1/7 What happened on 9/11/01 was terrible. None of the 3k individuals who died did anything to deserve their fate. It would be a miscarriage of history, however, to pretend that the United States was the victim. The US has caused serious death and destruction in the entire region
2/7 known as the Middle East since 1953. Our government overthrew popular leaders and installed tyrannical puppets that murdered their own people because they were sympathetic to US "interests." We instituted economic sanctions (terrorism) that resulted in millions of innocent
3/7 deaths in the region. In the 90s, Madeline Albright was asked on national TV if the 500,000 CHILDREN that died from US sanctions in Iraq were worth it. Without challenging the number, she said without hesitation that it was. The US government is the reason nations like Iran
4/7 and groups like ISIS and the Taliban hate all of us as one people. It is why they attacked people who were not responsible at the WTC, and those that were at the Pentagon. Statism has destroyed our individual identity, and given all of us a collectivist one. It has branded
5/7 the innocent just as responsible as the guilty. These nations and organizations that hate us do not differentiate us because we do not differentiate ourselves. We as a culture worship our state, cheer on its propaganda, and ignore the truth. We divide ourselves into
6/7 subcultures that hate each other, but still worship the idea of America; the idea of a collective identity. Was what happened on 9/11 justified? No. Did the US have it coming? Absolutely. The US government is absolutely evil, and it would be be an abomination to the memory of