Total fucking libertarian anarchy...during crises.
These people are economic terrorists, what comes next is even more terrifying, the total privatisation and commodification of the UK under corporate hegemony. #BrexitReality…
There is a next stage, charter cities, the dirty secret lurking in Truss's investment zones. Hayek said in order for Libertarian interests to prosper think tanks must never disclose their true agendas publicly, this is happening as Truss's time runs out.
Distraction is key, economic disasters are the accelerant, cherries on top were Covid and even more obscene setting the blame on the Ukraine war, refugees, anit growth coalition, anything but admit their plans of libertarian exit from democracy itself.
UK at a tipping point, moderation banished, Tories are an extremist cult, any one opposing will justify stamping out all dissent, from academics, experts, 'lefties' workers, unions, nurses/NHS, environmentalists, artists, writers, all 'enemies within'🧵
Sunak's mentor Prof.Paul Romer &Tom Bell are charter city advocates, Truss's investment zones warrant urgent scrutiny! Bell developed alternative legal systems 'polycentric' laws to exit from state &enable competing jurisdictions via corporate hegemony!
Charter cities have a catch, Romer argued 3rd countries can lease their sovereignty to foreign entities. Rees-Mogg's clean deregulated slate opts in to this 'restructuring sovereignty'. Our MIRO board shows the transatlantic stakeholders involved👇🏻…
Tom Bell of CATO Ins 'You don't own the apartment you live in, you are leasing it and you own a share in a corporation that owns the entire community' WARNING Brits, Truss will lap up Bell's polycentric laws for her SEZs.
Freedom and equality are mutually constitutive. Libertarians say equality comes from freedom in the marketplace. Truss is making inequality a social norm, we are seeing her economic terrorism accelerate. Tories mean to privatise entire cities post Brexit
Privileges of libertarians exit from democracy will be not paying tax while forcing residents via new corporate laws to pay them for public services like fire, police, schools, hospitals, etc. Companies will keep you locked in servitude in a vicious circle of debt and slavery.
Many people unaware how this will impact their lives, Singham's regulatory framework once set means next Govt cannot change it in the future, laws to protect workers rights, access to justice & free speech gone, win the courts, win the war! #Brexit…
Context on these criminals. Ayn Rand (1905) was a writer who left🇷🇺for US in 1926, she escaped communism but substituted it for far right libertarian views. Sunak is a huge fan of her. Rand advocated empowering the state via police and judiciary to protect individual property>
Rand's free market ideology became a benchmark for libertarian attacks on the state which we are seeing rightg now from the Tories. Sovereignty has been 'restructured' (Rees-Mogg) to favour private interests and corporate rule beyond interference of big Govt.
Mogg backs fracking, by extension he backs contaminating drinking water, destroying the countryside, causing earthquakes in the process. Deregulation of 2,400EU laws takes back control not for your families but for disaster capitalists to set fire to UK.
Sewage in rivers & coastlines carry diseases like polio and ecoli, one cut, you get septic, poisoned, dead in a few days. Multiple attacks on entire infrastructure by Tories, 'investment zones' bringing anti-governance and private fiefdoms for companies
UK now a live experiment in corporate fascism,if you don't stand up and fight this, your workers/human rights will be abolished. Tories disdain for rule of law is set to ruin democracy, no votes, no FOM, you're trapped in a zone run by a company!
Please understand why the UK is in the state it's in. Tories will not deviate from their 'Libertarian exit' from democracy, contract/charter cities will secure economic liberty for the 1% via a corporate coup, 3rd country status enables this. It's happening fast! @raycraib
Truss's set to abolish 2,400 EU laws by 2023, she's safe for a year, a vote of (no) confidence can't touch her. Trump repealed 85 laws in 2 years, think about why Tories are in such a rush. Singham has stated charter cities can be running in 6 months.
"There is simply no greater challenge faced by mankind than helping to lift people out of poverty and frame a world of abundance, and not of scarcity" Shanker Singham, Head of Babson Enterprise Cities installed himself at heart of UK Govt prior to Brexit…
British exceptionalism is a gift to the Tories. Public are sleepwalking into a dystopian post Brexit far right nightmare. Charter cities are being planned in Truss's 'investment zones'. Here's a 'who's who' behind the libertarian takeover of UK democracy.…
R/w libertarian credo since turn of 20th century is 'Tax is theft of property'. Get this, Tories inflict an economic crisis to force you to sell your homes so they can sell them on to companies...subsidised by your taxes! You see it now? Tory private fiefdom was the aim of Brexit
Unless post Brexit plans for charter cities run by private companies are discussed and exposed for what they are in the MSM, corporate kleptocracies embezzling public money while writing their own laws beyond Govt reach, UK democracy is doomed. #Brexit