Skateboarding has always brought me the most Pain in life, I thrive off that pain of constantly failing/falling.
Every single layer of pain was/is always worth it once I let go & all 4 wheels landed FIRM.
The pain the day after,
I still to this day wear the scars I have from past battles with pride & remember the pain as if I was still in pain from the battle I rolled away from.
Thousands upon Thousands of hours of pain, made all of this Pain these past 7 years of watching the world tear itself apart
That much easier to handle.
I’m at my very BEST when in Pain, when others are at their worst, I take their pain & turn it inside out.
What YOU/Others see on the outside is only the mask, A Mirror image of all the Worlds/Your PAIN.
Define Undercover Operations …
Define Undercover Operative. .
Define Sting Operation.
Do undercover operatives get charged for the crimes they were planted to gain intel on or witnessed ? …
Do the undercover operatives get seen in photos & on lists while being undercover? ..
Can someone become an undercover operative if he/she was caught for their own crimes by accepting A deal to help bring down others who were suspected of crimes against Humanity/Children? ..
How many undercover operatives were seen in photos & on lists who were judged by the
Is 30% of the map 100% of the map?
If the public made all their judgments based on 30% of the map because the BLIND have been leading the BLIND, what happens when the truth comes out based on 100% of the map?
I’m Sorry?
“I/WE will not forgive”!