Lea Alhilali, MD Profile picture
Sep 30, 2022 21 tweets 11 min read Read on X
1/Raise your hand if you’re confused by the BRACHIAL PLEXUS! I could never quite remember or understand it—but now I do & I’ll show you how
A #tweetorial on #brachialplexus #anatomy!
#medtwitter #meded #neurosurgery #orthotwitter #orthopedics #neurorad #radres #medstudent #FOAMed Image
2/Everyone has a mnemonic to remember brachial plexus anatomy. I’m a radiologist, so I remember one about Rad Techs. But just remembering the names & their order isn’t enough. That is just the starting point--let’s really understand it Image
3/From the mnemonic, we start with the roots—the cervical nerve roots. I remember which roots make up the brachial plexus by remembering that it supplies the hand. You have 5 fingers on your hand so we start with C5 & we take 5 nerve roots (C5-T1). Image
4/Next in the mnemonic are the Trunks. Bc Trunks starts w/T, I can remember how they are named. T is Top to bottom. Trunks are named top to bottom: Superior, Middle, and Inferior. But how to remember which nerve roots combine to give you which trunks? Image
5/Pairing of the nerve roots into the trunks is like pairing off at a dance when there is an odd number. Everyone immediately turns to the person next to them & the person in the middle is left out. For the roots, C7 is in the middle & has to go it alone as the middle trunk Image
6/Next in the mnemonic are the Divisions. Divisions do what their name implies—they divide the trunks. Each trunk is split or DIVIDED into an anterior & posterior division. Divisions will look like scissors coming off the trunks, helping you to remember they are splitting. Image
7/This division causes a fundamental change in the nerves—anterior divisions will supply flexors & posterior divisions will supply extensors. This is an important dividing line. Like rabid soccer fans, once they have chosen a team, they will never mix w/fans of the other team Image
8/After the split of the divisions, the nerves come back together as the cords. It is kind of like doing jumping jacks—they open up and then close back up again. I remember that they come back together as the Cords bc Cords and Combine both start with C Image
9/It’s like a toll road. The road widens to let more cars get to the toll booths. Once they have paid the toll, road narrows again. This is what happens w/the divisions—but instead of paying a toll, they are organizing into flexor & extensor groups & coming back together again. Image
10/But it’s more like going through a worm hole than toll booth. When you go through a wormhole, you are fundamentally changed when you come out the other side (or so I read on the internet). Once cords emerge from divisions, they’re either team flexor or extensor & can’t go back Image
11/So when they form the cords, anterior divisions (team flexor) will only combine w/other ant divisions. Similarly, post divisions (team extensor) will only combine w/other post divisions. It makes sense that post is extensor & ant is flexor, bc muscles are arranged this way too Image
12/Divisions combine to form 2 ant. cords & 1 post. cord. Why the inequality? Well, the fundamental purpose of the arm is to flex (pick up things), unlike the leg (which is to extend/stand up). So bc it’s more important to flex, remember 2 cords to flexors & 1 to extensors Image
13/All post divisions go to the 1 post cord

How do you remember which ant divisions go into which cord? Remember, divisions come from sup, middle & inf trunks. Superior or even middle class don’t combine w/inferior things. So sup & mid divisions combine. Poor inferior is alone Image
14/Names of the cords are based on their relationship to the axillary artery. Posterior cord (extensors) is posterior to it. The flexor cord made of the superior & middle divisions is lateral. Flexor cord made from the lonely inferior division is medial Image
15/But this is hard to remember. So I remember that the flexor cord made from the poor inf division is looked down upon, so it is given the worst seat—at the armpit. In anatomic positioning, closest to the armpit is medial, so it's the medial cord. Image
16/Now the final division into branches. Remember posterior cord only supplies extensors & is the only extensor cord. So when it branches, it needs to innervate extensors all along the arm (elbow, forearm, hand). So it gives off axillary to the upper arm & radial to the lower arm Image
17/Now the branches of the flexor cords. As expected from their names, MEDIAL cord gives a branch for flexors/sensation to MEDIAL forearm/hand (in anatomic position = PINKY side, so ulnar nerve), & LATERAL cord gives a branch for motor/sensation to LAT. forearm (musculocutaneous) Image
18/Usually superior/middle class look down on inferiors (why inf division travels alone as medial cord). But eventually the rich will have, ahem, liaisons w/inferiors.
So it is w/cords. High-class lateral cord finally mingles w/low-class armpit medial cord, making median nerve Image
19/Now move beyond mnemonics. Remember, brachial plexus splits & recombines like jumping jacks w/a very palindromic 5-3-6-3-5 pattern.

The names tell you if they are splitting or combining (Trunk=Together, Division=Divide, Cord=Combine, Branch=break) Image
20/Now all you need is to recall 1 fact @ each stage
Trunk: C7 left out
Div: Ant flexors don’t mix w/post extensors
Cord: Sup/mid class don’t mix w/inferiors
Br: Each cord gives a branch to region its name describes (post, med, lat) &rich give in to inferiors to form median nerve Image
21/Now you know--and understand--the basic anatomy of the brachial plexus.

I know this was too detailed for some & not enough detail for others, but you have to start somewhere!

Next up--the appearance of the brachial plexus on imaging!

• • •

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Mar 3
1/Does PTERYGOPALATINE FOSSA anatomy feel as confusing as its spelling?

Does it seem to have as many openings as letters in its name?

Are you pterrified of the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF)?

Let this thread on PPF anatomy help you out. Image
2/The PPF is a crossroads between the skullbase & the extracranial head and neck

There are 4 main regions that meet here:

(1) Skullbase itself posteriorly, (2) nasal cavity medially, (3) infratemporal fossa laterally, and (4) orbit anteriorly. Image
3/At its most basic, you can think of the PPF as a room with 4 doors opening to each of these regions: one posteriorly to the skullbase, one medially to the nasal cavity, one laterally to the infratemporal fossa, and one anteriorly to the orbit Image
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Feb 28
1/Feel like a fish out of water when it comes to water on the brain?

Read on for this month’s @Radiographics summary of what you need to know about hydrocephalus!!

@cookyscan1 @RadG_editor #RGphx doi.org/10.1148/rg.240…Image
2/To understand hydrocephalus, think of CSF like the flow of traffic

3 main ways traffic backs up:

(1) Obstruction on the road:
For hydrocephalus, this is an obstruction along CSF in the ventricle Image

(2) Obstruction of an off ramp
For hydrocephalus=obstruction at its off ramp into the venous system

(3) Rush hour
For hydrocephalus=over production Image
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Feb 27
1/Do scans for dizziness make your head spin?

Need to know what to look for?

Just hear me out!

This month’s @theAJNR SCANtastic will show what to look for:

2/I always remember the rhyme of the big three for dizz-ee!

First, are vestibular schwannomas

These give an ice cream cone shape in the internal auditory canal! So scoop up that finding! Image
3/Next is labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis can look like night & day, depending on the timing

Late labyrinthitis is dark—loss of bright fluid signal on FIESTA

Early labyrinthitis is bright—enhances on post-contrast Image
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Feb 26
1/Time is brain! But what time is it?

If you don’t know the time of stroke onset, are you able to deduce it from imaging?

Here’s a thread to help you date a stroke on MRI! Image
2/Strokes evolve, or grow old, the same way people evolve or grow old

The appearance of stroke on imaging mirrors the life stages of a person—you just have to change days for a stroke into years for a person

So 15 day old stroke has features of a 15 year old person, etc. Image
3/Initially (less than 4-6 hrs), the only finding is restriction (brightness) on diffusion imaging (DWI)

You can remember this bc in the first few months, a baby does nothing but be swaddled or restricted

So early/newly born stroke is like a baby, only restricted Image
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Feb 25
1/My hardest thread yet! Are you up for the challenge?

How stroke perfusion imaging works!

Ever wonder why it’s Tmax & not Tmin?

Do you not question & let RAPID read the perfusion for you? Not anymore! Image
2/Perfusion imaging is based on one principle: When you inject CT or MR intravenous contrast, the contrast flows w/blood & so contrast can be a surrogate marker for blood.

This is key, b/c we can track contrast—it changes CT density or MR signal so we can see where it goes. Image
3/So if we can track how contrast gets to the tissue (by changes in CT density or MR signal), then we can approximate how BLOOD is getting to the tissue.

And how much blood is getting to the tissue is what perfusion imaging is all about. Image
Read 18 tweets
Feb 24
1/”That’s a ninja turtle looking at me!” I exclaimed. My fellow rolled his eyes at me, “Why do I feel I’m going to see this a thread on this soon…”

He was right! A thread about one of my favorite imaging findings & pathology behind it Image
2/Now the ninja turtle isn’t an actual sign—yet!

But I am hoping to make it go viral as one. To understand what this ninja turtle is, you have to know the anatomy.

I have always thought the medulla looks like a 3 leaf clover in this region.

The most medial bump of the clover is the medullary pyramid (motor fibers).

Next to it is the inferior olivary nucleus (ION), & finally, the last largest leaf is the inferior cerebellar peduncle.

Now you can see that the ninja turtle eyes correspond to the ION.Image
3/But why are IONs large & bright in our ninja turtle?

This is hypertrophic olivary degeneration.

It is how ION degenerates when input to it is disrupted. Input to ION comes from a circuit called the triangle of Guillain & Mollaret—which sounds like a fine French wine label! Image
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