3/How are you planning to cast your vote #VictoriaVotes2022#YYJElxn#YYJPoli
in person? in advance?
or by mail? To receive a mail ballot, you need to complete and submit an application form. mailballot.victoria.ca/(S(0vw0vrqwn13… You can also request a mail ballot by calling 250.361.0571.
4/I'm still trying to avoid un-masked crowds, so opting for mail in. But timeline is tight, mailed from city Sept 26/returns by mail must be rec'd by Oct 06 -after that must return it in person/not mail-so check out the details carefully. #VictoriaVotes2022#YYJElxn
5/ Which kind of defeats the entire purpose of using Mail in to avoid going in person to one of the locations.
Dear @CityOfVictoria -a ? If I return my mail in ballot in person-is there a separate queue to facilitate drop off, or will we need to wait in line? #VictoriaVotes2022
6/ #VictoriaVotes2022 Another ? for @CityOfVictoria and/or for any candidates. Are there any 'Special Voting Opportunities' planned for LTC or assisted living facilities? How do we ensure those residents are able to vote? It's an #accessibility#inclusion issue to me. #YYJElxn
7/ Although @CityOfVictoria election procedures bylaw 22-051 allows for special voting opportunities (hospitals/LTC); I don't see any listed on their "Info for voters" web page. #YYJElxn#VictoriaVotes2022#YYJPoli
8/ Why does @CityOfVictoria offer 2 advance locations(Our Place+UVic)+cityhall,for targeted groups-who btw can also vote on 10/15; but none for populations which I fear are faced w/gr8er difficulties to vote ie: LTC/assisted living? #YYJElxn#YYJPoli#accessibility
9/ Many seniors can't get out to vote at all, or if they are somewhat mobile; face considerable hardship in securing transportation to polls; and in having to wait in long lines. Why no special or advance voting procedures for them? @CityOfVictoria#YYJElxn#VictoriaVotes2022
10/Many seniors also, aren't computer savvy. Do they even *know* that if they can't get out to vote,they can apply for mail in ballot or how to do so? Who is getting the word out to them? @CityOfVictoria#YYJElxn candidates. How do we ensure #VictoriaVotes2022 is *all* of #YYJ
OnMyMind: anon twitter accts.
I know there are valid security/privacy issues for some ppl on twitter to use a pseudonym. I have no problem with that... My problem is with the many single issue (slam a candidate) ones that are proliferating in #YYJPoli
Their raison d'etre for being anonymous; is so that they can say anything about anybody; without being accountable in any way. I find this truly reprehensible.
I follow many of them (the ones that haven't yet blocked me); not because I support them; but just to witness the depths to which they will descend in their attack tweets. #YYJPoli
I'm somewhat curiou, why a tweeter: @VicSidewalkFail has blocked me? I tried to flw them as they state their goal "promoting safe sidewalks" which is something that caught my eye and interest. And was told by twitter I'm blocked from flwing them at their request. Huh?
My curiosity re blocking extends beyond this 1 acct.(Our #YYJPoli pal,Luke,comes to mind) I can understand block if someone is rude/hateful.
But wouldn't those who profess to advocacy want more not less engagement *especialy* w/those who have differing views? #EchoChamber
Aryze has substantially >than average #FakeFollowers (27.4%) as per @SparkTogo. But we can ignore those -
My ? today is directed to his legit 2773 flwrs- some of whom are actively engaged in #YYJPoli#YYJElxn . .
Q: 2/@CDCofBC (and my doc) "Recommends Quadrivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (QIIV) (Fluzone)" for ppl (like me) w/conditions such as:
65+, diabetes, asthma, RA ...
3/Specifically, I'd like clarification - if it in fact high dose *is/will be* available...who qualifies? Is it any/everyone 65+,or only those in #LTC, assisted living/1st nations?
This clip via @bc_pharmacy is confusing...
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon TY @Buckleygkml . You really got me thinking/studying - role/job of PHO vs MOH. Just a couple of things b4 I get to main thoughts.
a. True I don't hold current PHO in high esteem; Perhaps my cynicism was showing and translated as spite. 1/
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 2/ b.I had assumed (perhaps wrongly... we'll get to that).. that a PHO, by definition, would know the numbers/extent of health care workers in #BC. Esp. since PHO had just announced (vax) mandate affecting every one of them.
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 3/ It just seemed logical to me - that in considerations leading up to + resulting in mandating new regulations; a significant aspect of such decisions, would be knowing who would be affected- ie: to whom the mandate applies
@Carol13@dockevinmcleod Hi Jazzy. You hit the nail on the head. #BCGov#PHO#MOH are *not* giving us info. I believe nurses who tell us they are *over* whelmed. Protests should be aimed at those making the regs. Why target those who are working so hard to care for everyone/vaxxed or not. 1/
@Carol13@dockevinmcleod 2/Think about it - someone who refuses vax for no reason except "my body/my right" are protesting the very people who are trying to help everyone. If one of us has heart attack/or needs emer. surgery or care for any reason - there is no beds/no staff.
Read this excellent reporting by Kaya Martin @TheMartlet re the #GVSB, #CRD housing (#CRHC) and @CityOfVictoria 's land use decision re @vichighsd61 . It pulled the rug out of Alumni Assoc 's 13 yr project to revitalize stadium by leasing out the "unneeded" land #YYJPoli
2/ Does anyone know what stage this project is at now?
Has CRD housing begun construction of housing on this land @CityOfVictoria leased to them? "Renovations are scheduled to be finished in September 2023." seems to refer to revised (downgraded) plans for stadium/track...->cont
@CityOfVictoria 3/ but what's happening on #CRHC end- on land they now lease for the intended purpose of creating housing - the land which put the kibosh on the original VicHigh Alumni Assoc plans for stadium/track upgrades?