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Oct 4th 2022
So, I'm waiting at the light. A police car pulls up beside me. The light changes, a car runs the red light, and two cars are blocking the intersection. I think, oh here we go! These people are about to get ticketed! But no, the cop just goes around and DRIVES UP THE BIKE LANE!
The 417 is closed, so there's more traffic than usual, but he does this all the time regardless of traffic, just to save a minute going around the block to get home.

He sat in his car for 14 minutes before getting out.

Sorry about the shaky video, I'm holding a baby.
This guy obviously thinks he can do whatever he wants, the rules don't apply to him because he has an important job.

And then the craziest thing happened...
Read 8 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
Mise à jour sur le convoi de cette après-midi : Plus tôt cette semaine, @ottawapolice a été informé qu'une manifestation en véhicule en provenance du Québec avait l'intention de faire un passage symbolique à Ottawa et de se rendre à une destination finale à Vankleek Hill.
Un itinéraire restreint (sans arrêt, sans klaxon) a été désigné afin d'accélérer le passage du convoi en tenant compte de la sécurité de la communauté. L'itinéraire a utilisé les routes des camions pour qu'ils continuent de circuler à travers #Ottawa.
Nous avons travaillé avec nos partenaires pour mettre en place de multiples fermetures de routes avec une forte présence policière dans tout le centre-ville.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
Update on afternoon convoy: Earlier this week, @ottawapolice was advised of a vehicle-based demonstration from Quebec intending on making symbolic passage through Ottawa and then proceeding to an end destination in Vankleek Hill.
A restricted route (with no stopping or honking) was designated to expedite the safe passage of the convoy with community safety in mind. The route utilized truck routes to keep them rolling through #Ottawa.
We worked with our partners to implement multiple road closures with a strong police presence throughout the downtown core.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 27th 2022
@OttawaPolice and our policing and municipal partners are doing everything we possibly can to keep emergency lanes open and access to hospitals/health care facilities intact. Emergency access is our priority in terms of traffic management. #ottawa #otttraffic
Demonstrators: Be aware of your rights and responsibilities.…
@OttawaPolice et ses partenaires policiers et municipaux font tout le possible afin de garder ouvertes les voies d'urgence et de maintenir l'accès aux hôpitaux et autres établissements de santé. L'accès d'urgence est notre grande priorité en matière de gestion de la circulation.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 27th 2022
Weekend Traffic Update: Expect major disruptions to traffic throughout Ottawa and especially in the downtown core. If you have appointments, children in activities, are expecting food deliveries, please be prepare to adjust your plans. (1/3)

#ottawa #otttraffic Image
Do not travel if you can avoid it this weekend in Ottawa, plan accordingly and expect delays. (2/3)
We are working with our City and Policing partners to minimize disruptions but expect significant traffic delays and disruptions. (3/3)
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