A native of the Lugansk region, Sergei Barsukov, in 9 years, went from a conscript soldier to an officer, commander of an elite unit.
"Bars" did not change the oath when the "Russian world" came to its native land. In August 2014 he signed the first contract.
Military service became his vocation, and the defense of Ukraine became the meaning of life. /2
The fighter was sent to the ATO zone more than once, and in September 2020 his dream came true - Bars became the commander of a special intelligence company of the National Guard.
With the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, Bars conducted a number of brilliant intelligence operations behind enemy lines. A brave, competent, resolute officer never hid behind the backs of his soldiers, setting an example to follow.
On June 28, the life of the Hero, who was not taken by bullets during the most difficult attacks, was cut off by fragments of a random mine. Bars died while performing a combat mission in the Kharkiv region.
In September, Senior Lieutenant Sergei Barsukov was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.
To understand the significance of the attack in the Bryansk region: the Slava plant is a storage facility for the strategic state reserve of fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
On its territory there are 48 reservoirs with a capacity of 5 and 2 thousand /1
cubic meters.
Earlier on Wednesday, it was already attacked by unknown UAVs, as a result of which 3 storage facilities for 15,000 tons of aviation kerosene were destroyed.
Judging by reports in Russian public pages, another 10-15 thousand tons of expensive fuel destined /2
Uppdatering och grattis på självständighetsdagen FINLAND. Sanna Marin, Finlands PM, är mycket populär här i Ukraina.
Det stora samtalsämnet just nu är hur i hela världen har vi kunnat attackera mål djupt inne i Ryzzland.
Även för mig kom detta som en överaskning, Är det så att tack vare dessa två attacker på flygbaserna lämnades Kyiv obombat, var det just de plan som blev förstörda som var avsedda för Kyiv? Frågorna är många och spekulationerna går vilda.
En sak är nu säker; vi kan nå Moskva från Sjotska !!!! Tystnaden från Washington visar att även de blev tagna på sängen. Avtalet med dem är ju att vi inte får attackera ryzk mark med deras vapen men ingenting har sagts om våra egna vapens restriktioner.
Joakim von Braun ( rysslandsexpert )
Kl: 19.00
Ryska bombflyget fick på nöten
Kl 04:26 inträffar en mäktig explosion på den ryska flygbasen Engels-2 som ligger cirka 400 kilometer sydost om Moskva.
/1 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Flygbasen har bland annat ett antal bombplan av typ Tu-95 och Tu-160 stationerade där vilka har varit synnerligen aktiva i omfattande krigsbrott mot den ukrainska civilbefolkningen.
Bägge flygplanstyperna används nämligen som vapenbärare för de kryssningsmissiler som Vladimir Putin låter avfyra mot hyreshus, daghem, sjukhus och delar av det ukrainska elnätet.
Uppdatering och en dag till firandet av Finlands självständighetsdag. Det sker en hel del på frontlinjerna men egentliga strider, marktrupper mot marktrupper, sker enbart i Donbas. Det som skett det sista dygnet är följande:
Norr om Marinka har våra trupper återtagit ca 500 m av ryzzarna. Däremot trycker orcerna på vid Pisky mot Pervomaiske. Här har ryzzarna infekterat en 2 km långt område.
Det handlar om öppna landskap så det kan även vara en taktisk reträtt från vår sida, vi har naturliga hinder här, nämligen vattendrag.
This is what the Russian occupiers' destruction of Mariupol looks like. the Russians are mass demolishing high-rise buildings in the city.
🛰 This is evidenced by satellite images from Maxar Technologies. The houses where we once lived peacefully become 100% ruins. /1
They are literally erased from the earth.
☝️During the siege, 2,257 apartment buildings were damaged by Russian shelling. That is, 90% of the entire housing stock. In total, more than 50% of high-rise buildings were destroyed, which is 1,356 buildings.
They don't stop there. Now they are destroying buildings and hiding the traces of their war crimes. 😥At the same time, they are destroying our memory, our apartments, our past happy life.
The main critic of Kadyrov was shot dead in Sweden
Tumso Abdurakhmanov, a well-known critic of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, was killed in Sweden. He was a supporter of the independence of Ichkeria
Abdurahman was shot on the night of December 1-2.
The Swedish authorities have not yet commented on this information. Chechen opposition Telegram channel 1ADAT also confirmed that Abdurakhmanov was killed and his brother Muhammad Abdurakhmanov is under the protection of Swedish security forces
The disappearance of a 36-year-old man became known the day before. It was reported that human rights defenders and journalists have not been able to contact Abdurakhmanov for three days