The #BigPictureConference is already amazing and I’ve only just stepped through the doors @ScotlandTBP #rewilding ImageImageImageImage
Session One- rewilding for everyone. #BigPictureConference
First we have Vicki Hird and her books Rebugging the Planet #BigPictureConference #rewilding
The remarkable thing insects and other invertebrates do for the planet and why we need to love them more #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP #rebugging
Rewilding is an inspiring and emotional connection to nature @ScotlandTBP #BigPictureConference
Potential of urban environments as safe spaces for invertebrates as opposed the countryside filled with chemicals and fertilisers etc. We can share our spaces #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP #rewilding
Rebugging attitudes, becoming advocates for the invertebrates. #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
The organisations and people in power are going backwards. We need to be the power that pushes forward to protect the natural world #BigPictureConference #rewilding
Thanks to @vickihird for a fascinating tour through the importance of invertebrates and how we can better live together #BigPictureConference
Now Kate Macrae and 10 Easy Ways to Wild your Space #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Empowering people to do their bit, to know we can make a difference, to find positive change among the negatives of the world #BigPictureConference
1. Get water into your outside space. Big or small, pond or tiny bird bath. Water makes a huge difference #BigPictureConference
Recycled tyre pond, totally genius! Totally doing this when I get home. Thanks for the tip #BigPictureConference #rewilding #water
2. Cut the cutting. Change what we do with our lawns. There are ways to embrace a tidy garden and a bio diverse lawn #BigPictureConference #rewilding
3. Love all Plants. There are no weeds, all plants offer something. Nettles, dandelions, clover. These are wonderful things #BigPictureConference
4. Stock up on Wood. Log piles and other dead wood are biodiverse habitats for so many species #BigPictureConference #rewilding @ScotlandTBP
5. Give insects a home. Offer a helping hand to insects, bug hotels offer homes to solitary bees. You can even make your own @ScotlandTBP #BigPictureConference
6. Creating Corridors. Hedgerows rather than fences can create wildlife corridors to allow wildlife move between our gardens #BigPictureConference #rewilding #gardening
7. Green your Spaces. No matter how much space you have you can make it green and biodiverse. It might take a little creative thinking but it can be done #BigPictureConference
8. Embrace the Disorder. Nature loves wild disorder. Embrace it and help our natural world #BigPictureConference
9. Make some Noise. We have the power to convince local councils and neighbours and friends to #rewild #BigPictureConference
10. Relax. Find spaces to relax and be in nature. Enjoy your space. Love what it can offer you #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Wonderful top ten tips. Thanks so much @katemacrae #BigPictureConference
Now Philip Price and Wilding the Sea. Marine Rewilding and community power #BigPictureConference
The diversity of life under the waves. Yet in the marine world this life is being systematically destroyed. #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP @seawilding
Our landscape and seascapes are incredible. It is also almost devoid of what it could be… #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP @seawilding
A community voice for #seawilding. Engage people, engage organisations. Make it fun and make it practical. #seawilding #BigPictureConference @seawilding
Restoring natural environments when they’ve been lost is a big task, but a possible one. #rewilding #BigPictureConference #seawilding
The power of oysters and seagrass to keep our water and our world clean is mind bending. They need our help. @seawilding is getting communities together to take the journey of restoration together #BigPictureConference #seawilding @ScotlandTBP
Last speaker of the first panel, James Nairn and Northwoods: Joining the Green Dots #BigPictureConference
A deliberate attempt to democratise #rewilding. A tailored rewilding plan for all. #BigPictureConference
Increase the land committed to rewilding and help ensure good practise. Demonstrate the full range of nature based opportunities rewilding can provide. #BigPictureConference #northwoodsrewildingnetwork @ScotlandTBP
Ecological stepping stones across Scotland. #BigPictureConference
Rewilding results in a landscape rich in biodiversity and rich in community. #BigPictureConference #rewilding @ScotlandTBP
Developing new nature based businesses for sustainable and economic recovery #BigPictureConference #northwoodsrewildingnetwork
Back to it. Sessions two- Rewilding and People #BigPictureConference
Starting sessions two with Kevin Cuumming - Buying a Community Estate #BigPictureConference
Langholm Moor Community Buyout and Vreating the Tarras Valley Nature Reserve… a large scale community driven purchase of land #BigPictureConference
What do we mean when we use the word community? It is a hugely complex and layered word #BigPictureConference
What do the terms land use and land management mean and how do they connect with community? #BigPictureConference
The foundations of community land ownership in Langholm built by the community itself #BigPictureConference
A project that resonated around the world at a time that people need hope #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Community owned land. There should be so much more of this, and it should be so much easier to achieve. Land should always belong to the community #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
People at the heart of healthy and loved landscapes #rewilding #BigPictureConference
Peter Cairns - Winning Hearts and Minds. The social and cultural barriers to rewilding in Scotland #BigPictureConference
Humanity is the specifies that holds the key to rewilding. Rewilding is 20% ecology and 80% changing the psychology of peoples approach to nature #BigPictureConference
How quickly the conversations about rewilding and conservation becoming about ideas and ideals rather than nature itself #BigPictureConference
Rewilding is a complex conversation and so often the complexities are lost. This undermines our ability to have measured and thoughtful conversations #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
The fear of the threat of change is the biggest barrier to #Rewilding. #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
We can always find common ground and that is where the magic can happen. The meeting point is always closer than we imagine #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Diversified healthy communities sitting within healthy diversified land #BigPictureConference
Rewilding by its very nature results in rich and diverse outcomes. It is risky but a risky we need to trust #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Rewilding is about wholeness. Trying to save nature piece by piece makes no sense. The countryside has become something to freeze and look at, not live in #BigPictureConference
Ecological illiteracy makes #rewilding a tough sell. It alienates us from our place in the natural order. We have normalised living in a muted, sterilised landscape #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Lastly for this panel, Linzi Seivwright Red Deer: Monarch or Menace #BigPictureConference
How to deer fit into the bigger picture of the upland landscape? Our relationship with deer is changing. They have somehow found themselves at the centre of a sometimes violent and always complex argument about nature #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
Over the centuries deer have witnessed huge changes to the Scottish landscape, but the deer was not responsible for creating it #BigPictureConference
Deer being in the wrong place at the wrong time attracts conflict. There is no magic number, it depends on the landscape #BigPictureConference
The key to managing conflict is knowing when impact upon the land becomes damage to the land. But who is best placed to know when it tips from one to another and how to manage it #BigPictureConference
Using deer as a scapegoat for the climate issues endangers the road ahead. But deer management and recovery has a valuable role to play in a greener future. #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
In all these conversations we need to consider deer welfare. These animals deserve respect #BigPictureConference
The ecological task ahead is immense. If and when we restore biodiversity we will need to find tolerance and empathy for the wildlife we will find ourselves living alongside #BigPictureConference
Are you willing to take the time to see from someone else’s perception? To listen and be listened to? To find common ground #BigPictureConference
Settling in for the final panel of the day- Rewilding in Action. First up is Tom Bowser with Beavers and Bureaucracy #BigPictureConference @ScotlandTBP
The life, colour and sound that is created by beavers is like no other wetland you will see. Until you see it, you don’t realise how different our world is without the beaver #BigPictureConference
We are victims of shifting baselines syndrome, not aware of what was stolen from us and the natural world before we were even born. #BigPictureConference
Human conflict with beavers results in huge numbers of beavers being killed. But relocation into rivers owned by people who accept them is now permitted in Scotland. #BigPictureConference
So many of our environmental problems stem from the impact of the lives and livelihood of the few large land owners who own most of our natural world #rewilding #BigPictureConference
Beavers are a symbol hope. Allies are found from within a community that care about the survival of these creatures. Success is about what you do and who you act with #BigPictureConference
The bureaucracy in the simple act of trying to relocate some beavers was vast and unknown. It took 13 months to save a few beavers. To cull them would only take a phone call. #BigPictureConference
Relocation allows the beaver to live and thrive in wetlands that will benefit from them, removing the negative impacts the changes they create can have on farmland. #BigPictureConference
We need beavers, but they also need us. They are reliant on our good will. The impact a beaver can have is extraordinary. They keep the water and every animal that depends on it healthy. The beaver is the greatest symbol of rewilding #BigPictureConference
We need to pressure those who oppose beavers, we must use our voices to help save them. Normal people have seen the dangers, and normal people are acting to save beavers. Normal people can make extraordinary change if we act together #BigPictureConference
Next up- Shaila Rao with Mar Lodge- Reviving the bens and the glens. #BigPictureConference
Woodland and mountains around the world love and grow together. In Scotland and the UK our landscape, our hills and mountains are depleted or devoid of these woodlands and all the life that comes with them. #BigPictureConference
The past is how we got here, but the power is in acting for the future. What do we want from and for our natural words? #BigPictureConference
Mar Lodge, owned by the National Trust for Scotland, is a hugely biodiverse estate. But the management principles laid down when the estate was purchased are filled with challenges. #BigPictureConference
Granny pines, the ancient and established pines. But they are a dying woodland and no new trees could survive wild grazers. The site is obliged to develop favourable conditions of the natural habitats. This means helping the woodland survive and regrow #BigPictureConference
Trying to restore the woodland with a minimal intervention approach. This required the reduction of deer, and became full of conflict. To regenerate the trees the deer couldn’t be on the land. This is an example of how far out of balance we’ve become #BigPictureConference
Since 2011, and reducing the deer pressure, Mar Lodge has vast tracks of regenerated woodland. The saplings are now climbing the hillsides #rewilding #BigPictureConference
Without grazing pressure we are starting to see what is possible in forest and woodland regeneration across Scotland and the world. #BigPictureConference
As the woods regenerate, so to does the land and the creatures who depend on it. #BigPictureConference
Now Susan Cooksley with The Fish that Loves in the Forest. #BigPictureConference
There has recently been a shift in salmon restoration, considering it an important inhabitant of forests. The river, the forest, and salmon evolved together over thousands of years. They are one interlocking unit #BigPictureConference
Trees bring habitat complexity, bank protection and nutrients to rivers. Salmon brings an annual burst of energy upstream. Trees provide shade and keep the water cool. Salmon cannot survive as the water temperatures increase #BigPictureConference
Salmon is in the brink of extinction. The surviving populations of salmon are important indicators of the health of rivers and other fresh water creatures. #BigPictureConference
There are huge numbers of projects underway to restore salmon as part of river woodland restoration. These projects are taking every possible approach they can. Creative thinking is needed to tackle these issues #BigPictureConference
Reinstating natural river processes is how we set things up for future success. We need to consider how regenerated woodlands interact with the existing landscapes. We need to consider how rivers can they be interconnected. #BigPictureConference
There are creative solutions to restoring rivers, woodland and ghost wetlands back into thriving, connected ecosystems. In following this path into the future we save the trees, the salmon, and help with whatever is coming next #rewilding #BigPictureConference
And finally, the keynote talk from Roy Dennis - My Life in Wilding #BigPictureConference
From sea eagles to lynx. The successes and failures. We are in trouble. This country is not doing well. We need to do more. We can do more #BigPictureConference
We will try five things. One will fail, three will go ok. One will go brilliantly. Don’t worry about the failure, get on with the successes. It is the future we need to be aiming at #BigPictureConference
Although the future is grim. The opportunities to do something about it have never been brighter. #BigPictureConference
It is important to remember the failures and the battles. That is how we learn and how we keep moving forward #BigPictureConference
50% if land and sea should be for nature and nature recovery. We can restore land but first we need to have access to the land. Wildlife restoration should be a normal thing. We have a moral obligation to do it #BigPictureConference
A life spent on restoration, reintroduction and care for birds. Spent with groups of people who all wanted to keep moving forward, to keep learning, to keep helping #BigPictureConference
With careful work we can restore nature, but it takes effort and collaboration #BigPictureConference
With any project you are interested in or passionate about, never say If it happens, always say When it happens… #BigPictureConference
Bureaucracy so often stands in the way, or goes too slowly. Every difficult string holding these projects back must be cut away #BigPictureConference
We are still so mired in procrastination on every issue. We research everything and try to make everyone happy. It freezes action. #BigPictureConference
The Lynx. The Wolf. If they gave conservationists a licence we could do it tomorrow and it would be a success. But they won’t and so we stay frozen. But we mustn’t give up. #BigPictureConference
Know your species and have stories to tell. Be sensible and sensitive. Todays impossibility is tomorrows project. Never stop #BigPictureConference
Help will come from@so many places if you ask for it #BigPictureConference
We can restore lost species but we don’t need more science, more studies or more bureaucracy. We need action #BigPictureConference
The biggest failure to is not that the project we try fails, but that we never tried at all #BigPictureConference
A huge and heartfelt thank you to @ScotlandTBP and all the amazing speakers at the #BigPictureConference. I have left full of hope and ready for deep thinking and essential action.
My sincerest #thankyou to @an_artnews for the bursary that allowed me to attend the @ScotlandTBP #BigPictureConference. I can already feel the impact it will have on my art.
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