I attended #WESELPA's Propaganda Fest at @CentralSD this past Thursday entitled: "Building Positive Relationships with Your School Community" - a training for parents led by Program Manager Anthony Farenga. It's was very troubling and just another way that the schools
think they own our children. I saw this in their core beliefs where Core Belief #1 was "teachers and parents have dreams for their students". I'm sorry but no teacher gets to dream about my child. They have no claim to their life and future. They need to focus on teaching them to
read, write and do math. Another Core Belief was "Families and Staff are equal partners". I at least wish this were true in the IEP meeting as it's supposed to be but it's not. School Admin bully parents and refuse to provide services that will actually benefit students with
#disabilities. Instead they prefer to line the pockets of lawyers from out of town. I shared with Mr. Farenga & the few parents (thankfully) in attendance that we are not equal partners. They get to help get my child through the 8th grade at CSD, after that the burden of getting
our children to adulthood and functioning as a productive member of society falls squarely on the parents shoulders. It's nothing more than platitude.
Mr. Farenga took time to point out the great expense #SpecialEducation is on the School District touting that only 40% of Special
Education funding came along with the Federal #IDEA entitlement act from 1973. What he failed to note is that the 40% is a supplement to the General Ed funding the district already receives from our local taxpayer monies. Check your next #PropertyTax Statement. Much of it goes to
the school district. For @CentralSD, currently there are 2 school bonds on that statement in addition to the regular #propertytax they already receive. School Districts give assurances they will provide appropriate services to #studentswithdisabilities in the least restrictive
environment that will allow them #equalaccess and #meaningfuleducationbenefit. But then they complain it's not enough money. It's never enough. And the problem is a large amount of the #specialeducation money is spent on lawyers to deny services. This is absurd - money intended
to educate students is used against them to deny an education!
I would prefer the #WESELPA districts educate our children instead of litigating against them to deny services. Farenga shared the enormous costs of attorney's but failed to acknowledge that WESELPA has a
1.3 Million dollar budget for them this year already.
Farenga shared a couple videos that I and the other parents found offensive. I felt it gave the district another way to shame and blame parents who speak up. Here's the link to one of them:
One parent
asked about this training being provided to school staff or what trainings at all were provided to staff. Farenga shared that there are trainings provided but they are voluntary. Another #WESELPA staff, Julie, stated that the public/parents were not allowed to attend these
trainings. I asked if we could be provided the documents/slides and was told no. I then proceeded to share with the room a slide from a law firms presentation to special education staff entitled: "Soup to Nuts" that I obtained. The nuts is their "humorous" take on parents who
raise questions or ask about the services their child is provided. The slide was a visual representation of the first tactic they shared that works with these parents: Aggressiveness! I have attached the photo to this post as well. The full slide presentation can easily be found
with an internet search for "Soup to Nuts LAUSD".
This is why we need parents on the school boards to take back control of our schools. Please take your vote seriously this year for school board races!
URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Stop the Government from Silencing YOU!
CA SB 1100 gives control to government agencies like city councils, county boards and school boards to create and use their OWN policies and regulations to define your actions at meetings as “disruptive” and gives
them unfettered power to physically remove you if you violate their policies or regulations! This can be easily abused for the reasons below. Please take JUST 5 MINTUES to ensure that your rights to FREE SPEECH under the First Amendment and the California Constitution are not
jeopardized! This is being heard at the Judicial Committee on Tuesday, June 21st – please send it prior to the meeting! To see the latest revision of this bill go to: leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billText…
Steps: 1) Go to: calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/ to create an account (just email & password)
A HUGE win for special education family and an embarrassing loss for #WESELPA attorneys from @F3Law -- A Federal Judge just smacked down attempts by the law firms of Fagen, Friedman and Fulfrost to sanction an attorney who represents a family of a student with disabilities in
@AltaLomaSD. @F3Law continues to employ the sanctions tactic unsuccessfully, despite a unanimous decision by the #WESELPA Superintendent’s Council not to pursue a sanctions policy in the WESELPA.
I believe FFF is marketing these motions because they get paid by the
#WESELPA Joint Risk Fund win or lose. It is almost certain that @F3Law got paid with special education dollars to pursue such motions. Please email your school board and urge them not to turn a blind eye to the injustices being perpetrated by FFF against children in the WESELPA.
OBTAINING EMAILS/TEXTS ABOUT YOUR CHILD. Emails and texts are NOT considered "student records" but parents CAN obtain them via PUBLIC records. I've created a little background fact sheet so you can understand why that is. The main issue is that FERPA says only records that are
identifiable and are MAINTAINED are student records. The courts have defined "maintained" as in a physical file. So, emails and texts (and Google docs communications, etc), unless they are printed and put in a physical file, are not considered "educational records." However,
they are PUBLIC RECORDS which you can get via a Public Records Act request. Remember to request ALL COMMUNICATIONS since the district staff also use things like Google Docs to communicate, as well as text messages. (You can even get text messages sent on personal cell phones!)
Selpas need their own audit, independent auditor says-- See SEALs email to #WESELPA Administrator @RickyAlyassi.
Dear Ricky,
Hope you had a nice holiday season. I wanted to let you know that this past Monday, the San Bernardino County Board of Education heard a report from an
independent auditor. During the presentation, I asked the auditor regarding the SELPA's responsibility to perform an audit. I asked the auditor if the audit presented to the County Board encompassed all of the programs of the SELPAs since SELPAs have their own board. The auditor
specifically stated that the audit to the County Board did not cover all of the SELPA programs and that SELPAs are responsible to perform their own audits. I also confirmed that any program receiving over $750,000 per year in federal awards, is required to conduct an audit.
It is clear that most school board members don’t really care about our special education issues. That could be largely due to the fact that they don’t have a child in
special education or some personal connection. Well we do and we need a voice on the board!
We need parents to run in our upcoming school board elections in 2022! Join us online Saturday, June 19th for an online presentation on how to run for your local school board presented by
a parent that has been elected to both the San Bernardino Board of Education as well as the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District!
ACTION ALERT-- Blow the whistle on WESELPA wrongdoing and speak up for children with disabilities
Dear Friends,
Please support children with disabilities and their families by speaking up on their behalf. You do not need to be in the WESELPA area to support our cause.
Please DM for email distribution list.
Suggested language (feel free to add your own details):
Dear School Board Members,
I wanted to express my disappointment in how your Superintendent voted on your behalf today at a meeting of the West End Special Education Local
Plan Area. Your Superintendent voted to be a rubber stamp for the WESELPA Administration and ignored comments from many parents and students with disabilities. Specifically, your Superintendent approved a contract with the Department of Rehabilitation sight unseen.