#Ramayana-Hindu Culture spread throughout Asia via the Rama Story. It travelled by sea and land to China, Tibet, Turkestan, Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. #Thread
Most countries have adapted Rama Story acc. to their own culture with a local setting; the Indian names are used for important towns, sites, mountains, rivers, and lakes.
The adoption of Valmiki Story in Asian countries was selective and influenced by local values
In China, The Buddhist work Mahavibhasa (150ce) is oldest record of Ramayana. Hsuan Tsang stated "There is a book called the Rāmāyaṇa...[it] explains only two topics: namely Rāvana carrying Sītā off by violence and Rāma recovering Sītā and returning."
pic @CliosChronicles
Rama story in China exists in the form of two Jätaka tales: of an unnamed king called the Anamaka Jātakam, and the Nidana of King Ten-Luxuries, called the Dasarata Katha
The Buddhist who brought Rama story to China has transformed it into Buddhist describing Buddha as Rama
Rama's enemy is his own maternal uncle, who usurps his throne. His wife is abducted by Naga. Rama retires to forest instead of war. In the end, serpent and uncle dies. King's wife proves her chastity by entering into earth
In Tibet, there is another version other than 2 chinese versions. In this version, Sita is shown as daughter of Ravana, who was thrown into sea, found by farmers given to Janaka later destroys her father. Obviously, this is not in orig. Ramayana or Ramcharitmanas
East Turkestan
Rāma story in East Turkestan dates back from the ninth century A.D. The Rāmāyaṇa of East Turkestan, unlike the Tibetan Rāmāyana, does not have the Uttara Kanda
The Annamites have given it a local orientation. Champa, kingdom of 10-heads (Ravana) and Annam kingdom of the Ten-chariots (Dasaratha) were enemies. the Champa king abducts Annamite king's wife. Annammite builds a causeway across the sea and recovers the Queen.
The several literary versions in Indonesia are the Kākāwin Rāmāyaṇa, the Serat Ram, the Javanese Uttara Kanda (existing as a separate work), the Carit Rāmāyaṇa, the Serät Kända, and the Rama Kling.
The Javanese Kakawin Ramayana, a story from Kashmir (5th ce) doesn;t have Bala Kanda and Uttra Kanda. Since Kakawin closely follow Valmiki Ramayana, it must be based on version of Rama story b4 1st and last kand were added to Valmiki's Ramayana
The other Javanese ver. 'Serät Kända' has interesting part, Mandodari is wife of Dasaratha, later given away to Ravana, Sita is the daughter of Mandodari in Serat Kanda unlike Tibetan. Sita is banished for drawing Ravana portrait.
Sita gives birth to only one son
In another story 'Maiyarab' in javanese ver Serat, Rama goes to underworld and meets his 2 sons and war takes place between father and sons.
Malaya Ramayan called Hikayat Seri Ram is based completely on Serat Kanda with many musIim legends.
Cambodian Rama story 'Riemkerr' differs considerably from Valmiki Ramayana and somewhat closure to Thai Ramayana. Riemkerr ends with the union of Rama and Sita.
Thai Rama Story in literary form was written in 1798-1809 ce. in verse form for staging of masked play 'Khon'. This ver. also doesn't tally with Valmiki's ver. Sita in Thai Ramakirti is daughter of Ravana, banished for drawing portrait, bears one son, fight b/w father son
In Laotian literature, a tale of Dasratha and a tale of Rama is found in Mandu-Pakron. The Dasratha tale deals with Rama exile and Tale of Rama describes Sita's abduction ensuing a war.
This version some what agrees with Valmiki's Ramayana.
In Burmese Ramayana, Ranava sends a stag to lead Rama away from Sita. The story has local setting in connection to healing herb which Hanumana brings from Mount Popa instead from Himalayas
Pic blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-afri…
This background of the diversity of the Rama story within India itself, it is possible now to account for the non-Välmiki elements of the Rāma story in Asia. Most of these non-Välmīki episodes are traceable to India in the regional Rāmāyaṇas,
The regional versions contain most of the important non-Valmiki elements of the Asian version: 1. Parentage of Sitä (Kashmiri Rāmāyaṇa); 2. Recognition of Ravana's qualities (Jain and Kamban Rāmāyaṇas) 3. Episode of Maiyarab (Bengāli Rāmāyaṇa of Krittibāsa);
4. Reason for the second banishment of Sitä (Jain Rāmāyaṇa, Bengāli Rāmāyaṇa of Krittibāsa and Kashmiri Rāmāyaṇa) 5. miraculous creation of Sita's second son (Käshmiri Rāmāyaṇa);
Rāma's war with his sons (Bengali Rāmāyaṇa of Chandravati and Kashmiri Rāmāyaṇa)
6. the final union of Rama and Sītā (Bhavabhūti's Uttara- ramacharita).
The Välmīki Rāmāyaṇa depicts Hindu dharma of personal life, family life, and social order. As regards personal and family life, the Välmīki Rāmāyaṇa creates ideal human characters in Räma, Lakṣmaṇa, Bharata, Kausalya, and Sītā.
It emphasizes the ideal relationships between father and sons, between brothers, and between husband and wife.
Valmiki Rāmāyaṇa lays down the character of an ideal woman and man. Rāma and Sīta are the Hindu ideals of the Perfect Man and the Perfect Woman.
The Valmiki Rāmāyaṇa also depicts the Hindu ideal of a perfect life of righteousness. To live right a person has to undergo sorrow, suffering, trial, and endurance
Matrimonial connection between ancient Greece and modern India
The similarities between these two civilizations are striking, from fathers arranging marriages for their daughters to wedding rituals spanning several days.
Vases dating back to 500-400 BCE found in Greece and artifacts from 200 BCE-200 CE found in Chandraketugarh, Bengal hint at a connection.
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Preparation for marriage | Finding the groom
A woman's guardian, or kyrios, was responsible for arranging her marriage, as she couldn't legally do it herself. She likely had some social contact with her future husband. Marriages within extended family groups, such as first cousins, uncles and nieces, second cousins, or half-siblings, were common.
Preparation for marriage | The Dowry
In ancient Greek weddings, the first step was the dowry, provided by the woman's kyrios (guardian). It was usually given at the betrothal but could be delayed until the wedding ceremony if agreed upon.
The dowry often comprised money but could include items like furniture or, rarely, land. Non-monetary items were given a cash value. Land was seldom included, as men preferred to reserve it for their sons' inheritance.
While @ASIGoI established by Britishers preserving Graveyards, the descendent of Ajanta, the Bagh Caves in Madhya Pradesh, a series of fifth-century rock-cut caves adorned with exquisite Buddhist murals, are facing severe neglect despite their historical and cultural importance. Once vibrant with intricate artwork tied to the Ajanta school, the caves now suffer from water seepage and a lack of proper maintenance, putting the remaining wall art at risk of permanent damage.
Although these caves played a significant role in India's art history—the site today receives minimal tourist attention and no substantial preservation effort. Local authorities have voiced intentions to promote tourism around the caves, but immediate and focused conservation efforts are critical to prevent further deterioration of this invaluable heritage site.
@MinOfCultureGoI @narendramodi @DrMohanYadav51 @JansamparkMP @CMMadhyaPradesh @UNESCO A veena player. The original Bagh Cave paintings were made in tempera using mineral colours from ochre, clay, chalk, kaolin line, lamp-black, gypsum green glauconite, and lapis lazuli.
The rock-cut Bagh Cave temples served as monasteries for Buddhist monks who spent the monsoon months in meditation. Whilst the secular paintings depicted the life of their patrons, paintings such as the above portrayed the spiritual side of the monks’ lives.
Small #Thread on YG Srimati, who revitalized Indian classical painting, challenging the British replica tradition. She and her peers ignited a new Indian art movement with their innovative approaches.
As a young, educated supporter of India's independence, Srimati was a talented artist and musician. In 1946, she sang devotional songs at independence rallies in Chennai, supporting Mahatma Gandhi's vision of cultural unity.
Y.G. Srimati with Mahatma Gandhi at an independence rally
Woman with Lotus
Y. G. Srimati Indian
August 27, 1951
Throughout her career Srimati enjoyed producing paintings that celebrate feminine beauty. While inspired by figure-types in the sixth-century cave murals at Ajanta, the studies are distanced from their source by the absence of narrative. Their success depends instead on the quality and purity of line. Woman with Lotus is one of the artist’s most daring works in this genre. Its large scale demanded an absolute sureness of line and the subtle manipulation of large areas of color washes. The resulting work is both sinuous and sensuous.
Carudatta Presenting a Pearl Necklace to Vasantesena
Y. G. Srimati
ca. 1952
Y G Srimati used figure-types from the sixth-century murals at Ajanta’s Buddhist rock-cut cave monasteries as the basis for a series of paintings that explore and, in a sense, celebrate the art of India’s past. In this she was following the teachings of Nandalal Bose and others who advocated looking to Indian history for appropriate subjects. In this work we see the Ajantaesque style deployed in the service of an early Sanskrit secular drama, Mrcchakatika (The Little Clay Cart). The play, likely dating to the third or fourth century A.D., explores the love of a rich courtesan, Vasantesena, and a noble-spirited Brahmin, Carudatta. The complexities of the drama and the celebration of the nobility of selfless giving are skillfully evoked in this small, intense painting.
Thread on the global events surrounding the initiation of Kaliyuga, often termed "A Celestial Clock Reset." It was triggered by a rare planetary conjunction on 18th Feb 3102 BCE.
This era marked profound shifts in ancient civilizations, influencing cultural narratives and astronomical records.
This thread captures archaeological, paleological, Occeanographical, meteriotical records.
#Archaeology #Astronomy #AncientHistory
Documented Celestial Events of 3100 BCE
- In a remarkable display of cosmic choreography, four notable comets blazed across the night sky, each arriving with a month's interval. These celestial visitors, meticulously chronicled by Duncan Steele, intersected Earth's orbit, captivating ancient sky-watchers.
- Among them, the mighty Proto-Encke made its closest approach, a spectacle that would have inspired awe and possibly fear, as it loomed large and bright.
- This period also witnessed a mysterious global dust veil, shrouding the Earth and leaving its mark on tree growth rings, particularly in regions like Ireland and England. This veil likely caused cooler temperatures and affected agriculture, embedding the memory of these celestial events into the very fabric of history and nature.
Nestled within the remote expanse of Australia's Northern Territory, the imposing Henbury Meteorite Crater spans 500 feet wide. This awe-inspiring geological feature was formed around 3100 BCE when a fiery meteorite, hurtling through the cosmos, collided with Earth, leaving behind a breathtaking reminder of the universe's immense and untamed forces.
Exploring Greek scholars' perspectives on women in society (800-400 BCE).
During 500–200 BCE, Athens saw women confined to households without political voice. Contrastingly, Spartan women owned property and engaged in physical education.
Discover the intricate roles played by women in religion amid societal constraints on public life.
480 BCE: In Euripides' Hippolytus, the protagonist ponders, "zeus, why did you place women on earth, a deceptive affliction for men?" (Hippolytus 616-17)
In lines 269-73 of "Andromache," it's remarked, "Curious how the divine has granted men slaves to deal with the poison of all crawling creatures, yet never has a remedy been created for the venomous woman, more perilous than flame or serpent."