2/ Understand that the VSB has a very clear picture through its enrolment forecast that says, paraphrasing:
"VSB does not forecast City housing until construction started but it's OK, because black box still captures housing."
Yes, logic problems & result = 5,422 fewer VSB kids
3/ And therefore that there is a need for the Local Governments (we have 5 of them) coordinate their housing planning with school planning.
Else, VSB, independently will forecast 5,422 fewer kids over the next decade and have to close schools.
Following? Now, get this...
4/ VSB does not use "Where Kids Live and Will Live" and the VSB school enrolment forecast reflects where kids go to school and all the past choices and gerrymandering that every took place is included in that black box forecasting magic...
Let's explore why the @CityofVancouver & @VSB39 plan separately. How did it end up being that a major city produces a blueprint for the future that does not include school & amenity planning.
First, let us set the stage for #vanpoli NIMBYs & YIMBYs.
NIMBYs have kids & grandkids
YIMBYs plan for kids & have kids
Let's reset & unite on the theory that you care about kids. How would you address the fact that our local governments are planning in silos? What impact will this have on your kids' kids? #bced
3/ What impact does this have on Vancouver's ability to attract and retain families? Does the City know who it is building for? Does the VSB know how to forecast?
Deep down, we all know the city is going to become dense; just debating the shape & speed.
1/ The @VSB39 is working on a Long Range Facilities Plan that uses a "school enrolment" planning methodology. When you dive into it, you realize that this has nothing to do with "Where Kids Live & Will Live." Oddly, "school enrolment" does not even factor catchment waitlists.
3/ Also very important to use "Where Kids Live & Will Live" as this is aligned with the value of "Complete Communities" that will underpin @CityofVancouver's Vancouver Plan & is totally the right thing to do if we truly care about Equity, Fairness, Sustainability & Safe Routes.
VSB reports to BC Gov so it's "complicated" but wherever you stand on Broadway & Birch being 16 floors or 28 floors, you must advocate for @CityofVancouver to be responsible in ensuring that adequate amenities exist.
L'Ecole Bilinque is just a 10 min walk away. It's a French Immersion School that has 40 Kindergarten spots which are hard to get - kids from any part of Vancouver enter a draw (better term than "lottery") to get them. Consider chances low.