Our analysis of pandemic excess deaths for the Nordic countries 🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸🇳🇴🇸🇪is now published. #tldr:
-major dependencies on method and time-period used
-unusual 2018/2019 mortality years affect estimates
-concerns about @IHME_UW model. /1 doi.org/10.1093/ije/dy…
IHME @IHME_UW (doi.org/10.1016/S0140-…) is a major outlier, giving 2x total Nordic excess death vs. other models. Our estimate of IHME expected deaths (red) seem inconsistent with register data and substantially too low, causing too high excess deaths for 🇩🇰🇫🇮🇸🇪. /2
IHME also gives implausible reporting ratios and IFRs, e.g., 🇩🇰 & 🇫🇮 several-fold worse at identifying covid-deaths and much more lethal infections than 🇳🇴 and 🇸🇪 -errors explained by erroneous death estimates. doi.org/10.1016/S0140-… /3
IHME models have major influence –published this Spring in @TheLancet, already cited 100s of times and used in the Lancet Commissions’ report (doi.org/10.1016/S0140-…) as premise for all discussions, incl. country comparisons that we show are unreliable. /4
Other models that we analyzed, WHO, Economist (in two versions), WMD, and BME – had much more similar estimates, more consistent with trends derived from historic register data, and much more country-similar reporting ratios (below) and IFRs. /5
For the future, our study illustrates need for data-based critical post-publication review, comparison & sensitivity analysis of complex models whose uncertainties and assumptions are hard to interpret @TheLancet@richardhorton1 /6
Note: All estimates should be taken with caution as they miss detailed demographics, such as changes in the age group populations over the study period. We have a study soon to be submitted where we analyze population structure effects on mortality. /7
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I valgkampen ses nu en (gen)fortælling af minksagen som en fornuftig indsats, der ”blot” manglede lovhjemmel og kun lidt der kunne gøres anderledes. Nedenfor lidt om, hvorfor det er en temmelig misvisende udlægning af en af Danmarkshistoriens måske dårligst styrede kriser.
Mink som virus-reservoir er en trussel, som forskerne var/er enige om skal håndteres. Den trussel var man bevidst om og handlede på i DK til sommer 2020, hvor syge mink blev slået ned, en standardpraksis anbefalet af bl.a. ECDC (også efter 4/11 2020). ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/…
Fejl 1: Cluster 5 blev opdaget allerede i august, men blev senest set i september 2020 i i alt 11 danskere i Nordjylland. Man sad på disse data i måneder mens smitten på minkfarmene spredte sig, indtil akut trussel i november. berlingske.dk/danmark/trods-…
Since Denmark decided to open, misinformation has circulated, incl. conspiracy theories reg. officially manipulated numbers, implying Danish doctors don't treat our patients ("eugenics"), reinfections, & misrepresenting data on psychiatric patients & children. 1/
Danish omicron infection is very high. As we test routinely on admission, we find many cases, incl. incidental admissions, as anticipated. Please see background by @M_B_Petersen & chief consultant at @SSTSundhed@sneermark /2
Misinformation reg. massive rise in babies/kids & multiple reinfections comes from misrepresenting preliminary dashboard data & ignoring incidental pediatric admissions. For debunking see: /3
Hvor mange liv blev reddet ved "nedlukning"? 🤔
Det (igen relevante) spørgsmål illustrerer hvor polariseret coronadebatten har været, selv her i Danmark: I stedet for at forstå problemet og finde en konsensus får vi to ekstremer der let skydes ned.
Kan gøres bedre #dkmedier /1
Tallene er usikre, med en del misforståelser og forsimplinger, herunder hvad nedlukning dækker over, immunitet, sæson, heterogenitet, og tidshorisont:
De parametre, man skal inddrage, er velkendte men bliver sjældent omtalt, hvilket svækker debatten og giver "skyttegravskrig". /2
Hele problemets antagelse er, at en smittekurve kan bringes til ophør ved at få kontakttallet under 1 - dvs. reducere mængden af eksponerede (social afstand) med evt. hjælp fra sæsoneffekter, så epidemien dør ud selvom mange er modtagelige for virus. /3
Reg. Alzheimer's disease (AD) & covid-19:
As a scientist with a research interest in both I'd like to clarify that there is no evidence that covid-19 causes AD, even less so a "steep rise" upon covid-19. There are (unsurprising) associations, but no data suggesting causality. /1
AD & other forms of dementia are important to the covid-19 discussion especially because i) dementia is a comorbidity of covid-19; ii) dementia patients are at special risk due to the pandemic (social isolation, mental and physical inactivity). /2 doi.org/10.1016/S0140-…
AD & covid-19 both have age as a main risk factor. AD adds risk of severe covid-19 outcome. Many risk factors such as physical activity and socioeconomic status may also be common to both and could act as confounders in observational studies. /3 doi.org/10.1016/j.jns.…
Reg. long-covid statements from Finland:
Claims of prolonged symptoms in 1 of 2 infected adults & sharp rise in Alzheimer's currently spread on social media. As this could have major implications for policy, full transparency and scrutiny is essential. /1 reuters.com/article/us-hea…
The claims come from a Finnish government advisory panel on long-covid, making this notable. The panel stated that review of >4000 documents indicates 1 in 2 infected adults may suffer long-term symptoms and increase risk of Alzheimer's. Panel below: /2 stm.fi/documents/1271…
Only a 17-page summary is public. Any full analysis not available -notably how studies were excluded or included, which is essential (see below).
(After asking I was told today by panel chair: "We did not do any of our own if that's what you mean.")
/3 stm.fi/documents/1271…
Vores massive testsystem, kapacitet & hvordan man måler epidemien er igen et emne, så nedenfor en tråd om både baggrund, nutid & fremtid for betydningen af test, både som tiltag til at kontrollere smitte og ift at overvåge epidemien i en "omikron-tid". ⬇️ videnskab.dk/forskerzonen/k…
Den primære grund til at jeg kom på Twitter okt. sidste år den interne ophedede debat ml. forskere om testdynamik og positivprocent, hvor smittekurver ukritisk blev antaget at måle epidemiens størrelse selvom testtallet firedoblede fra maj til sep 2020. /1
Jeg var rystet over manglende kritik fra universitetsverden– når man måler 4x mere forventer man mange flere positive (dog ikke liniært). Internt forstod professorkolleger klart dette, men stod ikke frem. En skrev: "enig, men problemet er, at det jo er det, Trump siger". /2 🤔