No more bankrolling the climate talks via sponsorship. Big Polluters only use it to greenwash their image and avoid responsibility for a crisis they have caused. #KickBigPollutersOut of #COP27
We need to reset the system and find new ways of living that work for people, not polluters. That means real solutions to the climate crisis. And real zero. Right now! #KickBigPollutersOut of #COP27
We’ve got a huge fight on our hands vs one of the richest, well-resourced industries on the planet.
But we have people power. 450+ organisations already endorsed our demands, and you can too - sign the petition here:…
⚠️Despite warm words, VDL's term #1 saw unprecedented support for #hydrogen, a #FalseSolution to the #ClimateCrisis promoted by the #FossilFuel industry.
Also, an energy advisory group formed post-🇺🇦 invasion with fossil fuel giants!
It's been shocking to see how von der Leyen & right-wing allies have responded to corporate lobby agenda by ditching promised & much needed new rules on:
We’re very happy to have had the possibility of hearing Dr. Michael Antoniou, Reader in Molecular Genetics at @KingsCollegeLon about new GMOs and issue related to the push for deregulation in the EU and elsewhere 🧵1
What are some of the unintended effects for health and environment from new GMOs? 🧵2
What are the industry and researcher that lobby for deregulation telling to decision-makers: ignore the unintended effects of gene editing 🧵3
As #PFAS consultation ends on Monday, check out our research on the industry, its lobby allies & strategies to weaken EU’s proposed restriction on #ForeverChemicals
Time to #BanPFAS to stop environmental pollution & the growing human health costs.
EU is currently consulting on a proposed ban on #PFAS, with a phase out planned over 12 years, but it looks as if industry has been dominating the consultation, with far more submissions than anyone else.
Today, the President of the Commission von der Leyen did her annual State of the Union speech. Well written, but between the lines you hear a Europe with big business at the steering wheel along with conservative politicians.
Our 9 worst moments from #SOTEU 2023 below.
1⃣ “We shifted the climate agenda to being an economic one”
Yes, on so many occasions, the business agenda of growth and competitiveness has undermined the fight against climate change.
2⃣ “….we will hold clean transition dialogues with industry.”
In recent years, the problem was not the lack of dialogue with industry, but the negative impact of corporate lobbying on climate policies.
❌100+ German businesses are key players for #GreenHydrogen and many of them have ties to the fossil fuel industry, jumping on the hydrogen bandwagon to lock in harmful infrastructure & production models.