Tamilian from India may have migrated to Australia Satellite photograph of the rock carved legend reveals. #Archaeology#Thread
Other set of ancient symbols discovered along the eastern coastline of Australia and Antarctica are very similar to early #Sumerian and #IVC characters
Src: William James Veall, (Copyright WJV 2017)
Yet another Rock-strewn debris with a pattern of rocks seemingly set in the form of an ancient legend embedded into the seashore. Exposed size 50 meters in length x 25 meters
#Ramayana-Hindu Culture spread throughout Asia via the Rama Story.
It travelled by sea and land to China, Tibet, Turkestan, Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Japan #Thread Repost
Most countries have adapted Rama Story acc. to their own culture with a local setting; the Indian names are used for important towns, sites, mountains, rivers, and lakes.
The adoption of Valmiki Story in Asian countries was selective and influenced by local values
The Buddhist work Mahavibhasa (150ce) is oldest record of Ramayana. Hsuan Tsang stated "There is a book called the Rāmāyaṇa...[it] explains only two topics: 1. Rāvana carrying Sītā off by violence 2. Rāma recovering Sītā and returning."
Today 3rd Dec in 1984, gas leak happened from a #UnionCarbide Plant in Bhopal, India claiming of 15,000 to 20,000 deaths eventually and leaving some half million survivors with chronic medical ailments • #Thread
Worst Industrial Accident as it is called was due to substandard operating and safety procedures at the understaffed plant. Despite several other previous leakage cases the plant was operated to produce MIC
MIC the leaked gas was denser than air, people with small heights and children were most affected
While I get back my original handle @GemsOfIndology
Here is a thread on Inquisitions method used by Spain (1478–1834) and Portuguese (1536-1821) in their Colonies
Portuguese Inquisition was known as the General Council of the Holy Office of the Inquisition #Thread Part I
Inquisitions were introduced to combat heresy by Spain and Portugese authorised by Papal Bull & Kings respectively
While some account of Spainish excesses can be found, Portuguese excesses on Goans have totally vanished from records. Here are few Illustration in this #Thread
An auto-da-fé of the Spanish Inquisition and the execution of sentences by burning heretics on the stake in a market place. Engraving by B. Picart.