For dharmic people to Understand their enemy, they would need to understand the following tools adharmic people use all the damn time: 1. 5 rules of propaganda by Norman Davis 2. The Pyramid of Hate based on Allport's scale of prejudice) 3. Projection Theory.
Since Roman times, the five rules of propaganda are being used to ensure western monotheistic domination. Here are five basic rules of propaganda, courtesy of Norman Davies in his extraordinary book "Europe: A History".
The pyramid of hate is based on the Allport's scale. Observe it carefully and see how the 5 roman and adharmic rules of propaganda are applied at each level. What the topmost aim?
The projection theory works when Indians imagine west works like a dharmic India and when west thinks india works like adharmic west.Ex.: The Nazi symbol of hate is called haah-ken-kroy-tz and not Swastika. Hindus don't classify Society using a portuguese word.
When dharmic people understand their enemy and their intellectual weapons 5 Roman rules of propaganda; The Pyramid of Hate&
Projection Theory, brainwashing suddenly stops. the paradigm shift will ensure that adharmic practices become clearly visible.
The fog lifts.
The words dharmic and adharmic help overrule the differences in people based on skin colour. #Westerners brought up to regard doctrinal assertions as dogmatic truth, find it incredibly hard to understand the Sanskrit words #Dharma and #Adharma.
Here is proof that the words dharma and adharma aren't well understood. Listen to Bettany Hughes admit it openly here :
For truly busting propaganda, hindus need to remember their rules of #TarkVitark
Unfortunately these are not taught in paathshalas anymore since Macaulay decided it should be banned.
Meanwhile learn the basics of fighting propaganda. Never get personal because that is the most common form of bad debating. Its called ad hominem. It displays low knowledge on the subject you are arguing about.…
When an inherently dharmic nation like Bharat falls for the propaganda, projection theories and prejudice of the west and blindly copies them, all hell breaks loose. Here is why. It is due to scale.
Credits @jsaideepak book India That Is Bharat 2021.
All rights belong to the author
Macaulay wanted indians to want to study in european institutions back in mid 1800s.
Today, Indians do not have enough seats to educate themselves in desi universities. Gora universities have too many empty seats they want to sell to desis, to brainwash desis.
Fortunately some dharmic people do not give up on their dharma when they are brainwashed.
Knowing the toolkit of adharmiks gives clarity of thought in rhe bigger picture and assists critical thinking.
It also helps dispel myths that have hitherto been fed to millions..
End of Thread Question :
Is this a dharmic or an Adharmic thought by Carl Sagan?
When confronted with anything other than what these three brainwashing tools has fed them with, you will be rejected outright. This is due to
1. confirmation bias 2. cognitive dissonance
Confirmation bias leads to echo chambers.
Cognitive dissonance makes one uncomfortable.
Making people uncomfortable and creating echo chambers is HUGELY Adharmic.
End of Thread Question 2:
a) Why do Adharmics employ these tools?
b) Why do they use propaganda and narratives in the Pyramid of Hate?
c) Why the need to project?
d) Why is 'Different Folks Different Strokes' not ok for them?
End of Thread excercise:
Look out in all LeLi media , movies, educational.textbooks, shrink visit in India and outside india for these three tools. Feel free to share your observations...
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Nudity is not shocking in Europe anymore. There was a time Europeans were too shocked to see the Indian saree and forced Victorian blouses on indian women. Today , they have ditched their prudishness and topless beaches and spas everywhere in Europe.
While Indians cover up.
Americans are so shocked on seeing topless women in europe. Exactly how Arabs and Europeans felt on reaching India.
For dharmic people to understand the adharmic, they would need to understand the following methods employed to keep Bharat poor : (thread)
Keeping India poor is advantageous for WEIRD nations (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic)
1. Taking over media of India 2. Armtwisting socialist India into taking IMF and WB loan and forcing liberalisation 3. Using liberalisation to flood India with plastic waste and brainwashing Indians to ape consumerist waste creating lifestyles 4. Making India diabetic
5. Demonizing the words like Brahmin, Bhakt, and funding atrocity literature against unified India 6. Pushing lies like western superiority on Indians who generally do not blow their own trumpet. 7. Manufacturing demand for western brands; kill desi brands
If you live with simplicity, you are truly awake
If you respect all, you are enlightened
If you see the meaning behind why hindus have their rituals, your eyes are open
If you recognise the dogmatic blind faith of Abrahamism, you are NOT insular.
Desis've been woke before wokeism
How to treat Goras in India in the same way goras treat Indians in Europe. 1. Do not take them shopping 2. Wait for them to invite you to their homes, do not return the invitation. 3. Till they ask, do not suggest the local eating places or best quality local markets.
4. Do not explain how the school system functions. Let them break their heads over the cultural differences 5. Gora atithi is not devo. Gora atithi needs to viewed with tremendous suspicion and xenophobia. 6. Never publicly speak to the goras. Nobody must know you know them.
7. Festival season is the time to not include them. Indians are seldom included in family Christmas celebrations in western Europe. Do not include white people in Diwali or holi celebrations. Let them feel alone in a strange country. 8. Let the Gora struggle to find a good doctor
@IndiGenBharat@Sushmita4Rights@Birdie4canary Who wants to go first to destroy her narrative? #Decolonisation is just beginning in India. The Raj is still not dead in colonized minds in India. There is no debating that decolonisation is the need of the hour. English language is not a measure of intelligence.
PG Wodehouse, Shakespeare are not taught in Britain. Why are they taught in India? Britain’s imperial desires #Racist#Literature wanted to influence Indian social life style, culture and literature of Indian subcontinent. #Decolonize