Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Reagan lowered the Corporate Tax,
Taxed Social Security and gutted the unions
Republican Billionaires had declared war on the working/middle class #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when OPEC with Russia raised prices on oil
All Republicans would take the side of our enemies
Just like they did to Carter for Reagan #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Fox started parroting Russian talking points
Right wing media was only interested in destroying Democracy #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Newt Gingrich left office
with Millions in PAC money
Republicans only worked for the 1% Billionaire parasites #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I know Republicans want to privatize
Social Security for greed and profit
Because they have always wanted
to destroy SS for greed and profit #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Paul Ryan received 1/2M$ from Koch
For his part in the 2017 Tax Cut for Billionaires..
he was a parasite too #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Billionaires spent Millions
on a campaign to preach Small Government
They were going to price gouge us all, after they deregulated and monopolized everything #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice1
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Republicans preached small Government to lower taxes…
They were only talking about the Billionaire 1%
And I knew the 99% would end up paying more to corporations #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew Rand Paul and Ron Johnson were always Russian assets
Why else would they spend the 4th of July in Moscow #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Barry Goldwater a Republican,
warned us about how dangerous
the Christian right was to Democracy
He would still be right 40 years later #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Republicans financed the Abortion war in the 60’s
They were hell bent on power and the destruction of our constitution by merging church and state #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew before watching the last 4 decades of the #GOPTrickleDownScam
All Republican, Independent and Democrat Working/Middle class
Would be destroyed for the 1% Billionaire parasites #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice
Don't blame Me..I'm a Democrat
I knew when Republicans spent months calling the Infrastructure Bill...socialism and voting against it
They would be back months later taking credit for it and begging for funds #ResistanceUnited#wtpBLUE#DemCast#DemVoice
1-When Dems take on the corporate monopolies driving up prices, despite making super profits
2-Contesting the cost of living by hitting Reps hard on doing big corps bidding on price-gouging and taxes
Discussion of the top 1% and monopolies doesn't expose the usual partisan splits
Nobody offered the usual response about “job creators,” barring 1 Trump voter in the Philadelphia group
You didn’t hear it with the Rep group in Texas
Prior to Reagan/Republican economic policies of today
The middle/working class enjoyed great
prosperity under FDR’s New Deal economies
Even IKE(R) supported Corporate tax rates of 91%
Competition Flourished=Inflation was stifled
#GOPFauxBorderCrisis is the # 2 reason Republicans Vote
With Fox playing the same 12 loops of migrant caravans daily (even though the vids are from Trumps days)
Not just a American disinformation problem either , Europe is also plagued with this propaganda dis-info op coming form Russia, China et al, amplified by Neo Nazi groups worldwide