For Tommorow be Prepared...
Please make POSTERS , VIDEOS , TWEET THREADS ,etc #HalalFreeDiwali #HalalEconomy
हलाल (अरबी: حلال ; ḥalāl, "अनुमेय"), जिसे हल्लाल या हलाल भी कहा जाता है, पारंपरिक इस्लामी कानून में अनुमत या वैध है। यह अनुमत भोजन और पेय पर अक्सर लागू होता है।
Lets know
How I$lam Engages in Economic Jihad Through Halal Industry ?
It is important to remember that while just 15% of the population of the country are Muslims, the proportion of halal meat marketed in India is substantially greater and growing annually.
Since, a minority section of the population deeply cares about the kind of meat it prefers and the rest 85 per cent couldn’t care less about the method of meat preparation,
, it is inevitable that the minority population will end up thrusting its religious food choice on the whole country as it is convenient for sellers to just provide #halal meat.