The only HAARP transmission reception I can say I received in Oklahoma during Day 1 of Ghosts in the Air Glow, was the XIII (NBTV) on 9.5 MHz. It ended on time as scheduled. Here's a portion of video screen capture showing shut down. But my SDR recording was corrupt. #HAARP
Only HAARP signal capture I had in Oklahoma during Day 2 of Ghosts in the Air Glow was same as yesterday. Received 9.5 MHz during NBTV transmission, but nothing I'll be able to decode. Here's that signal start at scheduled time. #HAARP
#ICYMI Only received one transmission from early morning Ghosts in the Air Glow HAARP broadcast, 9.5 MHz. Lower #HAARP frequencies didn't reach Oklahoma.
I've already programmed recording schedule for tomorrow morning event.
HAARP signal 9.5 MHz 23 Oct 0607-0612 UT. Location : Oklahoma, Receiver : USB SDR, Antenna: 30ft wire terminated with 18 inch coil filled with iron mereorite fragments. #HAARP#swl#shortwave#radio
Termination of my 30 ft wire antenna with this.. 18 inch coil filled with iron mereorite fragments.
Two HAARP Transmission Experiments start today. (Day 4 #HAARP Signal Captures will be placed in this Thread)
Since announced HAARP frequencies for VLF Amplification experiment could change without notice as posted, I found one close to the 4.2 MHz they posted (4.240 MHz). Received this pulsing which shut down at scheduled end of experiment time. Unknown if #HAARP. NEED VERIFICATION
Possibly HAARP beginning the moon bounce transmissions as scheduled at 1630 UT for Oct 2022 Research Campaign. Firing up transmitters just prior at around 9.6 Mhz as is reported. Short duration. Here's a snippet of capture. #HAARP@uafhaarp#hamradio#hamr#swl