Extra-corporeal therapies in Resp Failure @CarolynCalfee
- Phenotypes in ARDS
Many phenotypes in ARDS: severity of ARDS, aetiology,
- physiologic
- does any of this response to differently to ECMO? #LIVES2022 #ventilation #extracorpreal@ESICM
@CarolynCalfee@ESICM Severe ARDS phenotypes EOLIA using P/F ratio
- within 1st 7 days
- within this, which pt benefits most.
Meta-analysis on ECMO patients
- multiple subgroups but none of them statistically significant
- only key difference is No of organ failure . >2 ecmo less likely to work
@CarolynCalfee@ESICM so how about ECCO2R?
- if benefit drives from decreasing lung injury
- then high dead space or low compliance patients could be benficial
- Goligher AJRCCM 2017
- low TV + ECCOR vs. conventional low TV
-early acute resp failure
stopped early for futility
- no difference based on ARDS, severity
- ECCOR has higher mortality. no effects in subgroups based on compliance.
- not sure
- may be off-target effects and risks
- patient not all ARDS , P/F <150.
So now what about COVID 19 ards?
- repeatedly asked this questions at many icm meetings.
- older age, later stage of pandemic, steroids ~ poor outcomes.
Target Trial Emulation n = 7345 , observation data "emulated" as RCT
- 1': ECMO for all pts with PF<80
would have reduced mortality
What about if we use delta P as indication for ECMO
- if delta p > 15 + ECMO, then likely significant benefit.
ECMO most effective in young, obese, when started early.
NOTE : not an RCT data and emulation data.
3 phenotypes : hypoinflammatory has lowest mortality
- need external validation but potential biological heterogeneity
@drjzhn Biological phenotypes
- v little data on biological phenotypes
- biological phenotypes defined in "typical " ARDS
- e.g., hyper v hypoinflammatory phenotypes
- have differential responses to steroids, fluids, simvastatin
- what about ECMO ? thelancet.com/series/ARDS-20…
- observational tudy of 16 pts severe ARDS on ECMO
- switch from LTVV to ultra protective ventilation at 3ml/kg
- biomarkers change
-jury is still out but fascinating
@drjzhn Might hyper-inflammatory phenotype benefit from ECMO/ECCO2R
- MIGHT is key word.
- need larger studies with extensive clinical data set and bio-repositories.
- what we know definitively : early very severe ARDS benefits most in younger, high driving pressure, obese pts
@drjzhn Essentially we would need a prospectively collected bio-marker repository and a large sample to answer this questions -- aka likely difficult. Private sector working on biomarekers but not sure performance in bedside.
Uppsala- Sweden
"Do we Need a biological definition of ARDS"
- Berlin definition has NO Diffuse alveolar damage .
- the Berlin defn does not capture well
Frohlich - different definitions specificity of 0.63, 0.42, 0.31 even! #ventilation#ards#LIVES2022
ARDS - new definition or phenotypes by @GicoBellani refreshing with Kigali definition of ARDS - useful not just low resource but during pandemic in supposedly high income settings and only draw back is no PEEp requirement #ards#ventilation#LIVES2022@ESICM
@GicoBellani@ESICM Resolved versus confirmed ARDS
- prospectively applying Berlin definition did work but if ya wait 24 hrs and re-measure P/F ratio, you end up stratifying much better.
- Better separation of groups
NEXT Speaker : VA ecmo for which patients?
Severe cardiogenic shock has different phenotypes 1. medical cardiogenic shock(AMI, end stage dilated CM, myocarditis, septic shock) 2. Post cardiotomy refractory CS (post CABG) #LIVES2022 @ESICM#ecmo#resuscitation#ALS
@ESICM 2022 what do the guidelines say
- ESC recommends short term MCS should be considred in cardiogenic shock.
IABP may be considered but not routinely recommended in post MI #LIVES2022