HV_NitiNarratives📜📚🧘‍♀️ Profile picture
#HVthreads #HVshortLessons #HinduLivesMatters #DharmaThreads #CulturalKatha #ItihasikaInsights #HinduVichardhara #HinduHeritageVoice Check My YouTube Channel.🙃
Jun 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The inversion perspective is one of the most powerful #MentalModel .
Rather than thinking about your desired outcome, consider the outcome you'd like to avoid.
++ Image The inversion mental model provides a mechanism to attack our own thoughts, break out existing assumptions, question the various possibilities, and encourage different viewpoints.
Dec 19, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Disclaimer: For awareness purposes, this information concerning #Anemia is basic. Consult your doctor instead of relying on this. When you have anemia, your body doesn't produce enough strong red blood cells to supply enough oxygen to the tissues. You may experience fatigue and weakness if you have anemia, commonly known as low hemoglobin.
Dec 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What is music therapy?
Sound healing therapy uses aspects of music to improve physical and emotional health and well-being. The person being treated partakes in the experience with a trained practitioner.
Music therapy may involve:
listening to music
singing along to music
moving to the beat of the music
Oct 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
For Tommorow be Prepared...
हलाल (अरबी: حلال ; ḥalāl, "अनुमेय"), जिसे हल्लाल या हलाल भी कहा जाता है, पारंपरिक इस्लामी कानून में अनुमत या वैध है। यह अनुमत भोजन और पेय पर अक्सर लागू होता है। Image @HinduITCell @pich_shantladki @Ravisinghjhatka @AuthorityJhatka @DharmaOfVedas @sanatansamiksha @yajnaa_ @Krodhika
Oct 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Let's learn about #HallalFreeDiwali for spreading AWARENESS.
I will note points... N Make a Thread.
twitter.com/i/spaces/1YpKk… My previous THREAD .
Sep 12, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
Started #audiobook on @KukuFMOfficial
It's good experience..... Image Next Book .... Very new #Prespectice of #Mahabharat .. Image
Jul 10, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Lets know
How I$lam Engages in Economic Jihad Through Halal Industry ?
It is important to remember that while just 15% of the population of the country are Muslims, the proportion of halal meat marketed in India is substantially greater and growing annually. Since, a minority section of the population deeply cares about the kind of meat it prefers and the rest 85 per cent couldn’t care less about the method of meat preparation,