics that were last updated:
“Transmission risk from direct & indirect contact”
“Risk factors associated with increased risk of aerosol transmission w/possible longer distance spread”
“Aligned info on additional considerations for respirators with the updated *Point of Care Risk Assessment* tool.”
Yes, apparently there were more instances other than just *Aerosol Generating Medical Procedures* where HCWs were *allowed* to wear a respirator.
Back in April 2022- right after masks were lifted in schools!- the Fed health minister announced that the CIHR was investing 6.7 mil into a Cda-wide research platform to better understand C19’s impact on children & young people.
Hmm, I wonder what they’ve learned, don’t you?
Btw, the platform is called POPCORN, which stands for “Paediatric Outcomes Improvement through Coordination of Research Networks.” And studies are taking place across 16 Cdn research sites.
Okay, now let’s take a peek at some of this behind the scenes research that was -and still is - taking place during our non-existent PH safety measures & while our children continue to be at risk of life altering & debilitating effects from compounding C19 infections.
In my quest to continue to dig into what was known, I’ve learned that at least as far back as March 2021, Canada’s health leaders & FL providers, knew all about C19’s serious cardiac implications in kids, whether there were underlying conditions or not. #LongCovidKids
As per this from a TREKK (Translating Emergency Knowledge in Kids) fact sheet to emergency dept HC providers: “Cardiac presentations are not frequent but have included heart failure, pericarditis, arrhythmias, hypotension/shock, chest pain, palpitations, syncope and fatigue."
“Infants & children w/pre-existing heart disease may have lower reserve & be more susceptible to cardiac injury, however, healthy children may also develop cardiac complications. These may occur on their own, as part of MIS-C, or in a severe respiratory presentation.”
A summary of early McKinsey article on C19 in kids/schools & their influence since pandemic outset.
Remember: gov’ts & public health in Cda & beyond were all too willing to oblige as evidenced by what was done (keep kids in unsafe schools) & wasn’t done (protect them!)
A 🧵…
April 2020 article titled “How to safely reopen schools after C19 closures,” McKinsey lights match for gaslighting to come, by stating: “schools provide not just learning & social support for students but also, crucially, childcare, w/o which many parents cannot return to work.”
Then they create these seemingly equally imp goals: “As school-system leaders weigh possible timelines, they can consider 4 interlocking components of reopening: risks to PH, schools’ imp to economic activity, impacts on students’ learning & thriving & safeguarding readiness.”
The long-term consequences of this never-ending pandemic are forever altering lives.
Case in point: A typical bad day for me now is exponentially worse than any pre-pandemic bad day. Here’s my new “bad day” normal…
🧵 1/
Two weeks ago, I was 2 days into an out of town visit helping care for my Mom. Since her cognitive issues are consistent w/frontal temporal dementia, she has lost all decision making capability, is prone to frequent inappropriate behaviour & inconsolable outbursts. 2/
On this day, like every other day, my #1 mission was to try to get her more comfortable since her clothes were soiled - as they often are - because she cannot understand when to use the bathroom by herself anymore. But she gets very agitated & upset when you try to help. 3/