This is the biggest fraudulent narrative Congress perpetuated. No, @tehseenp India did not become an "IT power" because of #EnglishAdvantage. Rather, it lags other countries in GDP/capita because of #EnlgishLiability.
English-liability stops 90% of Indians from advancing.
Computers are natural to Indians. They invented zero and binary systems. Their languages, grammar, alphabet, poetry are all based on mathematical patterns.
This is why Indians excel in computers, *not* English. English-medium loses real advantage.
Chinese hackers are light-years ahead of Indian hackers. They've broken into major US systems and I'd guess that most connected Indian systems are compromised. It helps because they all learn in Chinese which makes knowledge acquisition faster for them.
India's #EnglishLiability due to the imposition of English-medium keeps a billion Indians behind without access to knowledge. Courts, higher-education, engineering, medicine, MBA all impose English. Therefore India operates at less than 10% capacity.
The ignorance is stunning. They've been taught English is like air, they can't breathe without it.
So MNCs and Global companies don't come to Japan, or South Korea or China because they don't use English. And India's GDP/capita is much higher, right? 😆
Apparently, India there was no Bharat, no Mauryas, no Chakravartins, and people in India never talked to each other before the British gifted us English. 😆
Can anyone understand the Left's obsession with defending Islam? It stands against everything they claim to care about... gay rights, women's rights, modesty culture, yet they constantly defend it.
Interesting. So the Left in India and the West panders to Islam because it is powerful. They kneel to power, while use the rhetoric of "poor minorities" to justify their collusion with power.
I don’t speak for OpIndia. @UnSubtleDesi is quite capable of speaking for herself.
Yes Bharat is a civilizational entity. Like China is or Japan is? Is that hard to comprehend. You can read my 20-year old article “Why India is a Nation.”
A Muslim intellectual parses the causes of Islamic terror.
It comes from Islamic teachings that: 1. Shirk and apostasy is punishable by death 2. That non-Muslims don't have right to rule over Muslims. 3. That one Islamic Caliphate should rule 4. Nation-states are illegitimate
But Western Leftists intellectuals whitewash the religious roots of Islamic terror with:
1. Islamic terror doesn't exist 2. When Muslims are violent it's because they're "oppressed" 3. The fault for this lies in ABI (Anything But Islam)—US imperialism, Israel, "Hindutva" etc...
These Left intellectuals, in India and abroad, as apologists, assign "secular" reasons for Muslim violence even when the perpetrators themselves are clear about their religious motives.
They craft the narrative to attack their predetermined enemies, including the nation-state.