2/Here are 3 lesions, all round and bright and in the region of the foramen of Monro. Can you tell from the images which is a colloid cyst and which may be something else? Choose which one or ones you think are a colloid cyst
Choose which one you think is a colloid cyst
4/In this case it was A. B was a tortuous basilar and C was a cavernoma of the chiasm/hypothalamus that had bled and projected into the third ventricle.
5/Many lesions may mimic a colloid cyst at the foramen of Monro. Below is a list, but it is by no means exhaustive. So with so many mimickers, how can you know when to call a colloid cyst?
6/They say location is everything--especially in colloid cysts. 99% of them are located at the foramen of Monro, so if it isn't at the foramen, be suspicious that it isn't a colloid cyst
7/Another feature that makes it special is actually how few special features it has! It should be very featureless. Many imaging findings we use to characterize lesions (enhancement, calcification, diffusion restriction), should all be absent in a colloid cyst
8/I remember this bc colloid cysts are kind of cousins to other midline congenital cysts (Rathke's cyst & Thornwaldt cyst) & they behave similarly. So if there's a feature that would be weird in a Rathke's or Thornwald cyst (calcs, enhancement), it's weird for a colloid cyst
9/But recognizing a colloid cyst isn't enough. There are important things to mention in your report. You should mention anatomic variants of the septum & fornix that could affect the surgical approach. Also mention low T2 signal, as these cysts can be more difficult to resect
10/Another important issue is where along the 3rd ventricle the cyst extends. Zone 1 is anterior to the mass intermedia, Zone 2 is behind Zone 1 but anterior to the aqueduct, and Zone 3 is behind Zone 2. Zones 1 & 3 are higher risk
11/I hate it when classifications don't go in order. I want Zone 1 to be lowest risk and Zone 3 highest. I hate it when there is a sine wave of risk in the classification
12/But you can remember this by remembering that there are openings at the anterior & posterior 3rd ventricle. So anteriorly you are at risk of obstructing the foramen & posteriorly the aqueduct. Zone 2 is just the zone sandwiched between to the two openings, so it is low risk.
13/So remember, there are mimics of colloid cysts all around. So look at the imaging findings, instead of listening to the siren song!
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3/At its most basic, you can think of the PPF as a room with 4 doors opening to each of these regions: one posteriorly to the skullbase, one medially to the nasal cavity, one laterally to the infratemporal fossa, and one anteriorly to the orbit
1/My hardest thread yet! Are you up for the challenge?
How stroke perfusion imaging works!
Ever wonder why it’s Tmax & not Tmin?
Do you not question & let RAPID read the perfusion for you? Not anymore!
2/Perfusion imaging is based on one principle: When you inject CT or MR intravenous contrast, the contrast flows w/blood & so contrast can be a surrogate marker for blood.
This is key, b/c we can track contrast—it changes CT density or MR signal so we can see where it goes.
3/So if we can track how contrast gets to the tissue (by changes in CT density or MR signal), then we can approximate how BLOOD is getting to the tissue.
And how much blood is getting to the tissue is what perfusion imaging is all about.
1/”That’s a ninja turtle looking at me!” I exclaimed. My fellow rolled his eyes at me, “Why do I feel I’m going to see this a thread on this soon…”
He was right! A thread about one of my favorite imaging findings & pathology behind it
2/Now the ninja turtle isn’t an actual sign—yet!
But I am hoping to make it go viral as one. To understand what this ninja turtle is, you have to know the anatomy.
I have always thought the medulla looks like a 3 leaf clover in this region.
The most medial bump of the clover is the medullary pyramid (motor fibers).
Next to it is the inferior olivary nucleus (ION), & finally, the last largest leaf is the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Now you can see that the ninja turtle eyes correspond to the ION.
3/But why are IONs large & bright in our ninja turtle?
This is hypertrophic olivary degeneration.
It is how ION degenerates when input to it is disrupted. Input to ION comes from a circuit called the triangle of Guillain & Mollaret—which sounds like a fine French wine label!