๐#SQL is super important. These are the questions that you will have face in interviews which helps you to ace your sql interviews
Credit - Shri Ajay Kadiyala Sir ๐ฅ
Q1. Explain the various types of Joins?
2. Explain Equi join?
3. Explain the Right Outer Join?
4. How do you alter the name of a column?
5. how can you build a stored procedure?
6. Distinguish between MongoDB and MySQL ?
Q7. Compare the 'Having' and 'Where' clauses in detail?
8. What are the differences between COALESCE() and ISNULL()?
9. What is the difference between โStored Procedureโ and โFunctionโ?
10. What is the difference between the โDELETEโ and โTRUNCATEโ commands?
From SELECT * to GROUP BY, SQL Bolt contains lessons and interactive exercises to help you grasp the essentials in SQL. With no SQL Experience, you can get the basics of SQL in just one week.