NEXT: Clinical question : ARDS and steroids-sensitive patterns by President-Elect @ElieAzoulay5
lots of questions: why? how ? phenotypes? timing? dose? are we missing "systemic vasculitis,etc" behind defn ARDS? #LIVES2022 #ventilation #steroids#ARDS@ESICM
@ElieAzoulay5@ESICM Refreshing ARDS definition. Berlin definition needs further updates (more on this later). 🤓
Pathological : DAD : Diffuse Alveolar Damage" has many causes - most of them we wont discuss steroid use at all.
@ElieAzoulay5@ESICM thus DAD pathological diagnosis is not helpful to ask clinical question of steroids.
Interesting finding in autopsy data in ARDS. #LIVES2022
1 year after ARDS - there are still changes in the lung but very few have "fibrosis" -- so fibrosis is EITHER completely reversible OR fibrosis patients dont survive to 1-year. We need to look at bio-markers in time-course of ARDS. #LIVES2022 #ventilation #ards #steroids@ESICM
in ARDS: want to reduce endothelial permeability, cytokine over-activation, neutrophil activity. Citing another classic DEXA-ARDS trial for established ARDS : 139 patients and DSMB stopped trial due to low recruitment. But data is interesting #LIVES2022 #ventilation #steroids
in-depth on DEXA-ARDS. Open label with composite outcome (vent free day), 250 patients excluded because on steroids already. standard of care changed NMBA use 8.6% in dexa vs. 5.1% in control. 🧐🧐
summary, according to @ElieAzoulay5 not a routine use. Discussion regarding "phenotypes" & "endotypes". but Literature not conclusive. Limited data & low level of confidence. "enrichment" of trial recruitments m. #LIVES2022
Uppsala- Sweden
"Do we Need a biological definition of ARDS"
- Berlin definition has NO Diffuse alveolar damage .
- the Berlin defn does not capture well
Frohlich - different definitions specificity of 0.63, 0.42, 0.31 even! #ventilation#ards#LIVES2022
ARDS - new definition or phenotypes by @GicoBellani refreshing with Kigali definition of ARDS - useful not just low resource but during pandemic in supposedly high income settings and only draw back is no PEEp requirement #ards#ventilation#LIVES2022@ESICM
@GicoBellani@ESICM Resolved versus confirmed ARDS
- prospectively applying Berlin definition did work but if ya wait 24 hrs and re-measure P/F ratio, you end up stratifying much better.
- Better separation of groups
NEXT Speaker : VA ecmo for which patients?
Severe cardiogenic shock has different phenotypes 1. medical cardiogenic shock(AMI, end stage dilated CM, myocarditis, septic shock) 2. Post cardiotomy refractory CS (post CABG) #LIVES2022 @ESICM#ecmo#resuscitation#ALS
@ESICM 2022 what do the guidelines say
- ESC recommends short term MCS should be considred in cardiogenic shock.
IABP may be considered but not routinely recommended in post MI #LIVES2022