As Sun & Venus will move closer toward South Node in Chitra Nakashtra of Agni Nadi, people living in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, western part of MP, Sindh, West Punjab, Multan,
Daman - Diu, Kerala, Coastal regions of Maharashtra, West coast & Goa, TN, Karnataka , parts of AP, Pondicherry with sudden break out in rainfall & people can expect relief in between with increase in Slight warmness in weather but will again give rainfall .
As Chitra is Agni Nadi ruled by Mars, Saturn also getting aspected by Venus, Sun & Ketu and Mars will be in trine to it so there will be sudden increase in humidity and later on experience sudden blow of windstorm later in month which will further intensity weather
Mars is most important in Saptandi chakra as it gives different results in different signs and transits form one sign to another matters much in rainy season and it can give, perceptible change in weather within 2 or 3 days if it has having any link with Jala Grahas or jala Nadi
Mars is the most powerful planet causing rainfall or deteriorating it when it is placed behind or with sun by promoting warm weather and humidity.
As Sun & Venus Conjoining in libra sign along with Ketu it will promote both Sunny & humid weather which in later continues rainfall
in above mentioned regions as Sun & Venus movements toward Nodes usually bring dynamic weather changes in the form of Sudden & incessant rainfalls for longer periods later on cloudy & windfall in regions close to coastal or forests regions
Here the situation of incessant rainfall & dynamic weather changes will continue from 17th October upto 20th of October onward unless & untill it reaches its Mature degree around 2 degree in chitra Nakashtra, situation can be bit problematic when Venus also joins Sun within 2 deg
From 17th October to 23rd of October weather situation in Western & Southwest region will be Erratic & sudden and later on when Both Sun & Venus will move closer toward Ketu in Swati Nakashtra weather will change & we can expect sudden blow of windfall in coastal regions
That can triggered soothing weather situation and it will promote cold weather from Coastal to plain region so people living in Western, Southwest & Southern region can expect bit coldness in atmosphere which can give them but relaxing situation.
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According to Vedic Principals, world consists of Agni i.e., fire or heat and Soma (Varun) i.e. water, 12 forms of Sun (Surya – aditya ) and is the soul of all for those are being and for those who aren’t living being.
Nature controls by Indra who is most powerful god and who kills Vritra, the symbol of cloud to free waters. Vritra means one who covers and is derived from the root vri, to cover. According to R.R.M. Roy the main force of expansion in the Vedic cosmology is Indra,
and his chief adversary, the main force of contraction, is Vritra and Maruts are Indra’s associates.
Vedic seers pray boldly to these natural forces and aspects for bestowing plenty and prosperity on them.
#Aromatic#herbal Dhuni for Home Protection as per Tantra Shastra
Well there are Many herbs which are used for burning and purifying home environment but problem with these herbs some are considered for Shudh dhuni and some are Kadvi Dhuni and both the purpose need mantrit power
Of the spiritual Guru who should be well versed in Mantras either Vedic or Shabar as these dhuhi need mantra energy to give proper protection from negative reaction when we burn in home which has much negative effect in home.
These are 9 magical Herbs widely used in Tantra shashtra for protection :
With the planetary alignments of Saturn, Jupiter, Ketu & Yama ( Pluto ) conjunctions in year 2019 along with total solar eclipse world has Started witnessing changes & transformation in time ( Kaal-Chakra)
Because of that we have seen many ups/down from April 2019 onward, time was changing Frequently & global events were very dynamic in nature fromr rise of Anti National elements to Pandemic to Stock Market crash then rise of Market then war & disruption in global Supply chain
This period of dynamism was very challenging & transformative for whole global era untill Jupiter & Saturn were very close together till November 2021 with Yama ( Pluto) in trine to North Node Rahu.
For Wealth Flow in horoscope Jamini Point of View, HL ( Hora lagna is most important), SL ( Shree Lagna), Venus ( Karka of Wealth), Chara dasha of HL along with Indu Lagna & Sudasha dasha & finally transit can help greatly to know once status of wealth in particular time period.
Parameters to check time period :
• Check Vimsotri Dasha which is falling in 2nd, 7th, 10th & 11th from Indu Lagna.
• Check Transit of Saturn or Jupiter transit over HL, SL or Venus to prospect in particular time period for wealth generation.
• Check Chara Dasha of HL or SL or any Chara Dasha which is giving Rasi Drishti to either HL or SL or Falling in 2nd, 7th, 10th or 11th.
• Check which Sudasha Dasha is running, is it Beneficial planet Dasha falling in trine to Lagna or not in affliction.
As per Kaal chakra System Saturn will stay for 2.5 years in Aquarius Sign, Rahu & ketu will stay there till September 2023 & Jupiter will be there till May 2023 in Pisces sign and later move on to Aries sign So till year 2023-24 it won't be good for financial things
for both Individual & Mundane world. Financial challenges we have to experience as both Nodes are going closer toward Jupiter & Saturn. We will have consecutive placement of Jupiter, Rahu & Saturn from April- May 2023 onward.
From November 2022, Saturn will be again in trine to Ketu so job challenges, financial blockages and low income issues can be errupt again in global world and the trigger will hit from coming Solar eclipse that is going to fall on 25th October
For any kind of Speculative income either via Astrology, Property trade, Stock Market, lottery, Horse racing & betting etc 5th & 8th house/lords are Most important to evaluate the status of income either sustainable or regular or profitable.
If there is any affliction on 8th house /5th house or lord then native income will be irregular & unsustainable and mainly even he try to earn via speculation he will not able to sustain in longer run reason being 11th is house of regular income and 2nd house is for bank balance
5th is the house falling in 7th house to 11th house which opens up the probabilities to earn via speculation via native speculative skills when it is in bad state chancee of regularly income will low or one will take bad decisions wrt to speculative investment & incur losses