"The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you get one more yard"
The Espionage Act investigation into the former traitor-in-chief brings worse news for him and co each day now.
We are having to WAIT for justice, and even for basic national security.
We? Yes we. I'm a New Zealander and like people in every other country outside the US, I can see that these crimes led to a clear (and possibly imminent) threat to national security everywhere.
No one knows how much damage has already been done. We may never know.
This discussion on the day's events is pretty informative and accessible:
The four panelists are among the best of the best.
Watching the prelude to 1/6 then the day and the pathetic cowardly behavior since was bad enough. But all this time later, republicans are STILL trying to mislead the public, and directly threaten everyone with more violence, including LEOs... it's just... I have no words rn.
There's 44 million Ukrainians waiting to see the US midterm election results, to know whether or not the most powerful country in the world is going to keep the military supply lines open so they can defend their country against genocide.
Brainwashed maga voters don't care.
I am sure the DOJ will indict the Dear Leader of the brainwashed millions, for the egregious crimes he has openly committed. The conduct of him and his largely strip-mall level lawyers only worsens his legal jeopardy.
It's the waiting, that I struggle with.
Sane adults everywhere are trying to keep the world going, solving massive problems like the impacts of the pandemic, and skilled labor shortages (incl. healthcare professionals), while our American counterparts are having to deal with 1850s behavior from a major political party.
As we approach the annual solemn anniversary of #NeverForget911, each time I see that footage of the twin towers I am reminded that #ChildrenOfTheSameFoulSpirit are ready to do that level of harm inside the US, and it reminds me of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995...
... which is the closest example we have (for now) in teaching people what American right wing domestic terrorists are willing and able to do to their own country.
The FBI are 30,000 heroes. Among the best law enforcement professionals in the world.
Last night I read up on the life of former Senator Strom Thurmond. Because @Lawrence O'Donnell mentioned that Lindsey Graham replaced him as a Senator from SC.
O'Donnell was right: Even Strom Thurmond would never have threatened "riots in the streets" like Graham did.
And Lindsay Graham was a lawyer! In the USAF.
There's no way he didn't understand what he was saying.
I guarantee he would be re-elected from SC despite this. One of the most white supremacist voting blocs in the country.
Folks, it's around 10 weeks until the 2022 midterms.
Every vote counts. Electing Democrats is necessary but not sufficient.
Everyone can help... please do your best to get out the vote, it will literally save lives. Thank you.
RIP, Mikhail Gorbachev. I don't give him unmitigated praise, because he tried to keep Chernobyl secret, and it was only reported after nearby free countries in the West detected radiation in their own airspace.
Gorbachev failed to assist the USSR safely and constructively through the 1990s and by the end of the decade, president-for-life and right wing fascist dictator Putin was in power.
Countries like Ukraine and Georgia have suffered the most, and still do.
Neither Gorbachev nor Reagan can rightly claim credit for ending the Cold War.
That belongs to every man and woman in the West and the East who, through millions of small scale actions, turned the tide of history for as many people as possible.
Thread: The potential culpability of the intel officers who allowed 45 to retain certain documents, and never followed up.
Make no mistake: 45 himself bears ultimate responsibility. But, most of us were relying on the officers to act as a kind of brake.
🤔Why didn't they?
So far, the public commentary that I've read about this part of the crime kinda suggests they got tired of pushing back.
That is NOT ever an adequate defense for something so serious. No matter how hard it is to do in practice.
While not an intel officer, I have worked in the (New Zealand) government, with a level of security clearance enabling me to use pretty sensitive info. We're not even sworn to protect it here, but I treated it that seriously anyway.
Val Demings for Florida encapsulates the future of American politics if voters will continue in the growing pro-democracy trend.
Not just female, and black, she's also a former Police Chief. And, I love her humility about her primary win.
I particularly enjoy seeing people of color and/or women taking the fight directly to the door of republicans at this time. Because Rs have done so much to attack these groups, and also LGTQ+ people, immigrants, disabled people, and anyone without certain kinds of privilege.
Republican talking points rely on what is usually a false claim that a WOC like Val Demings got to where she is without merit. They claim that gender or race had an outsized influence. When you learn about a Democratic candidate's record you soon see the republican dishonesty.
A tiny UK right wing podcast interviewed self-appointed "public intellectual" Sam Harris and maga completely misunderstood his comments and are unknowingly promoting the evidence of their childlike misunderstanding.
Their downfall so often is that they don't understand the meaning of words like "conspiracy" and they don't stop to consider which of several word meanings is being used.
The word itself triggers them.😆
When Sam Harris said there was a "conspiracy" to deny T**** a second term he meant (obviously, to me) that the Democratic party and people like #RepublicansForBiden and #IndiesForBiden *openly* conspired/collaborated with each other to lawfully achieve their goal. That's all.
There's no doubt in my mind that he would be clinically diagnosable as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and more.
Having been burned by an NPD years ago, I studied all I could about the disorder, to further protect myself and to assist others targeted by them.
NPDs live in the moment. They are willing to say anything, to achieve their aim of gaining fuel, gaining and keeping control, & terrorizing those around them into compliance and silence.
This is why they often say things that end up creating massive problems for them later on.
This short video is required viewing for anyone who wants to understand what the search at Mar-a-Lago means in the *real* world of espionage and national security.
And as for the storage room being next to the pool, I get it. When I first heard about the basement search, I thought of the fact the complex is at sea level (on a very narrow isthmus) in a Cat 5 hurricane zone. It could easily be flooded, with TS/SCI docs floating around.
There's two aspects to this. Criminal negligence in allowing SCI documents to be vulnerable to (additional) theft. Criminal intent in having them available for sale to our enemies. Transactions can be cash and/or in-kind. He already sold 39 M innocent Afghanis to the Taliban...