5. usTwo talked about how they used DOTS (Burst and Job System) in Alba: A Wildlife Adventure to deliver an open world game on low-end mobile devices unity.virtualeventsite.com/agenda-unite-2… (YouTube link coming later) @ustwogames
6. We have refreshed unity.com/dots to align with 1.0 content, and included some great stories from creators already using DOTS in production.
7. We have also refreshed and consolidated our ECS web pages to a single unity.com/ecs page so you can see all the goodness in one place.
8. we hosted an Ask the Experts on our Discord server all day, with 7 DOTS engineers and product managers. In total, we answered 46 questions about DOTS. All Q&A is available to check out now. discord.gg/unity
9. Turbo Makes Games posted an epic 2.5 hour video tutorial to create a game using ECS 1.0 - @TurboMakesGames
10. Not a new link, but a reminder that our DOTS team is actively engaged on the forums, so check that out for updates, news, and some great conversations forum.unity.com/forums/data-or…