FYI the reason why the usual suspects are so busy trying to stir up shit betwixt and against Black & Jewish ppl is b/c we’re the 1st & 2nd most reliable Democratic voting blocs & the midterm election’s quickly approaching. Intersectionality is OUR POWER.…
Matter of fact, it was this same intersectionality & solidarity in the fight for civil rights (and against White supremacy) that fueled passage of the CRA in the aftermath of the “Mississippi Burning” murders of 1964. It’s a bond solidified by trauma.…
Bonus points if you’ve already connected the dots between the heinous killing of Black & Jewish civil rights workers in 1964 and the Mississippi location Reagan *intentionally hand-picked* for the launch of his racist ass presidential campaign in 1979… #SouthernStrategy101
Long story short, this is what the fuck our collective haters do every time we join hands & ballots against them. Our victories are their defeats so they resort to propaganda & violence as a means of ripping us apart b4 we ever get started. Never forget we’re stronger TOGETHER.
Don’t be surprised or deterred by the fact that Republicans would rather double down on paranoid, persecutory delusions than face their own culpability in Trump’s criminality. Their entire platform is rooted in feigned victimhood, evasion of consequences and blatant lies.
The GOP’s had ample opportunity to throw Trump under the bus yet they refuse to do it b/c 1) they’re all partners in crime who are covering each other’s asses and 2) their base is too propagandized and rabid to back away from the ledge. Faced with facts, they retreat to fantasy.
It isn’t breaking news that when they can’t successfully self-soothe in the Fox fantasy bubble, they resort to threatening/inciting violence. We’ve all seen this tantrum b4 & it STILL isn’t a valid excuse for letting anyfuckingbody off the hook for crimes against our democracy.
Translation: despite the urgency of beating back GOP fascism/treason, a lot of White Independents & “moderates” would STILL rather pine away for an imaginary coalition they don’t have the numbers to build than join a *multicultural* coalition that successfully elects Democrats.
Ever notice how they wait til the last 3-9 months before an election to decide they’re suddenly so dissatisfied with the menu options that they’d risk an alternative path that’ll most assuredly result in further dystopian bullshit at the hands of the GOP/White voting majority? 🧐
It’d be different if they’d spent the last ~22 years since the robbery-in-broad-daylight 2000 election building the infrastructure & electoral track record of a viable 3rd party but NO. Instead they’ve become spiteful spoilers who spew shit from the sidelines and enable the GOP.
Because the base of the Democratic Party’s been Black voters for the last 60 years, so just as Black people have always been held to blatant double standards that our White counterparts aren’t, the Democratic Party’s always a convenient scapegoat while the GOP gets away w/murder.
IOW, instead of holding the White voting majority accountable for repeatedly electing Republicans thereby enabling austerity/patriarchy/theocracy/fascism, they blame the Democratic Party for not being powerful enough to undo the damage without ANY help from the White majority.
They literally do this every election season b/c their fuckery is predicated on convincing enough voters (mostly White ones) that Democrats are too feckless, ignorant & mistrusted to win their votes. They claim both sides are the same b/c fascism poses no imminent threat to them.
“They create the conditions they lament then refuse all the viable remedies.” They put shit tons of assault weapons on the streets to justify further militarization of America’s police force, which still hasn’t demonstrated competence or capability of neutralizing mass shooters.
Those have ALWAYS been the options but unfortunately the White American voting majority has routinely & by default chosen a combination of 1, 2 & 4 b/c either way that keeps the multicultural Democratic base from making progress towards diversity, equity, inclusion & justice (3).
@Vladdiefan TBH I perceive this as y’all trying to somehow catch me/us in a pragmatism hunger games snafu gauntlet as if *we’re* the voters with a pattern of actually doing that. What y’all should be asking is “how can White PA Ds make Fetterman palatable to White voters in PA?”
IOW much like Bernie, the conventional wisdom holds that Fetterman’s the perfect answer to WWC (but mostly White male) grievance, “anxiety” and incurable anger at Wall Street (but “never” at immigrants, women & POC 🤐🤐🤐) so pls do share what the “secret” to nabbing the WWC is.