Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #audiobook

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Apr 3rd 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The problem with economic models; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A Tron-like plane of glowing grid-squares. Two spherical cow
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/
The problem with economic models: Ideology disguised as math.

3/  Image: bert knottenbeld (modified)
Read 39 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Flickr to copyleft trolls: drop dead;; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/
Flickr to copyleft trolls: drop dead. Pixsy's predators no longer welcome.

Read 26 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: We should ban TikTok('s surveillance); and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A modified vintage editorial cartoon. Uncle Sam peeks out ov
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/
We should ban TikTok('s surveillance): And Google's, Apple's, and Facebook's surveillance, too.

3/ Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 27 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Image
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/ Image
Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy: When Rousseau comes to Hobbeswarts.

3/ Image
Read 26 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: What comes after neoliberalism; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Air Force One in flight; dr...
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/ Image
What comes after neoliberalism? "There is no alternative" is really a demand, namely, "Stop trying to think of an alternative!"

3/ Image
Read 24 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The Golden Rule (them what has the gold makes the rules); and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A kraken strangling a coin-operated judge automata whose rob
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible:… 2/
The Golden Rule (them what has the gold makes the rules): Dobbs, SVB, the Internet Archive, antitrust and the law's foundation in norms, not consistency.

Read 30 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
*Red Team Blues* is my next novel, a #PostCyberpunk anti-finance finance #thriller; it's a major title for my publishers @torbooks and @HoZ_Books, and it's swept the trade press with starred reviews all 'round. Despite all that, #Audible will not sell the #audiobook. 1/ A graphic showing a phone p...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
In fact, Audible won't sell *any* of my audiobooks. Instead, I have to independently produce them and sell them through @Kickstarter:… 3/
Read 44 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
My year end wrap up of my favorite reads from 2022 organized by month. Let me know if u want more information about any of them. ❤️
#favoritereads2022 #favoritebooks2022 #readingcommunity #RomanceReaders #romancelandia #romancebooks #audiobook #BookRecommendations
Books: January

Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall
Written in the Stars and Hang the Moon by Alexandria Bellefleur
Radha & Jai’s Recipe for Romance by Nisha Sharma
His Grumpy Childhood Friend by Jackie Lau
Books: February

Teach Me, Touch Me, and Temper Me by Alexandria House
Far From Bliss by Lexi Blake
Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood
Read 15 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Started #audiobook on @KukuFMOfficial
It's good experience..... Image
Next Book .... Very new #Prespectice of #Mahabharat .. Image
3. Building Social Business...
Free from #Socialism ... Image
Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2021
Geschafft! 125 Jahre nach Erscheinen des Originals, steht „Zum Abschluss des Marxschen Systems“ als Hörbuch mit knapp 4 Stunden Laufzeit nun zum Download bereit. Bis Ende Mai noch für günstige 6 anstatt 10 Euro bestellen! #Marx #BoehmBawerk #Audiobook…
Es ist leider soeben aufgefallen, dass es mit dem Export der Audio-Dateien ein Problem gab, sodass einige Parts, die zuvor schon korrigiert wurden, nun nicht korrekt zu hören sind. Ich bemühe mich um eine kurzfristige Behebung. Der Download wird im Laufe des Tages aktualisiert!
Zur Info: Die betroffenen Audio-Dateien wurden korrigiert und das Downloadpaket soeben aktualisiert.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
We have an eyewitness testimony, an actual victim of Robert E. Lee's cruelty.

Wesley Norris speaks to us from the grave.

"My name is Wesley Norris" ..…
White Supremacists lie.

Listen to actual eye witnesses -- people who were there.

Listen to your African ancestors.

Listen to Westley.

Listen to Olaudah Equiano.

Listen, as they take the stand and denounce The Monster That IS White Supremacy.

Read 5 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
Sıradan bir kitapseverin #JamesJoyce’un #Ulysses’i ile 24 senelik imtihanı (1996-2020)... Bu thread benim gibi #Ulysses’e başlayıp başlayıp sonunda bitireceklere adanmıştır. @enisbatur @MeltemGurle @armaganekici
1996’da lise son sınıfta iken @YKYHaber 'in başında @enisbatur vardı ve ilk #Ulysses çevirisini #NevzatErkmen yapmıştı. Kitabın dil oyunlar ile başa çıkabilecek en iyi aday deniyordu. Çünkü hem eşi #Joyce ’un ülkesi #İrlanda ’dandı hem de Zeka Oyunları Takımı’nın başındaydı.
Heyecanla ilk baskıyı satın aldım. Fakat herkes #Ulysses 'in rehber kitap olmadan okunamayacağı görüşündeydi. Nitekim benim de denemelerim başarısız oldu ve anahtar kitabı beklemeye başladım. O esnada üniversite bitti ve İngiltere’ye taşındım.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Glad the New York Times has caught up to what I’ve warned about: mailing in your ballot is playing Russian roulette with your vote. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. #VoteByMail #VoteByMail2020 #SaveMyVote2020…
And this year, some Boogaloo schmuck in a Hawaiian shirt will be the poll watcher challenging your ballot. #ElectionDay #Election2020 #Voting…
As we've previously reported, a seminal MIT study, Losing Votes by Mail, warns that 22% – more than one in five mail-in ballots – never get counted. #VoteByMail #VoteByMail2020 #PurgeByPostcard #VoterSuppression #ElectionFraud #VotingRights #CivilRights…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
Trump’s surprise 2016 wins in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were the shockers that gave him the White House by a minuscule margin of 77,400 votes — just 0.5% of the vote in those states.
Trump won Michigan by less than 0.1% — but the exit polls showed he’d lost by 0.3%. In Wisconsin, Trump won the official count by less than 1%, but the exit polls showed Clinton won by a substantial 3.7%. In Pennsylvania, once again: exit polls gave the win to Clinton.
So what happened? (Hint: The Red Shift.)
Read 4 tweets
Apr 26th 2020
Follow along an #OTperspective with GERAS Post-Doc Dr. Hewston (@p_hewston) on how to maintain #SelfCare during #COVID19

Strategy1of5: Try to maintain #routine and #structure in your day— eg. starting your day with #coffee in your fav mug ☕️ & eating breakfast at the table 🍳
Strategy2of5: To help maintain structure while at home - set daily #goals - try using a #kanban board to visualize your progress and #celebrate your accomplishments🌟
Stragety3of5: Try the 5 #moments of #mindfulness [5M&Ms] grounding technique to focus on the here-and-now & relax🧘🏼‍♀️

Describe 5️⃣ things you see 👁
Describe 4️⃣ things you feel 🖐
Describe 3️⃣ things you hear 👂
Describe 2️⃣ things you smell 👃
Describe 1️⃣ thing your thankful for Image
Read 6 tweets
Mar 15th 2020
I am proud of pastors who chose to move to virtual services today! Good choice, sisters and brothers! In this time of isolation there is REAL potential to transform our churches, if we leverage this period as an opportunity to thicken our gospel. 1/ #COVIDー19 #virtualchurch
In his book, Prayer, @FosterEveryday says connection w/ God happens in the silence. Could this be opportunity for national #soulreset? Could it be an opportunity for us to connect w/ God again—through deeper introspection and intentional listening to voices usually overlooked? 2/
I’d like to recommend #fivebooks for pastors to dive into with their congregations over the next 2-3 weeks; while we have the blessing of this national #soulreset. 3/ #COVIDー19 #SocialDistancing
Read 13 tweets
Feb 9th 2020

A quote from the former slave and abolitionist and writer Olaudah Equiano, that addresses the atrocities of 18th century slavery.
🎧 Free #AudioBook of "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. (FULL audiobook)

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African, Written By Himself.

Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797)

An interesting observation: Olaudah Equiano came from the Kingdom of Benin. He observed both African and the race-based slavery of Europe.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 13th 2019
Ok I just finished my last #Audible #Audiobook. Time to trade them all in and get new ones. For my personal record I am going to tweet all the book, that I have listened to in the last few months. Ok here we go.
Learned more about #JFK than I have in my life. I really enjoyed this one. It's long, but for someone like me that didn't live through that time period, it was good at giving a sense of just how close we came to nuclear war and how JFK avoided it.…
Another President I knew barely anything about, #LBJ. This book was really good too. I will probably listen to it again because I would like to be able to retain and repeat some of the stories that prove how corrupt #LBJ (and the Democrats) were.…
Read 16 tweets
Nov 1st 2018
The book that introduced me to Lila Bard #30DayBookChallenge - Favourite book in a series
Day 2 #30DayBookChallenge
Favourite book by favourite author
Read 28 tweets

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