2/Lumbar stenosis has always been controversial. In 2012, they tried to survey spine experts to come to a consensus as to what are the most important criteria for canal & foraminal stenosis. And the consensus was…that there was no consensus. So what should you use to call it?
3/Well, you don’t want just gestalt it—that is a recipe for inconsistency & disagreement. But you don’t want to measure everything either—measurements are not only cumbersome, they introduce reader variability & absolute measurements don’t mean the same thing in every patient.
4/Think of it functionally. Nerves need to fit in their space, like you fit in clothing. Mild stenosis is like comfy clothes—no squeezing. Moderate stenosis clothing isn’t loose, but there isn’t extra room either. Severe stenosis is like too tight jeans, your body gets compressed
5/So how do we tell if the nerves have enough room—if the clothing fits loosely, tight, or too tightly? We look at the space around them. For the canal, it is CSF—if there's enough room, extra space will be filled by CSF. For foramina, it is fat—extra room is filled by fat.
6/For mild canal stenosis, there is mild attenuation of the CSF space, but there is still plenty of CSF around, just like there is plenty of room in your comfy sweat pants
7/For moderate canal stenosis, the canal starts closing in, so there is less CSF around and the nerve roots appear aggregated. It’s like the clothes you wear to the club, there isn’t much room between your skin & the clothing, but you can still fit into them (hopefully)
8/Severe canal stenosis is the too tight jeans. The canal doesn’t just hug up to the nerve roots, it compresses them. Like your belly after a big meal trying to get into tight jeans, they get squished and deformed in order to fit, so they can’t be separated from each other.
9/This classification isn’t just easy to remember, it’s also evidence based. This is the Lee classification that has excellent reproducibility not just among radiologists, but among everyone. And it does correlate w/increasing symptoms.
10/For foraminal narrowing, the nerve inside the foramen has fat around it on four sides that can be attenuated as the space gets tighter. How many sides are attenuated determines how severe the stenosis is.
11/Mild stenosis is where you have loss of the fat on 2 sides. So it is still comfy clothing bc the fat is preserved on the other two sides, so you still have lots of space.
12/For moderate stenosis, you lose the space on all four sides, but the nerve itself is not compressed or deformed. Like a sleek outfit, it shows your curves, but doesn’t deform them. It’s not a comfy outfit, per se, & I wouldn’t eat a lot while wearing it, but it’s not too small
13/For severe stenosis, we are trying to fit into those jeans from high school and it isn’t going well. You are squishing in everything you can to get it to fit. Same with the foramen—the fat isn’t just gone, the nerve is compressed and deformed.
14/This is also named the Lee system. It fits well with the Lee classification for canal stenosis. It also is extremely reproducible and correlates with findings at surgery.
So you don’t have to remember a complicated system—just ask yourself, how does the clothing fit?
15/So put away your measuring calipers! You can end the inter-observer variability. These systems are easy to remember, make sense, and are based in evidence. As they say, if it fits—wear it!
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1/The 90s called & wants its carotid imaging back!
It’s been 30 years--why are you still just quoting NASCET?
Do you feel vulnerable when it comes to identifying plaque vulnerability?
Here’s a thread to help you identify high risk plaques with carotid plaque imaging
2/Everyone knows the NASCET criteria:
If the patient is symptomatic & the greatest stenosis from the plaque is >70% of the diameter of normal distal lumen, patient will likely benefit from carotid endarterectomy.
But that doesn’t mean the remaining patients are just fine!
3/Yes, carotid plaques resulting in high grade stenosis are high risk.
But assuming that stenosis is the only mechanism by which a carotid plaque is high risk is like assuming that the only way to kill someone is by strangulation.
1/I always say you can tell a bad read on a spine MR if it doesn’t talk about lateral recesses.
What will I think when I see your read? Do you rate lateral recess stenosis?
Here’s a thread on lateral recess anatomy & a grading system for lateral recess stenosis
2/First anatomy.
Thecal sac is like a highway, carrying the nerve roots down the lumbar spine.
Lateral recess is part of the lateral lumbar canal, which is essentially the exit for spinal nerve roots to get off the thecal sac highway & head out into the rest of the body
3/Exits have 3 main parts.
First is the deceleration lane, where the car slows down as it starts the process of exiting.
Then there is the off ramp itself, and this leads into the service road which takes the car to the roads that it needs to get to its destination
3/At its most basic, you can think of the PPF as a room with 4 doors opening to each of these regions: one posteriorly to the skullbase, one medially to the nasal cavity, one laterally to the infratemporal fossa, and one anteriorly to the orbit