Alex Jones is my ex, and the unconstitutional efforts to silence me and Color of Law orders enjoining my free speech (that are hidden under a void seal) have been
This thread is about your Trump readmission poll & contemplation & National Security.
3/First off, I would like to say that America is a Nation, not a game and that the contemplation of readmission of a man under Federal Investigation for #Insurrection with dictator dreams, undermined our free press & has Russian ties transcends irresponsibility into endangerment.
4/ .@elonmusk, the last time I was on here was to broadcast a logically terrified emergency broadcast wherein I somewhat describe the rigors that have been exerted against me to protect Alex Jones outside the Rule of Law by TX Attorneys & select Judges
5/I have spent the last 7 years unraveling the fraud that stole required/majority interest in Free Speech Systems, LLC & the overlying entity, or my controlling interests in the entities that own Infowars & all related Intellectual Property in a void, non-existent contract...
(5/.@elonmusk I'm about to break something HUGE, & will pause to assure my replies to myself are posted in this thread.
One thing you could do to improve desktop users' experience, would be to improve the thread functionality or obvious.)
5/I've spent the last 7 years unraveling a void, non-existent contract fraud that stole my required/majority interest in Free Speech Systems, LLC & in the overlying entity, or my controlling interests in the entities that own Infowars/all related Intellectual Property:
6/Before I write more about what that void contract/non-existent contract that altered nothing & is the evidence of the organized crime & legal simulation under Color of Law enacted to silence me & stop me from unplugging Infowars, an asset I closely own, presently stolen...
7/Today, while my property remains stolen by void/non-existent contract, and while my children endured a hell indescribable to keep them away from me in litigation I had to defend & spend every cent &effort to protect them, of the indescribably disparate non-agreed "award"...
8/While I've had to mortgage my home of 11 years after I prevailed in the 2-week 2017 jury trial because Alex Jones sued me impossibly for responding to his attorneys' defamation of me on Infowars, whereafter my kids were taken for my efforts to unplug infowars...
9/My child's home is facing imminent foreclosure while Alex Jones owes me 100s of thousands on the void/fraudulent loan he forced me to lend him, money his attorneys stole held in benefit of my child for her support, & child support reimbursement for expenses paid over 7 yrs ago.
9/So, for the last 7 months, while my child was denied mandatory Texas Family Code protections for (criminal) Continuous Family Violence, by four judges in Travis County (arrest for Family Violence with Bodily Injury and violation of Emergency Protective Order for the same), &...
10/While I have been selling jewelry to feed my child and for gas, while she has been denied necessary care she needs and while Alex Jones terrorized her so much that I attempted to file for Emergency Protective Order just last week...
8/While I have been selling jewelry to feed my child and for gas, while she has been denied necessary care she needs and while Alex Jones terrorized her so much that I attempted to file for Emergency Protective Order just last week...
9/Because Alex Jones' DQed attorneys have stolen money I put into Trust for my child's benefit & money Alex Jones owes me on the loan he obtained by Fraudulent Statements while they are also the Registered Agents Without Consent of Undisclosed Property that is mine that is stolen
10/Attorneys & judges don't undertake such extremely unconstitutional, illegal acts &impose such lawless secrecy without having a motive.
That motive is self-protective, to obstruct your awareness of their culpability to enable/assist Alex Jones under Color of Law: wait for it.
11/(@elonmusk, if this thread is missing pieces, it's because desktop experience is sorely lacking, pls fix).
So, while all of this & more has been going on, I have been unraveling the Fraud on the Court enacted against me that has irreparably injured America..& I learned..
So, I was looking into the conspiracy enacted by my own attorneys in concert with Alex, David, and Carol Jones who counterfeited trademarks while embezzling and stealing from my closely-held entities while I was in separation & divorce negotiations I started in 2011
13/.@elonmusk, I started this thread out of concerns of your contemplation of reinstating Trump on Twitter, and I will follow the breaking information below with Alex Jones/Roger Stone/Russia State Media ties.
While I was investigating the massive Fraud, I happened upon this article. The headline has changed. It used to include Attorney Marc Randazza as being under investigation, with Alex Jones and Roger Stone. The headline changed when I made inquiry..
While I was investigating the massive Fraud, I happened upon this article. The headline has changed. It used to include Attorney Marc Randazza as being under investigation, with Alex Jones and Roger Stone. The headline changed when I made inquiry..
More background:
Attorney Marc Randazza defended Alex Jones' violent threats on January 6th...
@elonmusk (Why can I not thread?? I'm trying to post in-thread and they are showing up as replies.. this is REALLY important... Trying to post Exclusive Breaking information in Thread)
I had never met Attny Marc Randazza, heard his name, and I didn’t know he existed until 2018.
I was in divorce “negotiations” with Alex Jones from 3/11 & was divorced in 2015.
While I’m investigating the Fraud..
While I’m investigating the Fraud of the divorce, prior to which my own attorneys conspired to assist Alex, David, & Carol Jones with believed predicate RICO offenses..
I learned this week that 5 YRS PRIOR to when I knew Marc Randazza existed,while Alex &his parents set up secret entities that would make them unprecedented money, around the time that Roger Stone showed up on Infowars..
While I’m investigating the Fraud of the divorce, prior to which my own attorneys conspired to assist Alex, David, & Carol Jones with believed predicate RICO offenses..
While investigating Fraud during my marriage & divorce from Alex Jones, I find out that, while Alex started making unprecedented amounts of $$$, just prior to Roger Stone's ongoing appearances on Infowars, Ranzazza...
IN 2013, when I did not know him or of him, just before Infowars became a major campaign platform for Trump,
👆 👆 👆 👆 👆 👆 👆
(Significance in next tweets):
18/BREAKING - #INSURRECTION#January6thCommittee
This is huge:
Just before Roger Stone becomes a major Infowars talking head & infowars becomes "Trump TV", shell corps are being formed & to sell supplements to make unprecedented $ & Marc Randazza registers MY Trademark Infowars
Going live in a Space because I don't think everyone gets the implications of Randazza's 2013 Infowars Trademarking filing for Free Speech Systems, LLC, Kelly Jones Required Interest - join me!
1/My ex, Alex Jones has lost control of the assets that he & his DQed counsel have & continue to steal, including Infowars, which I tried to stop & lost my kids for so-doing.
The DOJ is involved.
Who are hiding my assets that are MINE from the Court and from me, while assisting to criminal non-support..
Have CONSPIRED with the 345th District Court of Travis Co., TX to deny PUBLIC HEARING
3/ A MOTION TO UNSEAL FILED PURSUANT TO R. 76(a) of the Tex. R. Civ. Procedure REQUIRES public hearing.
D-1-FM-15-005030 which has been void litigation enacted in conspiracy by a corrupt faction of the Travis Co & Alex's Counsel, outside the Rule of Law, to protect Alex Jones..
Today I was denied an open hearing by Judge Soifer who would not order mandatory protections for my child after criminal continuous family violence in Alex Jones' home.
Just a reminder that Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers was on Infowars before the #insurrection talking about "blood on the streets," who is responsible for Alex Jones...
and that Joe Rogan still won't talk to me.
(Alex Jones' ex-wife.)