"In the Gnostic world however, in order for this Demiurge to create, a fall was required - this being the Female half of the Good God Sophia, falling into matter. Her 'error,' as the Gnostic call it, allowed this realm to be created and for souls to be trapped.
2 "I will discuss Gnostic ideas in a chapter in Book 2, but their belief was Sophia snuck a divine spark or pneuma (a word linked to the lungs & as such to breath), into the original Demiurge's creation. It is this divine spark within, which does not come from the Demiurge, that
3 "can allow for all beings in this creation 2 potentially be redeemed. Kwiatkowski also discusses the idea of the 'Redeemer', a concept of a being or spirit from outside physical matter who has entered in order 2 present Gnosis to the world, & thus provide the pointer 2 an exit.
4 "To Gnostics, Christ was called a Redeemer. That was his role - not to take away our sins, but to act like a pointer for our own inner resources to find our way back to the Father."
1 From The Apocryphon of John, which was written sometime in the 2nd century AD and considered heretical by the church. Gee, I wonder why? 👀
"I then asked him, 'Lord, what of the souls of the people who do not know whose people they are? Where do they go?'
2 "He responded, 'In those people the artificial spirit has grown strong and they have gone astray. Their souls are burdened, drawn to wickedness, and cast into
Forgetfulness = Memory wipe?
3 "When they come forth from the body, such a soul is given over to the powers created by the rulers, bound in chains, and cast into prison again."
Cast into Prison again = Reincarnated to Earth again?
1) I❤️this book! I think Roswell may be related to the intelligence that uses us for energy. A deception...& NOT ET. Possibly, Varginha, too?
Marie explaining "The Inspiration of St. Matthew" to Karl...
Marie: "Actually, there are two alternate ways to interpret this painting.
2 Marie: "I will share both. The question really becomes, is this an angel or not? And this is going to take us to the heart of much of this focus. Who or what created and manipulates reality? Beings actually. Beings that are not human, nor have goodness at their core.”
3 Karl: “Aliens then? Like Roswell? Like from another planet.”
Marie: “No not like Roswell. That is another misdirection in the whole game, though a misdirection that got somewhat out of control at the time. Something did happen there in 1947, but it was not
2 "it does, and we build our interpretations of quantum physics in such ways that they admit an underlying, objective reality. Others don’t make that assumption, and build equally valid interpretations of quantum physics that don’t necessarily have one.
3 "All we have to guide us, for better or for worse, is what we can observe and measure. We can physically describe that, successfully, either with or without an objective, observer-independent reality.
1 #ufo - "I cannot be certain what story is specifically true. Are we souls that have been tricked into coming here by the Demiurge/Satan as the Gnostics and Cathars say? Are we living in what once was a type of beautiful paradise before the dark forces took it over & imprisoned
2 "all life, as Castaneda and my vision (Detailed in the book. ~Joe) might suggest? Are we loosh creatures that were created by the Demiurge long after this realm was first begun? All I can say is that we should KEEP ALL OPTIONS OPEN.
(I added the ALL CAPS. Howdie = Lue 😁 ~Joe)
3 "The bottom line is that one way or another, we are part of a prison-like farm world, and dark forces are working to keep us trapped and deceived, reincarnating again and again a looping energy-harvesting environment."
1 This book is not a happy read, but I'm enjoying it so far. Icke suggests it's rather simple to exit the cave. HM says the opposite.
"There are a few unique creation stories which tell a different narrative. There are a few that present a similar theme as this book, that this
2 "is a simulated realm, made by an evil creator. What is interesting, is that generally the groups who have held such stories, are the ones the Church of Rome has hunted down and exterminated. I will present five unique sources, ancient and modern: the Cathars of Southern
3 "France, the Gnostics who wrote the Nag Hammadi Codex, the out of body experience of Robert Monroe in 1971, the books of Carlos Castaneda and a vision I had in 2009. I think they all provide some foundation for what our realm is, 'why we are here,' and where some
of my thesis
1 #ufo - "Reincarnation, from a Latin term that means ‘entering the flesh again’, is a central pillar of Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. Ancient Greek philosophers including Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato believed in metempsychosis or rebirth.
2 "Globally this has been quite widespread through the ages and cultures and remains so today. Coming back for more? I could never see the logic of the traditional explanation of reincarnation. Why would you have to return to a tiny planet time after time to become ‘enlightened’
3 "enough to escape that cycle as we are told by Eastern religions and belief-systems that derive from Eastern religions? It’s a bit like the Christian idea of ‘God’ judging you for all eternity on the basis of one life in this world lasting a hundred years or ten minutes.