So, I'm waiting at the light. A police car pulls up beside me. The light changes, a car runs the red light, and two cars are blocking the intersection. I think, oh here we go! These people are about to get ticketed! But no, the cop just goes around and DRIVES UP THE BIKE LANE!
The 417 is closed, so there's more traffic than usual, but he does this all the time regardless of traffic, just to save a minute going around the block to get home.
He sat in his car for 14 minutes before getting out.
Sorry about the shaky video, I'm holding a baby.
This guy obviously thinks he can do whatever he wants, the rules don't apply to him because he has an important job.
And then the craziest thing happened...
Yeah, so that happened.
I'll post the full video on YouTube below.
New to Twitter, don't have many followers, not sure how to get people to see this.
Rebecca Bromwich, I bet you want to watch this video! Sorry to catch you off guard like that. What are the chances?
A few videos of what it was like over the weekend at these two intersections. The most action I saw from the Ottawa police was a verbal warning to a single driver for running the red light and blocking the crosswalk.
In 2009, a small change to the way Ottawa collects Development Charges resulted in a very significant subsidy on sprawl. This change was made by city staff, against the direction of council, buried in a 450 page background study, and nobody on council seems to have noticed.🧵
Prior to this change, DCs on a suburban single family home were 78% higher than one built Inside the Greenbelt (IGB). Today that number is just 14% higher than an IGB home. This rebalancing goes against everything in our Official Plan, infill pays more, and sprawl pays less.
This is related to my earlier post about City-wide road DCs — that's what this change was all about. Prior to 2009, money for building or widening arterial roads was collected through Area-specific DCs, but after this they were moved to City-wide DCs.
Does "growth pays for growth" mean that new suburban developments pay for all the roads they require?
No. Whether it's a detached home in Barrhaven or an apartment in Centretown with no parking, both will end up paying for these new suburban roads.🧵
Development charges in Ottawa are broken into different zones. The amount being added onto the cost of construction is supposed to pay for the required infrastructure within that zone. But there is also a "City-Wide" charge which is added onto all developments.
For 2011-2031 the population of the "Inside Greenbelt" zone is expected to increase by ~8%, but the expected Vehicle Kilometers Travelled by residents of that zone is not projected to increase. Therefore, the development charge for new Road Services within that zone is $0. But...
The section of Bronson under HWY 417 is going to be closed from July 6th to 23rd.
HWY 417 is going to be closed from July 13th to 17th.
This is going to create a perfect storm of traffic chaos for residents of Centretown and The Glebe. Much worse than previous closures.
In particular, the Northbound detour of Bronson overlaps with both the eastbound and westbound 417 detours. Catherine and Chamberlain are going to be parking lots.
Drivers will not follow the official detour, they will find alternate routes.
Rochester and Booth will both dump cars up onto Gladstone. The site of a recent near fatal collision with a cyclist.