NEXT: Corticosteroids in Bacterial pneumonia? By @antoniotorres Barcelona Spain.
Starting with 30-day mortality of severe CAP is very high. Microbial etiology is Strep pneumoniae, Legionella, Staph aureus, Pseudomonas and Polymicrobial #LIVES2022 #ventilation @ESICM
@AntonioTorres@ESICM anti-inflamm Rx :steroids / macrolides may reduce mortality. Rationale : local and systemic inflammatory responses are increased in CAP, thus "down-regularte" them. Delfi consensus : no recommendation for any CAP but for in icu CAP patients, recommended. #steroids#ards@ESICM
@AntonioTorres@ESICM Rx steroids 0.5mg/kg/12 hr methylpred for 5 days for CAP. However influenza patient -- steroids may increase mortality. What happen also with Macrolides and Steroids combination ? In study : no synergistic effect and no additional improvement. #steroids#cap#ventilation@ESICM
@AntonioTorres@ESICM Final : recommends more "trials" effect of steroids on mortality are no well defined, small trials, inflammatory status not considered. NOT ALL STEROIDS is the SAME. SO NO EASY ANSWER YET ! #steroids#LIVES2022
Interesting meta analysis findings
In conclusion : Severe CAP with shock popn - steroids porbably decrease mortality and increase free days of MV. Phenotypes + genotypes need to be in the centre of this research. Heterogeneity of Rx effects interesting to see. #LIVES2022 #ventilation #steroids#ards @ESICM
@ESICM Q: some patients may have steroid "resistance" how do we determine it? Ans: no way of finding this out in a clinical practice. Laboratory research ongoing for looking at this. Transcriptomic signatures are being looked at but not available at bed-side. #LIVES2022 @ESICM
Uppsala- Sweden
"Do we Need a biological definition of ARDS"
- Berlin definition has NO Diffuse alveolar damage .
- the Berlin defn does not capture well
Frohlich - different definitions specificity of 0.63, 0.42, 0.31 even! #ventilation#ards#LIVES2022
ARDS - new definition or phenotypes by @GicoBellani refreshing with Kigali definition of ARDS - useful not just low resource but during pandemic in supposedly high income settings and only draw back is no PEEp requirement #ards#ventilation#LIVES2022@ESICM
@GicoBellani@ESICM Resolved versus confirmed ARDS
- prospectively applying Berlin definition did work but if ya wait 24 hrs and re-measure P/F ratio, you end up stratifying much better.
- Better separation of groups
NEXT Speaker : VA ecmo for which patients?
Severe cardiogenic shock has different phenotypes 1. medical cardiogenic shock(AMI, end stage dilated CM, myocarditis, septic shock) 2. Post cardiotomy refractory CS (post CABG) #LIVES2022 @ESICM#ecmo#resuscitation#ALS
@ESICM 2022 what do the guidelines say
- ESC recommends short term MCS should be considred in cardiogenic shock.
IABP may be considered but not routinely recommended in post MI #LIVES2022