DLB belongs to a family of disorders typically known as "synucleinopathies" 🔬
Other members are:
- PD
All of them have abnormal inclusions of α-Synuclein at a pathological level.
"Pathology is not pathogenesis", therefore we shouldn't assume that the presence of these pathological changes are a synonym of "protein toxicity".
DLB is a type of neurodegenerative dementia with histopathology characterized by progressive accumulation of alpha-synuclein as Lewy Bodies and Lewy Neurites in the brainstem, limbic and neocortical regions. 📖
We'll review each of them in order to find the main 🦪 and try to make our Dx more precise
Distinct profile of cognitive dysfunction:
⚠️ Attention
📔 Executive function
🗻 Visospatial abilities
🦪 More impairment and more rapid decline of Executive function in PDD than DLB
Fluctuations in DLB🤯
"Deficits in cognitive performance or daily functioning that alternate with periods of normal or close-to normal functioning."
1️⃣ Daytime drowsiness and lethargy
2️⃣ Daytime 😴lasting for at least 2 h
3️⃣ Staring into space
Fluctuations in DLB🤯
More examples
1️⃣ Episodes of disorganised speech
2️⃣ Brief interruptions of consciousness,
3️⃣ Periods of increased confusion
4️⃣ Episodes of diminished arousal
5️⃣ Periods of prolonged sleep
Fluctuations in DLB🤯
Scores can help us identify fluctuations. ⬇️
🦪There is no perfect score/scale
Fluctuations in DLB🤯
What causes fluctuations?
Disruption of thalamo-cortical or cortico-cortical connections? Maybe...
The real answer should be "weare not sure, yet". Nevertheless research using different biomarkes is being done and we may one day know the answer
Hallucinatins in DLB 👻🪞
Present in 80% of Patients
Well formed, include: 🤼 👶🐕
Other modalities? 👂
Auditory hallucinations have been reported in around 30% of pathologically confirmed DLB patients in one study.
A prodromal DLB spectrum is now being recognized and research criteria have been proposed.
3️⃣ main phenotypes are present within this spectrum
For more about prodromal DLB 👇
As many other neurodegenerative disorders, pathology will give the final diagnosis, however MRI and other biomarkers can help us reduce diagnostic uncertainty.
More sources:
4.- Mol Neurodegener. 2019 Jan 21;14(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s13024-019-0306-8
5.- Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2019 Apr;53(4):291-303.
doi: 10.1177/0004867419835029
6.- Neurology® 2020;94:1-e12. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000009434
Due to the complexity of this structure, this tweetorial is composed of three main parts.
1️⃣ Gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy (sort of)
2️⃣ Areas and connections
3️⃣ Clinical Syndromes and curiosities
Hope you enjoy!
Do you remember last Tweetorial's question?
Exner's area 🧠📝🥸
Described in 1881, the area located close to the superior frontal sulcus in BA6, anterior to the hand primary motor area, has been involved in the handwritten production of words.
"It is likely possible to learn more about neurologic status from watching a patient walk than from any other single procedure, and observation of gait should always be part of a neurologic examination."
Gait is a sensory-motor function, which needs the adequate interaction between major systems for:
1⃣ Generating force
2⃣ Orientation in space
3⃣ Refine force
4⃣ Collate and interpret sensory information; select and modify motor programs
This tweetorial is based on:
Epilepsy Behav. 2005 Aug;7(1):1-17.
doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2005.04.004
This paper was written using the previous classification system and some data may need an update, nevertheless I find it useful when teaching about seizure semiology. 📓